what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Lol, rusty, I'm cheap. I'm not gonna spend time and $$ nitpicking for a 1/20 of a hp loss. My bike is very fast with beaucoup power, just like I need it. I could spend $90 for a custom sprocket from King's. However, the guy never returns my pm's or emails, so no loss. If I DID buy the sprocket, install it and the problem STILL exists, I'm out $90. I COULD buy another $20 Chinese sprocket, but that one could be out of round too. It COULD be a slightly bent bottom cartridge, or it COULD be a defective $10 freewheel. I have a $70 freewheel for my next build. If the 'wheel fails, I MIGHT install the expensive freewheel.

Nah, I'll just screw on another cheap, used freewheel and keep riding it to work daily, like I've been doing for the past 6 months. :dance1

Hey! If the failed 'wheel IS the culprit, then I will have fixed the problem and regained the hp loss...for free!

I always think in my sleep, and this is what I figured out:

Another reason why the chain goes loose/tight/loose/tight is because of the gearbox sprocket position interrelationship with the chainring sprocket AND each other.

It is very similar to adjusting the alternator/generator pulley on an old car.

This was established when the Scooterguy mount was first bolted on. Both adjustments are slightly above and about 5" from the gearbox sprocket. Each adjustment has a radial/circumference relationship towards each other, which then rotates the gearbox sprocket along its own tiny orbital path. Every shift along the circumference on one adjustment alters the path of the other adjusting point. That is why the "pulling" side of the chain (gearbox sprocket pulling clockwise from the chainring sprocket) is ALWAYS tighter than the "following" side/trailing side of the engine chain.

So basically I MIGHT be able to readjust the mounting position, until the chain is the same tension on the "pulling" side and the "trailing" side.

This might eliminate the tight/loose/tight/loose predicament.....for free!dance1
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

First of all A huge thanks to everyone on this forum who've answered my questions, posted how-to's and have given insight.

This has been a few weeks in the making. Not a whole lot of tweaking or mods, just some basics and some cosmetic enhancements. I replaced the spark plug, wire and cover as recommended (All NGK) and it DOES make a difference. Put on an oversized fuel filter, put zip ties on fuel line connections (not too tight, just snug) and siliconed the intake. My tensioner mod is holding up. Here are some ,model numbers of the parts:
  • Spark plug - NGKB5HS
  • Spark plug cover - NGKTB05EM-R
  • Fuel filter - WIX 33001

...and some pics.

That's a nice looking ride, congrats on a cool build. :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Definitely cool East82.

5-7 interesting theory, you should pop the chain - turn the rear a half turn - and see if that helps, if the engine chain and sprocket are out just a little in the opposite direction that might fix it. gl ^^)

Have you tried a different plug wire CT?

Ahh, the joys of Chinese production processes :p Still beats pedaling, when things work right.

*shakes fist at things that don't work right*

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Definitely cool East82.

5-7 interesting theory, you should pop the chain - turn the rear a half turn - and see if that helps, if the engine chain and sprocket are out just a little in the opposite direction that might fix it. gl ^^)

Have you tried a different plug wire CT?

Ahh, the joys of Chinese production processes :p Still beats pedaling, when things work right.

*shakes fist at things that don't work right*


killer, that's easy enough to try!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Have you tried a different plug wire CT?

Ahh, the joys of Chinese production processes :p Still beats pedaling, when things work right.

*shakes fist at things that don't work right*


When I swapped CDIs I'm pretty sure I tried the working bike's one on mine, however I will put that at the top of the list for this afternoon, just to be sure. I replaced the wires and boots on the CDIs a couple of months ago with NAPA parts. On that note, I have to make a run over to the NAPA first to pick up some stuff that they had to order in for me. There's a fistful of new plug boots in the box, so I'll make a new plug lead and try it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Killer I love the furious fist shaking at things that piss us all off!!!!....good call
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I almost had it started today, but...

I have been trying to get it to fire using a drill on the magneto side of the crankshaft.


I had replaced the stock, cheapo nut with a grade 5. I was turning it over fine, getting spark and it was making the chugging-thugging sound of a 2 stroke. I sprayed a little starting fluid in the plug hole, and occasionally into the carb intake.
Then I started getting the occasional bang. The bangs began to come more frequently, until it sounded like it was wanting to start running.

Then......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ - The sound of the drill spinning without any resistance. The grade 5 nut ate the threads right off the end of the crankshaft!

Back to trying to get it to start manually.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That sucks DRC, do you have a help thread going you can link us to?

Best of luck at taking a Die to the crankshaft end to make it fit a smaller nut... But yea, hey, if it hasn't started by the time you get to the end of the block, something's wrong.

lol Jowens, I'm starting to feel old. New music sucks. New movies suck(except zombies, if they make a Twilighty zombie movie someone in Hollywood will Die)... now I know why my Dad and Granddad shook their fists at me :p :p :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

First of all A huge thanks to everyone on this forum who've answered my questions, posted how-to's and have given insight.

This has been a few weeks in the making. Not a whole lot of tweaking or mods, just some basics and some cosmetic enhancements. I replaced the spark plug, wire and cover as recommended (All NGK) and it DOES make a difference. Put on an oversized fuel filter, put zip ties on fuel line connections (not too tight, just snug) and siliconed the intake. My tensioner mod is holding up. Here are some ,model numbers of the parts:
  • Spark plug - NGKB5HS
  • Spark plug cover - NGKTB05EM-R
  • Fuel filter - WIX 33001

...and some pics.

Good idea with the chain thing. But the issue I've had before is not the tensioner sliding, it's twisting into the wheel...
Although I've fixed that problem by using some fine German methods. I applied the German torque spec to the bolts, gut'en-tight.

I haven't done much with my MB lately. I moved from ME to NC (1100 miles), and brought it with me. Which ended up being a wonderful choice. About half way at 1AM my car broke down and left me stuck, fortunately I made it into a parking lot.
Next morning I pulled the MB off my rack and rode it 15 miles to a parts store so I could get stuff to fix my car! :)
I have the carb tuned a little rich for all the hills in Maine, and so it gets enough fuel going down hill, and the 44t sprocket.
It's so flat here!! It's still kind of freaking me out, the town I live in has a maximum elevation of 20ft above sea level. So I could probably run a 38t sprocket and go FAST!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks killercanuck!

Piston Bikes was the only one that said they had it in stock, so I ordered it.

I may still try to die cut the old one and have a spare.

I might as well start a collection of spare parts now if I'm going to keep playing with these things!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hah, spare parts are evil and awesome. I have so many spare car parts I don't know what to do with. BUT I know for a fact if I throw any of them away I'll need it the next day.

This doesn't work so well now that I'm 1100 miles from home... But before, blow up a transmission in my car? No problem, have it towed home, put in a new transmission that night then drive it to work the next morning.
Spare parts are a wonderful thing...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's the spirit!


Thanks killercanuck!

Piston Bikes was the only one that said they had it in stock, so I ordered it.

I may still try to die cut the old one and have a spare.

I might as well start a collection of spare parts now if I'm going to keep playing with these things!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Doing preventive maintenance two days ago, I noticed one SS 14g spoke broke its tip @ the hub. That was fixed, new bike chain installed and both chains greased. Engine idle was turned down; bike sounds mellow now. Opti-2 oil is in my reserve bottle, awaiting its first time @ 100:1.

Sparkplug shows chocolate brown, a shade richer than its previous cocoa-brown. I had adjusted the carb to make up low end torque for the taller tires.

Rode my bike to the blood bank yesterday. Nurses there shared how a donor who'd given 200 times before, had fainted shortly after giving platelets. We donate every two weeks. Blood donors give every eight weeks.

That kinda spooked me, since I rode 5 miles in on my MB. So I rode home on the sidewalks mostly, @ slow speed.

Note to self: Do NOT ride to blood bank on your motorized bike!.duh.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I used to sell plasma twice a week, and never had too much a problem. Of course, I always had an energy drink for when I was finished. I surely don't wanna nod off while riding!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I haven't been in a few months but I used to give plasma 2 times a week also. Never ride the MB there, just the truck and mostly the Sv. I heard they made it by appointment only now, shouldn't be as crowded now.