lights that run off the white wire no battery needed


LORD VADER Moderator
This light is for the china engines and it works off the white wire.
here is some pictures and information on the lights: The head light comes with the wiring and mounts, A micro switch turns both the head and tail light on/off.
The headlight comes unpainted (died black) The mount fits 1" dia handle bars to mount on 7/8" dia handle bars use the 7/8" inserts included .
Instructions included with the head light




Headlight with mounts is $40.00 includes shipping.
Head light with mounts and tail light $55.00 includes shipping
tail light only is $20.00 includes shipping
Payment for lights by money order or PayPal . paypal address is [email protected]
I ship by USPS.

Some important info: Some engines have a magneto coil that just isn't the best there's been a few that are not up to the task of running these lights unless you keep the rpms up at idle or the engine will die at the normal idle.
The tail light is dim or will not light up at idle on most mag coils,above idle the led light will be bright enough to be seen from behind.
If you want to be able to see in the dark and be seen from behind when riding then this set up should work fine plus no need for a battery.
WARNING!! Your engine may not work with this light at all or you may have to increase the rpm so it will idle it may also run crumby when the light is turned on. Seems that in trying to make these engines cheaper they've skimped on the mag coil windings and the mag rotor strength. I can't tell how good or sorry an engine will be no matter who made it or sells it so, I won't refund your purchase so please check you engines white wire system first.
You can test your mag coil with a 6 volt lantern bulb, do not get the led bulb it will not work for this test( you can get a 6 volt lantern bulb at Walmart) if the engine will run with it and idle well then the light I sell should work fine. solder 2 wires to the bulb, one to the bulbs center terminal, the other to the bulbs side, attach one wire to the white wire the other to the engines ground doesn't matter which wire is used for the ground or vise versa as this is only to test the engine's ability to light the bulb. If the bulb lights and doesn't kill the engine then my light should work, if it dies, try it again and see how high you have to set the idle. If it will work with a higher idle, you will need to decide if you want your engine to idle that high before you purchase this light. Once you've bought the light there's NO RETURN OR REFUND... the other option is.The lights will work with a 6 volt battery.

Fairracing does a review on the small light below on the next post (old style housing) new light has the same lighting as the old one just a newer style housing and mount for the new light.
contact me here by PM for more info. or email me. [email protected]
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Here are some pics of Norms lights. The two toward the garage are the small light about 40' away.
The two toward the fence are the big light about 40' away. They are a little fuzzy because it was so dark outside. I used a tripod but the wind was blowing pretty good and couldn't get the camera real still................


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Ilikeabikea's pictures are as follows in the above post. light is on looking in garage#2 then lights of you can just see the Harley if you look closely. #3 picture is lights off then # 4 picture is lights on 50' to the fence we can't get the camera to really show the lights brightness. It was cold and over cast at night around 9:30PM and the ever blowing Texas wind.
Any way no batteries needed for this light the white wire will work good.
I've been running all my bikes with this light my first bike is now 2 years old and on the same bulbs. You can run it off batteries if you want to I haven't but the headlight and taillight will run off batteries. ( batteries not included) or needed
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I am using one of Norman's lights and I am very pleased with the quality. The light is plenty bright and works flawlessly. I wanted to start riding my bike to work to save gas so I decided to see how long it would take to get there. It was after dark, no problem, I have a light. I went there and back, passed by several police cruisers and none of them stopped me. I'm very happy with my light.
I did some checking into shipping by the USPS.
To ship to the land of OZ its about $15.00 but I can put in maybe 3 headlights in the box, so if you guys want to try one of my headlight I'll be willing to ship you one or 3 or more.
Same for any country I can box up what you want take it to the post office and see what it will cost for the shipping then contact you about the price.
You will only pay the extra price on the actual shipping. Most of the time your light will get its first ride on a Harley Davidson might give it an attitude or something I don't know.
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Just got Norms light in It looks way cool . I got the one pict above with the skull cap . I will be playing with it tonight. Nice job on the skull cap Dude! Now I have to come up with a slick mounting Idea for the rear.
Man, I cant wait for mine! I haven't checked this thread for a while. Norm your getting good with those woody effects!

7/8 mount I believe, Its wally type bike and the Schwinn grips fit.

Hope you like the package! Read instructions on back or you may cut the money order.
Got my lights working today. Plenty of light too. They work great ! Found out they worked with my direct hit spark plug attachment perfectly!
I haven't tried a direct pulse spark plug device nor a resistor spark plug or a resistor plug wire.
I thought they might or will not work but you guys can try them and see if they will, if they do work then that is good news less RF noise to drive the neighbors crazy. If by chance your lights kill the engine when you turn it on and your running any one the the resistor parts you might try the lights with out the resistor parts.
I do know if your spark plug is close to fowling out the lights will find it for you as the engine will die with the lights on while your riding along, turn off the lights and the engine will come back to life. You will then need to change out the spark plug for a new one. It will only happen when your out someplace in the dark and no spare spark plug or plug wrench, Murphy's law applies.( some cussing allowed/happens unless your not one to do that,for me NO comment.)
I was guessing that if you use a resistor device with a weak mag coil the spark plug might not fire when using or trying to use a light powered by the engines mag coil white wire.
Thanks Goat herder for sharing your findings with the set up your running!
zptme working on the bike. Don't touch the spark plug when its running, it is a very enlightning experience!!!!!!makes me twitch funny.
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Got the lights saturday! Thanx Norman.

So intallation is very easy, you just follow the diagram and read the labels on the wire...

Sunday i wired the front light and prepared the mount for the rear fender...since the fender is all round i had to dremel the mount a bit, made some rubber spacer in the shape of the mount, and today ill have to get a drill to drill the wholes in the fender.

ill have it running soon.

The front light is bright, i could focus the street and see my beam of light up ahead...the basket on my bike is sooo big, its partially in the way..still ligths up the night.

Good to hear glad it working good for you
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I'm about to pick one of these up, but i had a quick question. would there be a way to swap out the light bulb for say a super led? it might not only benefit in light output, but i like the pure white light

you can try one, I haven't .
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I am intrigued to see what else these bulbs of yours will run on! I mean weed whacker motors and else. Thinkin bout my Morini when I get a chance?
i might hit you up if my fleabay purchase fails. what do you make of this norm? i really like your lights. i never even thought about buying one from you until the one i bought a month back (and neve paid) got paid for tonight....

either way yo make a real nice little light keep selling them! Hobby folk always produce the best things.
anyway whatcha think of this running off the white wire?
GAS BIKE BICYCLE ENGINE KIT GENERATOR LIGHT STYLE ! on (item 380128610424 end time 30-Sep-09 14:42:46 EDT)