Think bike by Ford

Hi guys and Ericbecky
Here 's where I bought the batteries :
Shipping address
long pond rd
rochester, NY 14612
United States

Description Unit price Qty Amount
Sealed Lead Acid Battery: 12V 12AH (144 Wh) for UPS, Seascooter / E-bike (S)
Item# LA-12V12 $26.95 USD 2 $53.90 USD
Subtotal $53.90 USD
Shipping and handling $20.06 USD
Total $73.96 USD
Payment $73.96 USD
As you guys can see . The batteries cost less than 27$ a piece and 20 bucks more from Cal. to NY for shipping. After plug it in it's took about 15 minutes for the light on the charger turn from red to green ( full charge) . When I plug the battery pack in the bike the Led light on the dashboard turn up to 5 led right away . I tested it last week ride it for a good 4,5 miles then turn the key to off and 3 days later ride it again it still show 5 lights and still ride good again. So I would replace the batteries first then look at the charger next .
Let's me know is it help ?
A FORD bicycle? Fix Or Repair Dayle I have enough problems with my china girl I dont need to fix my bicycle all the time too..... sorry i am a Chevy guy....
Hi Gang, we were at a Von's here in oceanside, saw a wierd little car, kind of an open Golf-cart looking rid that would seat 4. No doors, bimini type roof, and it said "Think" on it. The guy sitting in the Ford Windstar said a woman pulled up in in, Silent, must be electric.

The steering wheel had a Ford emblem in the center, just like that Windstar.

Fist I have ever seen one!


There must be 10's of thousands of small electric cars being used in Florida every day.

Parts of Florida were built so people can use small electric cars and not have to use a gas car so much. usflg
Hi I'm currently working for Think in Oslo Norway as a design engineer. Oh yes we are still going. I was out at the old factory a couple of weeks ago and got talking to one of the guys in the workshop about my electric conversion of a Nirve 53. He then informed me that they used to have electric bikes when Ford owned them and that there was still one left. To cut a long story short it is now in my posession. The only snag being that there was no battery. Now I already have a 24V battery for my Nirve project but in the bottom of the battery space on the Think bike there are 3 terminals and my question is does anybody have a wiering diagram of the bike or be able to tell me what the third terminal is for?


I've read a lot of posts/replies in this forum but never got a good answer for the following questions.Is it possible to purchase a new charger for my Ford Think bicycle that will plug into the receptacle on the battery box?What's the best kind of battery,a plain lead-acid or a deep cycle marine type?My Think was a gift but did not have a charger,batteries or an owner's manual.Is there any place on-line to download an owner's manual?I can hardly wait to get it going so I can ride it here in central Florida before it gets too hot.
I've read a lot of posts/replies in this forum but never got a good answer for the following questions.Is it possible to purchase a new charger for my Ford Think bicycle that will plug into the receptacle on the battery box?What's the best kind of battery,a plain lead-acid or a deep cycle marine type?My Think was a gift but did not have a charger,batteries or an owner's manual.Is there any place on-line to download an owner's manual?I can hardly wait to get it going so I can ride it here in central Florida before it gets too hot.

If I were you, I would definitely NOT go with any form of lead battery because the performance is so abysmal that it will turn any electric bike into a in-efficient tank barely able to perform after 6 mons to get out of it's own way.

Lead seems to be good at first because it can dump the amps pretty good, but once you have road with one for more than 3 mons the performance begins to degrade.

I would look into Lithium Polymer batteries and for about $300 - 400 you can have a battery & charger set-up that will more than pay for it's self in just a few years. The key really is taking care of the batteries and that is the only down side of Lithium batteries, you have to be careful especially charging them, but it's not that hard I learned in just a month or so all I needed to know with mine, and I will never go back!

To get similar performance with lead, you're looking at around $200+ investment, but the performance will NEVER be the same even from the beginning since the lead batteries will weigh 2/3 more than the Lithium Polymer (LiPo)

Kim has a great post about these kinds of batteries in the E-Bike section.
You will have to find a charger made for the Ford think bikes. You may find a new one or more likely a good used one on ebay.
Check on the Endless Sphere site and some one may have one available because they changed to LiPo batteries.

If you go to LiPo batteries you will need a charger made for them.

Thanks for the info but where can I purchase a charger that will plug into the receptacle on the battery box.

Do you have a picture of the battery box receptacle?

I have a feeling the best you're going to be able to do is modify that box with a more common plug if it's a odd proprietary plug, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to make something work for your box, just that you might have to change the plug, or maybe you can find a plug that fits the box at Radio Shack, and then adapt it to what ever charger you find to suit the batteries you want to use.

That is the most likely scenario. IMHO

Good luck, and take pics to show us what you came up with! .wee.
Since I have no idea if this Think bicycle is going to run or not I purchased 2 new SLA batteries and fully charged them.When I turn the key on & turn on the lever switch on the right handlebar,all the red light blink at the same time.What is causing this or what does it mean?Also,I have a pin with one end rolled in a circle that is on the keyring along with the key number.Since I do not have an owners manual I have no clue if that pin goes on the bike somewhere or what to do or how to do it.Does the gear selector have to be in any one position to start with?Do you have to peddle the bike to start the motor?Please,someone help me get educated on how to get this Think bicycle going.I have looked every place I can think of trying to find the model/serial number,where is it?Does anyone have an owners manual that I can borrow or maybe purchase?If I get it going I'll switch to Lipo batteries later on.
Looked through my old files and found these folks. They may be able to help.

Electric Bikes Northwest


Steve,I called those people more than a week ago & was unable to talk to a live person so I left a message.I have not heard from them at all,maybe I'll call again this week.When I turn the key on & move the switch on the handlebars to go or economy all of the red LEDs flash once & then I have one flashing red LED on the far left side of the control box.Do you or anyone else in the forumn know what this indicates or where I should go from here?I'm desperate for some help from anyone.Thanks.
I bet when they heard the message and you mentioned Think Bike they won't answer. Ford dropped them for a reason.

They were compared to a bike called the Giant Lafree. Don't know if they can help you if you can find a dealer. I did read that they both used a lot of the same parts.

I would think that if the lights are flashing that would be an error warning that something is wrong.

A wild chance would be to email . Justin is a whiz with electric bikes and the chap that I bought my parts from. He's in Vancouver B.C.
If you email him he may answer. They just moved into a new building and are probably flat out but I'd try.
They just sell parts and don't do repairs but given the amount of e-bikes in Vancouver he's heard all the problems.

I would be intrested in possibly selling mine. Its silver. The battery no longer works, not sure if it is the battery or the charger. I lost the key but was able to "hot wire" it.

It was alot of fun I miss it.

Looking for battery/charger that works or looking to sell it.

Let me know if you are can help out with either. Located in MI

do you still have the think? evert1 I'm in caro,MI 48723