Running REALLY rich.....which way...


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
She runs, but man I'm killing it with fuel - dumb question which way should I move the clip to make it leaner?
drop the needle down. stock is #2 spot up from the short end. For example the c-clip on the last groove closest to the taper is richest and c-clip on the every end is leanest. Does that help and make since? I need to get a picture. As it would explain it best.
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Think of it like a stopper.
the longer the stopper the better the seal... So when you move the clip UP toward the flat end the rod, it becomes longer and goes farther into the seat making a better seal.

If you move the clip toward the pointed end then you prevent the stopper from going into the seat as deeply letting more gas by it.

More gas toward the point ... less gas toward the back.... Probably not as good as explaination as some but it tends to make it easier for me to remember ...

but it dont help me get the darn carb to work.
What you guys say make total I moved the clip up and it's still flooding and won't even start!

So I think something is fundamentally wrong with the carb set up...let me ask this: Does the washer with the slot in it go OVER or UNDER the E-clip when you reassemble it?

The picture in the Mandarin instructions clearly show it UNDER (which doesn't seem correct), but when I read on the (ahem) other board one smart guy says it goes OVER the E-clip when you reassemble it......and in some ways that makes sense...
The needle and e-clip goes in first then the slotted washer next so the slotted washer goes over the needle and e-clip.The spring and the slotted washer hold the e-clip and needle in the slide.
You might have a sticking float to cure that take off the float bowl and remove the float assembly so you can get to the seat and needle thats in there blow this out with compressed air no wire or pins should be used to clean this out as you will wreak it. If you've got the carb off the bike you can turn the carb upside down and the floats assembly should for the most part look level. to see if the floats needle and seat are working . use a piece of fuel tubing and gently with our mouth blow into the fuel tubing should takes a little pressure to make the needle unseat and if you put your finger on the float assembly and blow you should not be able to.(Sounds Kinkyrotfl) Does this help? If not I'll have to get out the camera.
Here the pictures of the carb and how it goes together I also made a mistake my engines both have the e-clip in #2 slot from the top or short end. Pictures will help explain.
Where my e-clip is on the needle both the 70cc and 80cc are the same and I think factory stock
Hold on do I have mine assembled backwards. Does it not go from the shallow end through to the deep end. It looks like yours goes through the deep end to the shallow end.

never mind I think now i have it. I flipped the brass pipe over and now it all makes perfect sense. Dang it Norman I can't believe my mind is that soft that I couldn't see what was going on. Geeze now I'm ashamed to show my face here.
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Are you asking about the slide? the slide is flat on top the bevel end goes into the carb first or the proper name is ( cut away) on the slide. The floor on the slide tube will be at the bottom when all goodie are in place. Does this make better since.
Did you do it backwards? Wheres the icons I need Icons. LOL. Aha go advanced and we have icons lets seerotflrotfl. Sorry but I had to laugh.
Don't worry I make mistakes all the time Why I was backwards on the e-clips position.
I got it from the pics. The reason the one bowl of the pipe is so deep is it HOLDS the spring right? I had the darn thing backwards maybe why it was so rich.
Those pictures are how I have mine now and guess what? It runs!!! It's a little lean from the first adjustment to the top groove (and I didn't feel like fixing it now). Bottom line - your pictures above are correct!!!

Just how many errors could be in those instructions? That one is particularly bad! Actually I'm rather pissed!!! People would put it together per the instructions and the thing won't run. That is terrible. I flooded the thing and wiped out two spark plugs. I guess it's kinda good for the metals - soaked with very oily gas.

Anyway the bike is running OK. I'll need to go back to the second groove and set the idle. Probably get a fresh plug.:ride2:
Did you do it backwards? Wheres the icons I need Icons. LOL. Aha go advanced and we have icons lets see. Sorry but I had to laugh.
Don't worry I make mistakes all the time Why I was backwards on the e-clips position.

Laugh at the stinking Chinese instructions. Not us!!rotfl;)

BTW Norman, I don't know you, but you are the MAN!(^)
Hey I threw the little silver clip into the cylinder and broke two rings because of those lousy directions. I was soooo upset.

Norman helped me replace the rings and now get the carb right. I think I am finally going to get this thing running now. thanks to your question I saw what I was doing wrong from Norms pics as well.
the main jet is for wide open throttle the needle is tapered for low to mid throttle.
Performance? If you are looking for that buy a motorcycle.rotfl
go to install pages last page. There are instructions and pictures of how to load the carb slide and how it looks when finished. Thanks.. Enjoy the ride...