Goat Herder
Gutter Rider
Be thankful that you live in America - at least you have the legal right to defend yourself with deadly force (as it should be).
In Australia, the exact opposite is true - criminals have all the rights and legal protection under the law and the ordinary citizen has absolutely no rights to defend themselves.
Two typical cases:
In one instance that made the newspapers, a criminal broke into a house and tripped over a child's toy, injuring himself.
He successfully sued the home owner for making the house an unsafe workplace for him to conduct his business.
In another well publicized case, a shop owner chased down; apprehended and held captive 2 teenagers for walking past his shop and smashing up some chairs and a few tables.
When the police arrived, they charged him with unlawful assault and false imprisonment as the kids were running away from the scene of their destruction and the offence was no longer in progress.
He had massive support from the patrons of the restaurant and the media, but the charges still stood and the nothing happened to the teenagers as they were under 16.
As i said: be thankful that you guys live in America and have the legal right to defend and protect yourself.
Law abiding citizens in Australia have no rights.
The criminals get all the rights here to. If there is not signs every where saying they are under camera survalance when they get caught it won't count. If your dog nails one of them breaking into your house, and there is no beware of dog signs around well. There could be a full blown bag of burglary tools beside em they will get off scott free and can sue in both cases. The list goes on.
We used to have these surprise road blocks for DWI checks untill too many of our local government officials started getting popped. Then we seamed to lost our funding for it.
There is nothing better than a hayness crime here and waiting an hour and a half for the police to show up. To find out the criminal had all the rights they needed.