Worlds Slowest Indian briggs powered

i heard that vinegar neutralizes the coating but i dont know if thats true. works on dog pee, that i know [two wennier dog's]
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I just picked up this Honda GX160 and im planning on using that instead of the Briggs.

The motor looks a little rough but it started first pull and purrs like a kitten with no scary noise or rattles.




I stripped the motor of the shrouds. Just need to clean it tommorrow then look at how ill fit it.....

No progress on this, i havent been doing anything but riding my Villiers lately. This was my first build that got sidelined, i built my Kroon bike then the Villiers, and have a Whippet build as well as a build for my girlfriend.

This build was first going to have a 70cc chinagirl, then the 3hp, but then i ended up using the Briggs meant for this build in my girlfriends build which im still working on, i also used the wheels meant for this build


I had my photos on Photobucket and put them into albums but didnt realise it stuffed up the links

Heres some pics


My first attempt at the downtube and didnt like



I bent another downloop but ended up using it on my girlfriends build, so ill have to do another



The new powerplant


Stripped down

Ok, plans have changed again for this bike LOL. Im ready to get back into this build, many things have changed, the red wheels and newer downtube were donated to my girlfriends build which i also plan to get finished real soon, ive been real slack lately but its hot, damn HOT here lately, so you cant blame me for wanting to enjoy the air con rather then get out and build (i build in my manroom and it only has a tinroof and is a hotbox in summer).

I plan to replace the downtube on the Indian but like i said it was donated to my GF's build, which is probably for the best as i made the droploop a little wider in the bottom to accomodate the GX160, but seeing as they are very common now i plan to use a vintage Victa 160cc i have for a more authentic look and just to have a bike a little different from the rest.

The Victas are 160cc and are from old lawnmowers, i will be running a 2 speed gearbox i have so it should get along OK. Ive seen a 125cc version of this engine in one of the nicest BTR builds ive seen to date, and he was an Aussie as well which is cool. Ive tried contacting him for advice but cant. So im hoping some of you guys may be able to answer some questions i have as im not as mechanically minded (at least as engine internals go) as soem of you guys. The builder is "Hillbilliy" and hes had 3 beautiful builds to my knowledge but this "Thor" build is by far his best work IMO. This bike truly inspired me to get into this hobby. It still amazes me today

I plan to do much the same with my engine as he did. I have a couple of these engines and have bought gasket sets, pistons (with rings, gudgeon pins and circlips) and have ordered but yet to receive the electronic ignition. Id like to build a faux rounded bottom casing, and do away with the flywheel like he did..... my question is do you think the bike would run properly without the flywheel (it will have electronic ignition), im guessing the flywheel isnt heavy like old ones and there more for cooling of the engine, which i wont need. Would it affect the motor much?

I also bought a couple of Amal carbs meant to fit this motor but they were for repair and the one i really liked has the slide stuck, ive soaked it but it doesnt seem to want to budge. Hopefully it can be saved.

So at this stage i plan to rebuild one of the motors and cut down the casing and crank like he did, i will know more when i dismantle the engine and see what im dealing with, one of the motors has good compression but the piston kits and gaskets werent dear so i thought why not, and ive done 2 stroke rebuilds on my MX bikes before so it shouldnt be too hard.... The other motor can be for mockup for now.

Im also considering buying a bar bender so i can redo that downtube, it needs to follow the wheel more closely and have a tighter rounder drop loop section to hug this motors bottom end.



I just took a look at the thor bike ( sweet , the guy did a wicked job )
I,m really liking the 2 speed gearbox you have there ... looks pretty retro .
I haven't actually done my new drop loop yet, the one that I remade ended up being used on my girlfriends bike...... I went to buy a pipe bender the other day but they were out of stock, they ordered one in for me and I plan to pick it up Tuesday. Then I can have another go at making a new drop loop. Id like it even tighter and rounder the. The one you are referring to. I'll keep trying until I get it right.
Gosh it's too bad the pics were eaten up by photobucket.
I learn a lot from pics!

I'm hearing you RC I only ever look at pictures when I read books lol.

Yeah photobucket is a pain, I can reupload the photos if you like though I'm not sure you are missing all that much.
I received my piston kit, with piston, rings, gudgeon pin and circlips, i bought a 2 pack set as i have 2 of these 160cc engines. They were surprisingly cheap. I was about to start stripping the motor down for a rebuild this week, i was going to take it to work and soak it in diesel as i had a little trouble undoing the nut on the crankshaft to remove the flywheel. I might also go down to the library to see if i can find a manual for these engines.

I was looking on EBay today and won the auction for 2 older style motors which look 100X better in my opinion. I also like the price: $10.50....These engines come in either a 125cc or 160cc and if these engines are 160cc i should be able to use the pistons i already have for these as i believe the pistons are the same up until quite recent models. I think these new engines look a lot more vintage and should be a nice improvement over the ones i already have.

I also went and bought a pipe bender the other day and bent up a new downtube, i just need to rig up a bike frame jig again and ill weld in the new downtube.
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One of the engines appear to have part of the casing broken, but that doesnt matter as i planned to cut away that part of the casing anyway and shorten the crank, also do away with the flywheel and running electronic ignition which i also received the other day.
Ive been having a little look on Youtube for videos with these Victa 160cc engines. Just in case you guys are interested heres an interesting video ive come across.

Heres a video of a BMX with a friction drive Victa engine with no clutch..... people have questioned why in Australia they have banned ICE engines. Here is a classic example why. We would call these guys "bogans" in Australia and they arent in any shortage LOL. But it does look like these engines get up and go.
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I believe this may be my all time favorite title for thread,

Especially coming from a Aussie!

If you’re ever in Iowa, I’m buying you a beer.

Haha thanks MrB but if im ever in Iowa you better lock up your Excelsior.

You know where the title comes from right? A play on words from the movie about Burt Munroes life "The Worlds Fastest Indian"...... Brilliant movie, if you haven't seen it I suggest you check it out...... Quite some time ago before this build got put on the back burner I went to the video store to hire out the movie with my girlfriend, I asked at the counter where the copy of "worlds slowest Indian", she looked and looked and looked, then said do you mean Worlds Fastest Indian??? Haha umm yeah actually I do. I had gone and got a worlds slowest Indian sticker made and just had it on my brain
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