The OfFiCIaL Low Rider Motorized Bicycle Thread

Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Until now I called it more moody Bltch than anything else because every single possible part died on me. Thats why the new engine block now. I hope NOW finally I have some peace.

Moody ***** looks like a very fitting name LOL, or add some class and call it the Moody Biache LOL
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I am digging lowrider303s build. Looking close at his pic I am noticing what looks like no muffler. I thought this was horrible for you engine. Any input would be appreciated as I am currently running a gutted exhaust with no endcap on muffler. Stoopid loud and I dig the sound, neighbors don't seem to care (all of them seem to dig my bike) but I don't wanna burn up nother motor yikes
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I cut off the muffler because of extreme performance loss. I was planning to get a exp. champer and for the longrun a 9hp ktm engine but holy maria, not sure how much is actually becauseI cut the muffler off, but the bike is flying now. Very strong acceleration. And I woukdnt know why cutting the end of an exhaust would be any problem for the engine? Its just extremely loud.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Thanks for the reply lowrider303
The answer to your question why it would be bad is - I've read in the forum here that the engine requires backpressure. And with open exhaust its likly to burn up rings and whatnot. I also have plans of getting expansion chamber but atm don't have the skrilla to fork out just yet. I have had no issues yet and I dig the stoopid loud sound. Police don't seem to mind either - not even a second look when they pass by me.
I just really don't wanna replace engine #4 just yet. I kinda like riding atm and has been nice to ride without having to work on it for a few days lmao
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I am digging lowrider303s build. Looking close at his pic I am noticing what looks like no muffler. I thought this was horrible for you engine. Any input would be appreciated as I am currently running a gutted exhaust with no endcap on muffler. Stoopid loud and I dig the sound, neighbors don't seem to care (all of them seem to dig my bike) but I don't wanna burn up nother motor yikes

The reason for possible damage is only because, no muffler leans out the mixture compared to stock exhaust. As long as it's not running too lean it won't hurt anything.

Would be too loud though for my kind of big city riding.
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Thanks for the reply lowrider303
The answer to your question why it would be bad is - I've read in the forum here that the engine requires backpressure. And with open exhaust its likly to burn up rings and whatnot.

I am no expert on 2 strokes but that doesnt make ANY sense to me.. The only thing the muffler I cut is doing, is to quieten the sound. The exhaust gas is getting out either way and I dont understand why a engine should need any "backpressure" (whatever that is) and I also wouldnt know why that would burn my rings or piston. Anyways a new head is peanuts. I take the risk and let you know if something happens ;) But for myself I LOVE IT how it runs now. The other advantage is that I dont need any horn anymore. Some throttle and everybody around hear you for sure haha
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I am no expert on 2 strokes but that doesnt make ANY sense to me.. The only thing the muffler I cut is doing, is to quieten the sound. The exhaust gas is getting out either way and I dont understand why a engine should need any "backpressure" (whatever that is) and I also wouldnt know why that would burn my rings or piston.

See here why backpressure is important on a 2-stroke:

See here why some amount of backpressure is important on a 4-stroke:
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Today I made my first road trip. Didnt really trust in the bike after breaking down every week, especially the tubes but it seems to work now. Today I went driving along the beach for miles all the way to the rain forest. Beside getting crash-stopped by 2 f*cking cops, it was a great day.

Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

Ok one more time. Be kind to cops that stop you. Messes up their thought process. Show them what you have and offer to build them one. Works most of the time (c)
Re: The OfFiCIaL Low Rider MB Thread

I couldnt because they literally SLAMMED me 3 times with the car to stop me like im a bank robber!! God I was pissed off... Until now they are pretty nice since I live here but there is always a first time.