This is priceless!!!

Hey guys,

I guess it, "really", is going to be necessary to do a sprocket adapter install guide.

I don't think I have ever, in my life, seen anything so cobbled up as this!!!

The customer decided to play junior engineer and make the part fit by any means possible...there are holes drilled and tapped for pinch bolts...there is an unbelieveable amount of scarring in the bore do to various shims...and weld splatter on the back. Guys, you can't weld Aluminum to Steel!

It is important to measure your hub accurately. I can only go on the data you have given me. I'm not a magician.

If you buy a sprocket adapter and discover that it doesn't fit correctly...please...please...stop!!! If you made a mistake measuring your hub, there is a good chance that your adapter can be sized up and sold...provided it doesn't look like the adapter in the photos below. If Karen accidently sends you the wrong adapter, naturally you will be given the correct adapter...and compensated for the cost of shipping the incorrect part back to us. So far we have never sent anyone the wrong adapter. We mark them when they come out of the CNC, so that there can be no mistake.

This customer spent hours trying to modify a part that normally fits like a glove, and installs in minutes. I'm going to take care of him, because he didn't hassle me.


wow sounds like someone really hacked that up good and as for the welding part oh no the world must be coming to an end lol some guy in my niebor hood tried to jb weld a pedal on i told him great job and kept going then he was 1 footin it back down the street 5 min later and you just do not give certain people power tools or you will spend more time taking them to the e,r, than to finish the job :-||
JB Weld...I'll just keep my mouth shut about that stuff...and it's hard, really hard. I'll just say that unless you are using it as a non-structural filler someplace... laff
good lord don't give him a rag joint he'll weld it on.
You all need to check out the "it even has electric start" buy Doc blom now there's a guy
who can make anything fit that should never be assembled together. Not Doc
he just put up the photo.
We need that thing on a tee shirt. Or on our banner!!
With "yea I build motorized bikes"
JB Weld...I'll just keep my mouth shut about that stuff...and it's hard, really hard. I'll just say that unless you are using it as a non-structural filler someplace... laff

You got it Hugh!

I think the stuff carries some mystic because the name includes the word "weld".

Therefore it is used for all sorts of inappropriate applications.

It's a, cold, low strenghth epoxy...nothing more...nothing less. West systems is far superior and I would never consider using it for a metal on metal mechanical bond.

Hi Jim, im in Australia! what would be the best way of contacting you about an adaptor and sprocket purchase, phone? or email? i noticed Rocksolid has it on there site. best to contact them and what about dimensions.
Hi Jim, im in Australia! what would be the best way of contacting you about an adaptor and sprocket purchase, phone? or email? i noticed Rocksolid has it on there site. best to contact them and what about dimensions.


Check with Rocksolid...they may be out of stock...if they are let me know and we'll get you one. The shipping cost to Australia isn't too bad.

I've got an idea! Karen could ship some Duck Tape and some tie wraps with every
sprocket adapter. That way if it doesn't fit they could wrap some tape around the hub
and add the tie wraps to the spokes to keep it from slipping!! Just another simple
solution to customer satisfaction!
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Hey there, brnot
I'm a big guy and got a Skyhawk 48cc on a 26" MTB cause it is legal. Runs good, but I've got to run choke when warm about half way. Still breaking in, only about 25 miles on it. I'm 25/1 mix. Will it gain more power once it breaks in?
Ya a little but if you have to run with the choke on your not getting enough gas.
Either the carb isn't set right or you have an air leak.
You know in the business world they say "the customer is always right." I believe you found the exception to that rule. Holy carp, how can someone mess up an engineering masterpiece like your sprocket adapter?

i wonder if i could use a self vulcanizing patch kit to attach a rag joint to my spokes?

or maybe some shoe-goo. that's the rubber equivalent of JB weld.

i like shoo gooo i useit all the time used it to secuer my exhast wrap woorks greate ok thats the end of the vent karey onzpt