The OfFiCIaL Low Rider Motorized Bicycle Thread

Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Yeah, Norm. What's with that tensioner on the top chain run? We want to know.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Look close and you'll see mine.
I made it out of a derailer, and it's spring loaded.
it;s been working great for 3 years but everyone that sees it says that it's wrong and it should be on the bottom of the chain.
I haven't had one problem with it on the top and it does it's job.
same idea as norms, but i don't see people telling him that it's wrong.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I've built four of these bikes so far... Every one gets a little better than the one before it. This one for some reason, the chain was hitting the top of the engine case just above the engine sprocket,(I guess I lowered it a little too much?); so I installed that idler wheel to keep it from cutting into the engine case. (it also helps to tension the chain). ;)
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I've never been a fan of any one particular style, especially the over-bling of low-riders, but the one thing I do love is GOOOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDDD.

Unfortunately I've dismantled this bike and used the seat, wheel and brake on an old Schwinn cruiser, the headlamp on my Cranbrook, and the bars and hand controls are on my Suzuki. I may reassemble this again one day but not in the foreseeable future.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I've never been a fan of any one particular style, especially the over-bling of low-riders, but the one thing I do love is GOOOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDDD.

Unfortunately I've dismantled this bike and used the seat, wheel and brake on an old Schwinn cruiser, the headlamp on my Cranbrook, and the bars and hand controls are on my Suzuki. I may reassemble this again one day but not in the foreseeable future.

That's ok, thanks for the pic anyway. It's nice to be able to look at the frame, and seat post. That's OCC right?

That looks like a fancy front wheel. I didn't know you could get a disk brake hub with that many spokes.
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Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

It's an OCC frame that I chopped and raked out so I could put the longer forks on it. The wheel is a combination of a gold 140 front wheel laced to a chrome 140 hole freewheel hub with a disc-brake adapter. Some gold vinyl over the center of the hub hid the majority of the chrome. It would have been nice if they made a gold 140 freewheel but at the time of building this, no one did, so I was forced to do this.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Look close and you'll see mine.
I made it out of a derailer, and it's spring loaded.
it;s been working great for 3 years but everyone that sees it says that it's wrong and it should be on the bottom of the chain.
I haven't had one problem with it on the top and it does it's job.
same idea as norms, but i don't see people telling him that it's wrong.

I can understand why some people might have some concerns about a spring loaded tensioner on the top side, but not having any problems in all this time should make anyone start resting easier. I've had to test some of my own creations too, and sometimes I worry about them, but after nothing happens for hundreds of miles I forget about it. I'm sure anyone that pointed that out to you, just didn't want you to get hurt.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread


Not a real low rider, but she is a pedal scrapper. I call this mechanical monstrosity my Rat-Bob
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Not a real low rider, but she is a pedal scrapper. I call this mechanical monstrosity my Rat-Bob

No matter how you slice it, that's a very interesting looking bike. thanks for posting it. I'd say it's very deserving of being called a lowrider, and a contender.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

If you can actually ride that and the seat stay doesn't break(or the seat post), I think it's awesome.

Havent had a problem with it for 2 months so far other than i burnt out a cdi. And the tubing on this frame was surprisingly thick. as for the seat post it is the third one i made out of stainless like that so far and i have yet to have a problem with any of them yet.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

My Drool towel is soaking wet! It's ok, I got more. We are the Best Motorized Bike Forum on the planet. Great, Wonderful work Guys! (c)
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I am watchin this thread cuz the LLLLOWWW is coming out , an I like it !
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I never understood why any rider want's to be up in the air anyway. The lower the better. (c)

Proper leg extension when pedaling and visibility. There's some good reasons to not be down so low.

That said, riding low is pretty cool lol
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Here is a pic. of my lowrider (El Roacho)


  • tbikesmall2.jpg
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Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

This ride is a blast to pound the ground with. It was well worth the time to build.