Hi guys and Ericbecky
Here 's where I bought the batteries :
Shipping address
long pond rd
rochester, NY 14612
United States
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Sealed Lead Acid Battery: 12V 12AH (144 Wh) for UPS, Seascooter / E-bike (S)
Item# LA-12V12 $26.95 USD 2 $53.90 USD
Subtotal $53.90 USD
Shipping and handling $20.06 USD
Total $73.96 USD
Payment $73.96 USD
As you guys can see . The batteries cost less than 27$ a piece and 20 bucks more from Cal. to NY for shipping. After plug it in it's took about 15 minutes for the light on the charger turn from red to green ( full charge) . When I plug the battery pack in the bike the Led light on the dashboard turn up to 5 led right away . I tested it last week ride it for a good 4,5 miles then turn the key to off and 3 days later ride it again it still show 5 lights and still ride good again. So I would replace the batteries first then look at the charger next .
Let's me know is it help ?
Here 's where I bought the batteries :
Shipping address
long pond rd
rochester, NY 14612
United States
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Sealed Lead Acid Battery: 12V 12AH (144 Wh) for UPS, Seascooter / E-bike (S)
Item# LA-12V12 $26.95 USD 2 $53.90 USD
Subtotal $53.90 USD
Shipping and handling $20.06 USD
Total $73.96 USD
Payment $73.96 USD
As you guys can see . The batteries cost less than 27$ a piece and 20 bucks more from Cal. to NY for shipping. After plug it in it's took about 15 minutes for the light on the charger turn from red to green ( full charge) . When I plug the battery pack in the bike the Led light on the dashboard turn up to 5 led right away . I tested it last week ride it for a good 4,5 miles then turn the key to off and 3 days later ride it again it still show 5 lights and still ride good again. So I would replace the batteries first then look at the charger next .
Let's me know is it help ?