winter blues

This is what I'm dealing with here........snow, ice, record low temps.

Even a 4.5 earthquake yesterday that shook the **** outa the house....


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This is what I'm dealing with here........snow, ice, record low temps.

Even a 4.5 earthquake yesterday that shook the **** outa the house....

Looks the same way here in central Texas, never got above 20'F yesterday but is up to 39'F here now with very little melt of the ice.
Next we will be dealint with th muddy roads out here in the sticks where I!

We haven't seen temperatures above freezing for almost a week here. Been in the teens and single digits and what snow we have, about five inches doesn't melt even when the sun is out, like today. I'm not a football fan and I'm thankful I wasn't one of those out there watching the Broncos play in Denver today. 15 degrees? No, thank you.

I just took a short trip in my car. First time I've driven it in maybe a month. More than a couple of weeks, anyway.

Found that the engine temp was higher than it should be but no heat in the cabin. Low coolant. Really wasn't a big deal. I had a gallon or so here at home. But that's not where I was when my hands froze. What makes it worse is that I know better than to be going out in the winter without proper clothing. But I figured that even if I did have a breakdown I wouldn't work on it on the road. I'd just call a friend to come get me and go fix the car in the morning. So I went out with just a baseball cap and no gloves. When will I really, really learn?

So now I got the winter blues, too. I probably ought to drive that stupid car more just to be sure it's in good shape.

But I'm back home now (car radiator full of anti-freeze mix) and it's warm in here. So now I'm not feeling too bad.
I do miss going I skating outdoors on ponds when I lived back in New York. I did travel to Madison WI for a few days and checked out an iceboat regatta. The ice was 8 feet thick, the people were taking there vehicles on the ice with the trailered iceboats.

After a while the edges by the launch ramp were cracking as edges of the lake I guess can be more troublesome. Then the ATV's only were used to transport trailered boats onto the ice. Any movement of large vehicles were to take them up the ramp only.

Still a nice blanket of snow I just like and when I was able to be out on the Long Island Expressway using cross country skis that was real fun too. The space between the rear wheels of the sanitation trucks after they plow the snow make just the right spacing for cross country skis. They pack the snow just right.

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Here in a little bit I'm going to swap out my NGK B6HS spark plug for a B5HS.

(From Sick Bike Parts. I know I could'a bought it locally. But they're good guys and deserve whatever business I can send their way.)

I don't know whether to expect any noticeable difference in performance or not.

But stuff like this is a good antidote to the winter blues.
I just got done eating 4 fried eggs (farm fresh) 4 slices of wheat bread toast, 2 glasses of milk & 2 of those pieces of toast were covered in a mixer of creamy peanutbutter mix with some butter maple syrup.....
I ate this while watching all the birds eating at the 2 feeders we have out back, the red birds are sure pretty out in he solid white frozen country side, it is 30'F and a bit breezy so ill just digest the big breakfast relax where its warm and rest up before I have to drive 16 miles to work from 6pm - 6am in the morning, roads are not good here, especially out here in the sticks.

No Blues here now, belly full and comfortably warm..... im blessed!

I'd rather be riding one of my bikes in nice weather!

its freezing out (snow and ice) and tempature is around 28 degrees, i dont even have my trike kit hooked up yet and i am going out for a ride to work ! 10 miles

all i do is dress warm and where to coats and i am fine .
I ate this while watching all the birds eating at the 2 feeders we have out back, the red birds are sure pretty out in he solid white frozen country side,


I stopped by my friends house yesterday and they had a bird FROZEN to one of their bird feeders. Yep its cold lol.

its freezing out (snow and ice) and tempature is around 28 degrees, i dont even have my trike kit hooked up yet and i am going out for a ride to work ! 10 miles

all i do is dress warm and where to coats and i am fine .

Well for now the -30 degree stuff is over its a balmy -1 with a windchill of -20. Still hoodie weather though, I wait till its really cold for a jacket. I know its all relative but I cannot wait for 28 degree weather, Ill be out riding like a kid on his first bike. I took the day off and I think its time I disassembled the Chopper for parts :)

It got up to 58 on my patio thermometer today. Right now it's 48 and expected to get down to the mid 30's tonight. Waaay too cold for me be playing in the garage tonight.
I do not like to be outside when it gets below 50. No heater in the garage and my fingers get cold and numb.

I spent most of today surfing utube and checking in here. The house is nice and warm,
the beer is cold and the pumpkin pie is tasty.
I got bored earlier and stalked the cat all around the house. She did not know what to think. Ears slicked back, hair bristled up and hissing at me. Each time I caught her I cuddled and petted her. She would purr and I would let her go. I repeated it all about a 1/2 hour later. Did it 3 times. Now she just looks at me with a strange expression each time we cross paths.
Cats are weird...
Well, check for the rest of the signs of the apocalypse. It's been snowing in Vancouver for the last two days. Okay, granted, we got a whole 1/8th of an inch yesterday and it looks like we might be in for more of the same today but it was enough to really mess up the locals. Add to that some freezing rain overnight, and it's entertainment trying to watch them drive.
Of course, 42 deg F seems pretty warm to those of us outside Southern Cal.

Yet I do kinda pity those folks. After all, they're not used to it and many of them don't have the clothing to deal with it. Rarely needed.

And those who do won't wear them for fear of looking like a fool. Same thing in these colder climates. I do feel a slightly contemptuous disdain for folks who get into that kind of silliness.
Want to watch silly? Tune into 'The Weather Channel'. They aren't reporters, they're actors. My favorite was a woman reporter stumbling around, faking high winds during a tropical storm in Florida and a guy rides past behind her on a bicycle. He was just tooling along like nothing was out of the ordinary while she was having trouble standing up.

Want to watch silly? Tune into 'The Weather Channel'. They aren't reporters, they're actors. My favorite was a woman reporter stumbling around, faking high winds during a tropical storm in Florida and a guy rides past behind her on a bicycle. He was just tooling along like nothing was out of the ordinary while she was having trouble standing up.


Drama queens and!

And pushings the man made global warming hoax....!

I worked on my motor bike outside today but got cleaning up earlier instead of staying out till early AM hrs as I have in the past. Northern California Bay Area has freeze warnings. I do OK, but I offer help for my orange tree with a cover and a 100 watt bulb. I also took bowls of warm water and placed them at the base of the tree. The half wine barrel planter after 3 to 4 years has the dwarf tree grown enough I don't have enough cover to shield all the oranges. I understand the tree if really healthy as it is, is hardened to the weather.

I cut the bottom of the head tube on my frame to adapt to a junker fork that was better as it has shocks that work. I needed more threads, 9 mil more. I got the Dremel, die grinder, and then hack saw on the scribed dye mark on the metal. It came out real nice with full 5 turns of the crown locking nut over the washer and end play nut.



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Want to watch silly? Tune into 'The Weather Channel'. They aren't reporters, they're actors. My favorite was a woman reporter stumbling around, faking high winds during a tropical storm in Florida and a guy rides past behind her on a bicycle. He was just tooling along like nothing was out of the ordinary while she was having trouble standing up.


However, I cringe just a touch when Jim Cantore shows up in town......all **** is about to break loose, especially in the spring time. I certainly remember the last time he was in town ---- the EF5 tornado missed my store by about 200 yards. That building shook like a sum-biotch!!