what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Yeah, I took it for a test ride, and one thing I hadn't noticed on the other build, but did now with the new fork on this one-
is that the shock fork also absorbs some of the momentum of my body when braking-
I'm not feeling so hard thrown forward- I can feel the shock compressing and so I feel more control there too-

another advantage!

They are sometimes hard to find with a threaded 1 inch steer tube- but I got really lucky finding this one on anm old junker in the trash- about the only thing salvageable otherwise.

Between the shock fork, the shock seatpost, and the big ole padded Bell Cruiser saddle, it's a pretty comfortable ride.
How do you like that long old school air pump behind the seat tube?
Even with 700c wheels, there's still room on the Huffy cruiser frame
The tools are under the seat- the rest is open storage.....


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Looking good Kat.. I'm glad you like teh new front end too... It's kinda one of those things that once you ride on suspension you wonder why you waited so long to convert it over...
I still have my bike on teh back burner because I'm learning how to use my new CNC machine and made my first successful cut in a piece of poplar wood last night after LOTs of messing around with it's settings and software, it's cutting to scale and to my specs finally... lol
Hopefully I'll be able to make a small run of solid copper exhaust gaskets in the next few days. I got the machine for my new business, but I'll definitely make a few goodies for this hobby too...
Looks Good Nash. Kat

Yeah I been trying to find a new set of 24" MTB forks with a 1" threaded stem to replace the clunkers that are on the old Western Flyer bike, hard to believe these are so hard to find since there are a gillion ladies and kids 24" MTB bikes out there with the basic suspension forks on them.

Your bike looks real good Kat, ride safe

I could let you have my original forks for your new build once I get my Girvin fork finished and installed, it's just a basic front suspension fork but it does work pretty well, it's set up for 26" wheels and has the 1" threaded top. My new one is the threadless type so I'll have to use the stem that came with it and can throw in the stem and bearings as well.
I could let you have my original forks for your new build once I get my Girvin fork finished and installed, it's just a basic front suspension fork but it does work pretty well, it's set up for 26" wheels and has the 1" threaded top. My new one is the threadless type so I'll have to use the stem that came with it and can throw in the stem and bearings as well.

Thanks for the offer Dave, I coulduse another good set of 26" forks for another bike and would be willing to purchase the set from you, for the Western Flyer bike I neex 24" forks though because I want to retain the V brakes and I have 24" wheels front and rear on that bike, I have a couple more sets of 24" forks but they're pretty rough and have set out and get some rust on them and the boots ars cracked so I really would like to find a nice set of 24" suspension forks for it, I know they're out there I just have to locate them, im old school and have never used thteadless forks before so I dont know much about them.

Yeah, that's true and they won't fit if you want to keep the V brakes... I don't mind using V brakes on mine since they do stop you pretty well as long as they're adjusted right and the pads are in good shape, and V brakes have to be the easiest caliper type brakes to adjust too... I'm going to run them again with my new front end... if I ever get the time to put it all back together... lol. My new shock came in earlier today and I need to open up the holes at the top and bottom to make it fit the Girvin shock mounts. I also swapped out the spring it came with for teh Girvin spring which is considerably softer, but there's a lot of adjustment on that shock so it won't be too soft. maybe later this morning after I get a few hours of sleep I'll put that all back together and get it ready to install on the bike.
Had to adjust my CNS V3 carb today. Seems like as time goes by, it's getting progressively harder to start. Even with the 'choke' on, it doesn't want to start. If I richen the mix, it'll bust right off. However, it then 4 strokes something fierce. I now carry a screwdriver on the back rack to adjust before and after starting.

Oh well, little annoyances for a bigger joy!
Had to adjust my CNS V3 carb today. Seems like as time goes by, it's getting progressively harder to start. Even with the 'choke' on, it doesn't want to start. If I richen the mix, it'll bust right off. However, it then 4 strokes something fierce. I now carry a screwdriver on the back rack to adjust before and after starting.

Oh well, little annoyances for a bigger joy!

Amen brother.... all just part of the fun of this hobby, thats an easy quick fix.

Had to adjust my CNS V3 carb today. Seems like as time goes by, it's getting progressively harder to start. Even with the 'choke' on, it doesn't want to start. If I richen the mix, it'll bust right off. However, it then 4 strokes something fierce. I now carry a screwdriver on the back rack to adjust before and after starting.

Oh well, little annoyances for a bigger joy!

Check your carb for an air leak right in frot of the pinch clamp where it connects to the intake manifold... These are notorious for leaking right there. I stuffed that area with RTV after installing my CNS carb and let it cure before running it and it's been pretty reliable so far.
Another good thing about the CNS is that it's a Mikuni clone so it can use Mikuni jets, gaskets, floats, needles, and rebuild kits, it's basically a clone of the Yamaha PW80 carb.
Hope that gets your carb dependable again... Enjoy
I'm loving my bike. The mileage keeps getting longer now that it's done about 1500km.
It's running really well, only a tiny new rattle starting up. Happy if that's my biggest problem.
I guess technically this is working on the bike... I didn't do anything to the actual bike today, but I'm still learning my new CNC and I cut my first successful copper exhaust gasket earlier today... You can see the difference between the first and second one I cut as it's pretty obvious... I had to reduce the feed speed and use a different type of end mill and then the second one I cut came out the way I wanted it to. I'll cut more of them when I get up in the morning now that I got the cut settings where they need to be... These are .030" thick, but the ones I'll be installing and selling will be .120" thick so they'll conform better to the mating surfaces...



You can see in this picture I made this one a little bigger so I won't have to trim it after I'm done porting this jug... The final product will be closer to the exact size, but with enough room to remove about 1mm from each side of the port and the same added clearance top and bottom.
Looks excellent Dave, those gaskets will be a nice addition to the other after market parts and pieces we have available for our HT engines.

That is a nice looking set up you have there.

Finally figured out what was causing my carb to leak. For background, I'm running a Mikuni pz19 vacuum carb on a 98cc flathead. Carb was leaking a little gas, not much, but it was leaving a nasty residue on the bottom of the carb. For awhile I thought it was leaking out around the vacuum hose, and I kept trying to stop it from there. Finally today I figured out it was leaking from the drain plug, which did not have a gasket (carb was given to me used for free). So I cut a thin piece of the vacuum hose off to attempt making a gasket for the drain plug. Lo and behold, it worked! Looks pretty good, too.
Today I got my respoked wheel back on to the bike, the 12v system is hooked up again, fuel tank mounted and chain checked and adjusted. Spring tension was also re-mounted today with 2 shortened springs.
I did 20 miles on my GT2A-S/HS142 today. Sun was shining, grass is green, birds tweeting, wind in the face, an awesome all around day for riding. Cruised out to my buddy's house and back to show him my bike and get some good break in miles done. Nice little backraods with no cars. No bike hiccups at all, happy camper.
Tightened the bolt that my chain tensioner swings on.
Also, I have a high output led with a rechargeable battery pack that can Velcro off. After about four years of taking that off every time I charge it, I recently worked out it's just easier to drag an extension cord to the bike and charge it while it's still insitu. Only four years. How clever am I !
Took the GF's bike out today to shake the cobwebs off. Forgot how god-awful fast that thing is. Going up a 1/2 mile hill at 30 degrees, I was much faster than I like to ride and twisted the throttle a bit & it almost jumped out from under me.
Today I installed handlebar clamps for mirrors with 10mm stems. These are motorcycle quality clamps, not the cheesy sheetmetal clamps that come with bicycle mirrors. I have a left mirror my brother gave me, but I'm buying a new set with my next paycheck. $25 for a set of black mirrors at my local shop, unless I find some cheaper on ebay or amazon.
Today I installed a new transfer chain between my transmission out shaft and jackshaft. Packed it with some good grease, so hopefully I'll stop burning up chains!