Its Electric Start


New Member
I was in another city yesterday and ran into this bike.It passed me on the highway at about 35mph.I followed it to walmart and took this photo.The driver went in and bought one one of those stinky tree things and hung it on steering wheel.


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Let's see-

turn signals
tool box
even a helmet

now....brakes...looking for brakes...would like to see some brakes....hmmm
I tought the lever under the steering wheel was a front brake, but after looking at it again, I think it is the throttle ???
definitely fugly, but scarey looking as well !!! laff
That is to cool! I had thought the lever was an engager, but now thinking turn signal?

And a Horn!

Guessing at the numbers but if 3x7 at 3600 RPM, getting 46 MPH.

I nominate him for DIY guy of the month
I asked a friend of mine did he ever see the bike in Indianola ms. He thinks it belongs to BB Kings cousin.This is where BB lives.
That Puts New Meaning To The Expression; Fun To Ride, But You Wouldn`t Want Your Friends To See You!! But Bless His Soul, He Is Riding!! Doc, If It Belongs` To You, Fess Up! Lol Ron
Neat times It is not and i repeat its not mine,But i am going to try to buy it.It would look cool in my shop.
That picture has been stuck in my head all day. Really enjoy the ingenuity.

Do think we should chip on brakes for the guy, lol

What is the cable or rod on the right side of the front wheel?
Cool Doc! TY. You always come up with interesting stuff. Was trying to figure out the builders back ground. Seems like an all around knowledgeable kinda guy.

PM your addy and I'll send you a "Happy" Pic of him on that MB would make a cool album cover. (lol, does any body still call em album covers?)

For folks who didn't see, Fair racing came up with this idea to send these odd looking antenna balls I buy and send from one MBer to the next until he has traveled the world.

Doc is Happy's agent


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I think that is Mad Max's bike. Two ideas about brakes.
Option 1) what is the round rod just above the rear tire? Maybe a spring loaded friction brake operated by a cable we don't see?
Option 2) what kind of shoes was the guy wearing? He's a creative dude, I'm thinking some Georgia logging boots with some old disc brake pads screwed to the soles, and he just jams them down on the pavement like Fred Flintstone.

Whadya think?