Where can I buy the Kit?

That website looks good too bad with Revolution you probably WONT get the parts you PAY for.
Revolution does NOT have a good reputation.
I dont think he is a grubee dist any more.
I really would buy from Dax myself.
I have not tried my Gear Box PTO to a Honda 50 yet. so. I do not know if they will mate up. It looks like it will. But I have not tried it, so I can not say it will. Thanks.. Enjoy the ride.
If you are looking to frame mount for your GXH50, try here:

Bicycle Engines, Motorized Bicycles, Bicycle Motors, Motored Bikes: 2-Stroke & 4-Stroke Kits!

I don't know if they list the kit separately on that site, but I have heard of people buying it there.

Same about this place:

ATV,Dirt Bikes,Mopeds,Mini Bikes,Electric Bikes,Motorized Bicycles,Bicycle Motors

Just a piece of unsolicited advise- for the frame mount and gearbox- stick with the Grubee Skyhawk II. There is another kit out there, but I have heard nothing but trouble. You can tell them apart at a casual glance- the Grubee gearbox is a symetrical, kind of oval shape. The other one looks like a number "8" on its side. Also, the Grubee has an adjustable mounting plate that fits more bikes. The other one uses a non-adjustable plate.
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