WOW ! I thought I was on my own...

Thanks Dan and Gearnut for your kind comments as you've read my thread you know the bikes for my boy Archie whos five so he's got a bit of time before he uses it (12 years legally lol)but he loves showing it to visitors and has really got the bike bug with it, but when I told him over 1400 people have looked at his bike on the internet and they like it and their thousands of miles away, well lets just say he's delighted with the attention !
His twin sister Freya has also got a project on the go, shes got a little Harley Davidson 125 that were putting on the road thats had a diesal engine transplant, I'll put a pic up for your interest as I know your all petrol heads (diesal heads dosent really work !) the thing is, I want to finish them roughly the same time and so I've got to divert the available funds at Freyas bike for a bit to keep her happy, anyone with more than one kid knows the importance of maintaining a balancing act between keeping them happy and keeping the green eyed monster at bay ( eyes roll).
Has anyone made a Diesal powerd bicycle here ?


I just sat here and read about all of the steps one has to go through in the U.K. to build a motorized bicycle. My question is how many of us would have built our bike if we had to do the same in the U.S. ?
That is an interesting question Greg. My first reaction was "most" But thinking about it, I'm not sure.

Dougy, in the mornings, I drive a truck and every morning around the same time, the same song comes on. A line in it is; "Turn on MTV so they can teach me how to dougy" I don't actually know what that is but the vid is funny and thought you would enjoy it.

YouTube - ‪Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song [Official Video]‬‏

Just watched it again. This is a "snuggy" LOL
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Is that Diesel engine a single cylinder or a twin? I ask because it bears a close resemblance to a twin cylinder Diesel engine that is in a small Kubota tractor that belongs to another student that was in the Diesel engine technology class I that recently took.
That engine was definitely small enough to put into a Harley 125 chassis with a little bit of modification.
HAHA Dan thats brilliant, my mrs recons you must be physic cos that songs just me she recons, hand down me bills an mostly doing nothing, I really like that song too, I might buy it LOL.

Gearnut its a 300cc single cylinder yanmar, its fitted in ok but because I'm using a torque converter as transmision I've had to chop out and replace the front of the frame to fit it properly, It looks like what it is, a generator engine so in a vain attempt to change it a bit, I think I'll fabricate a ram air scoop to draw you eye away from the uglyness of it, look see....

I today done a couple of little jobs I've been meaning to do for a while, all legal stuff I'm afraid, I rivited on the VIN number and also stamped it onto the frame, I had to weld on a straight edge first so the stamps went on nice and straight.



The diesel bike is just too cool :) I was thinking of doing a diesel build, but they cost a lot...Maybe someday....
Bought a nice big 10ah sealed battery which should help him drive through the night, this buisness of not being able to charge it up is starting to grate though, I'll have to give it some thought but my initial idea is to combine the chain tentioner with a small altinator/dynamo, as soon as I remember where I left my thinking cap I'll get on with that
My boy Archie had a real good day today presenting his bike at the schools show and tell, he rememberd where all the controls where, horn, indicators, horn, headlights, taillight, horn, brakes, horn ect it infact brought the whole school to a standstill at one point, and at least for 15 minutes he was the coolest kid in school, (but I did feel sorry for the kid who brought sea shells in lol, it just wasnt the same.shft.

Oh how cool is that!?

He is gonna be telling that story when he is an old man.

Bummer about the kid with the sea shells.

(Ya could'a kept that part to your self! snork)
I had a bit of a problem with the back brake earlier in the build which I sidelined till I could think about it more, the problem was the original V brake works in conjunction with dedicated levers and just changing them for bigger levers makes them worse, the brake did sort of work but was very spongy and could be pulled all the way back to the bar, the answer was a gadget called a 'Travel agent' from a company called Problem Solvers which works by altering the leverage and to be totally frank I dont really understand how ! But I can report the fact it works really well :-) and the brake is now solid and works extreamly welldance1


I'm still busy building the diesel bike but with the forks off to the chromers I gave Archies ped a some attention, I've had a signwrighter and painter around called [email protected] he's really very good at what he does so have no trouble recomending him here to you guys' its a bit hard to pick up but on the side panel it says 'Crossens Village Chopper' because thats where we live, and NIK-NIK was the best mate a kid could have, RIP mate we love you allways.


Johny Rat, painer / Pinstriper Probley the best artist in the world !


Nothing new, just took some better pics...And sure do Dan, thats also just been finished this week, I'll put a pic up, just got to get them legal now !




I dont know what you guys have there over the pond but I've now been through 3 side stands during the build and they have snapped or bent when the little fella was playing on it, NOW after its finished ANOTHER ones gone an snapped, there generally not so much poor quality but just not up to the extra wieght, well me bottle well an truely went after that so I've just got back from the bike shop an welded on a great big honking motorbike jobby, SOLID ! bend now ya bugger !:-||


I've not had it tested officialy yet but had it down to a MOT station to see if the brakes would stand up to a proper test, the testers own words where there not just good brakes....THERE FANTASTIC !
Next step now is actually getting it running, Its a Starfire two stroke engine, what sparkplug is recomended ? I've read the Chinese plugs arnt up to much, I can get NGK or Champion plugs in the UK no problem.

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For three days now I've been trying to start the thing, the next plan is to bin the 18-1 premix off off and go for a premix of 30-1 ! Ye gods me legs are propper knackerd an the rest of me has turned to jelly...:-||
Dougy you asked about spark plugs, NGK runs the best in both of my engines. Most members here run the b6hs, I run the bp5hs which is one step hotter with the extended tip. I bought a champion that interchanged from b6hs and it ran very bad, I put the old plug back in and it ran normal again. The link below will help you get her going. Good luck