Why I Started This Motor Bicycle Forum

KC, We could start another forum with all the members "that other site" kicked off ! ! !
Not to worry, this is where the good stuff is !
I agree, this is a great site, but I did add an MB forum to my MB site this week and turned it on late last night ;-}
I certainly can't speak for other members here, but I am the exact same person here as I was on 'that other site' but handed my hat and shown the door there.

Heh, probably because the admins/mods here are mature enough not to see their job as some kind of power trip. I was on the other site for two years and never had a problem until
the new mall cop showed up, lol. (^)
the theme of this forum is lets all share and learn from each other and have some fun. life is to short to be all serous and stuff unless something someone says or does offends others. when we see that we remove the post or edit it which upsets some people but most understand. as i said my grand kids are on here all the time and love it. they helped pick the colors and design the banner on top. however if you ask them they did it all lol
isn't it funny how that works Paul ?,,,
my granddaughters hand me a wrench, or the tire pump, and all of a sudden,,,
THEY fixed grampa's bike !!! laff

gotta love 'em, grandkids rule !!! (^)
Heh, probably because the admins/mods here are mature enough not to see their job as some kind of power trip. I was on the other site for two years and never had a problem until the new mall cop showed up, lol. (^)
Beats me, but I don't even know the screen name of whoever banned me from that 'other site'.

A 'bad mod' can hurt that's for sure, only had one and that was years ago, and all I give access to advanced functions to now are people of character which is pretty easy to determine from a few posts.

Profiling? You bet your butt it is, we do that a lot here Arizona so I am told...
Some kids can be 'steered in the right direction', but some folks (and forum spammers) aren't here for the site other than to disrupt it.

Just a fact of the Internet.
Unlike this site, every link you click could lead you down a dark ally on the bad site of town.
Why I started this forum. There are so many talented people here. It is awesome to share in a wealth of knowledge. Iron sharpens Iron so to speak . I learn something new here every day. So many folks with so much shared innovation! I really enjoy putting back into the forum when I can it is like giving back to society. To do a good thing.

Kids Grand kids reading this forum is awesome and very procreative! A truly beautiful thing!:)

Folks from every walk of life across the world. Now that's sharing! The best think tank ever!!!!!! We are part of a international forum! How cool is that! A truly beautiful thing!(^)

I saw a long documentary about Rome when it fell and society had lost its Science and engineers. It took decades to rebuild. We truly live in an information society..:) We can make a huge impact on positive influence here!
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isn't it funny how that works Paul ?,,,
my granddaughters hand me a wrench, or the tire pump, and all of a sudden,,,
THEY fixed grampa's bike !!! laff

gotta love 'em, grandkids rule !!! (^)

Yeh I love kids helping, It gives me new eyes to see how wonderful the simple things are. A kid who learns to use a wrench will enjoy working with their hands for life.

Great To Hear From You! You Have Been Missed. I Still Have Pic Of The Cabin Your Dad Built For You.

So Many Of The Great Members Don`t Post Anymore. Have Been Worried For You. Are you still riding??

Ron .cvlt1

Great To Hear From You! You Have Been Missed. I Still Have Pic Of The Cabin Your Dad Built For You.

So Many Of The Great Members Don`t Post Anymore. Have Been Worried For You. Are you still riding??

Ron .cvlt1

I have over 2000 miles on my bike and love to ride it in the evenings when it cools down. I have checked in on whats going on now and then, but I was made Dept Head and there was a big learning curve. More work same pay :)


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I love this forum... lots of info and nice folks. I haven't quite got my first motorized bike going yet, I drive truck long haul and had to leave for Texas today but got the motor and the SBP jackshaft mounted before I ran out of time. Fingers crossed will have it going next time I get home.
Hey guys learning soo much from all of you had little ruckes and 5000 miles sold it dang now between az and this site im getting my hands dirty and my mind sharpened. glad i got here first so my little 2 stroke would be built right
never knew that i would have to rebuild a new china engine before using it .
sigh sorta miss my old 350 yamahauler days relive them naw just a new chapter ;) thanks for all the info hope to be running soon
this forum has been a part of my life for a long time now. just like family some you get along with some not so much. but i always check on whats up! thanks paul. dennis
Really cool forum,,
Lots of great info.people, and ideas,,always better to have more heads thinking.Glad to be aboard,,and look forward to learning as much as possible.

Tom :)
This site is better than ever. Motorbicycling has evolved quite a bit in the last 5 years. Its been interesting to see all the new stuff and read all the posts. Yeah, I'm pretty addicted to this stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing what's next!
Proud to be a member of this fine forum. There is a wealth of useful knowledge, no matter what you ride. Everyone I've been in contact with here has been helpful and kind to me. In my humble opinion, this is the best resource available anywhere for tips on designing and maintaining our machines. Newbs and sages alike working toward the betterment of the cause- they way it ought to be! Thank you all for the warm welcome!