Hmmm.... With hobbies, I have a tendancy to get to the point where I'm (somewhat past) competent, then put them aside in favour of something else that will keep my interest and/or challenge me.
Well written SciFi shows can sidetrack me. (Farscape, Firefly, even Andromeda wasn't bad... If someone speaks during Doctor Who they will be EX-TER-MIN-ATE-D.)
That said, I have built models, model rockets, rc cars.. I'm a (in the opinion of my wife, and many others) pretty good zymurgist.. I'm handy enough that small fix-its are usually doable, larger projects take some time.
My dad was a trades college grad and a career building maintenance man for General Motors, so I learned a lot at his elbow 'helping' in the basement or the garage. It's probably from him that I got my 'tinkering' genes (I know I got his 'smart hands'.. He and I don't need to see the component that needs attention, we can see it in our minds eye(s) from what our fingertips tell us - I could drop, strip, rebuild and reinstall a starter motor in about an hour, for a while).
So, now in addition to learning as I go how to do everything to a bicycle to get it roadoworthy, I've got motors to play with. This year some things came together in such a way that I was able to take advantage of 'Black Friday' in a couple of places so my little workshop now sports a MIG welder (and a 3' bottle of cougar 25 - 75% CO2, 25% Argon), so who knows where I'll be going next.. There's always the possibility of welding junk metal together and selling it as 'art' to those with too much money and too few brain cells, I s'pose.