The garbage pile yields more treasure!


New Member
I love the trash people throw out, this one is in better shape than my last and it already has a kit, well sort of, its pretty rough. Its has compression and spark, I think it will live to ride again. Then engine cleaned up real nice, the sproket was waiting to kill someone though.


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Wow, you found that in the garbage? What a find. I thought my self propelled lawn mower that came from a dumpster was find. But a bike with a motor. How cool.......................:ride2:
I'm coming to fl. this week. Where and what alley did you find that in? Did they throw out its brother? Some people have all the luck. Nice find!
Can't wait to see it resurrected.(^)
That's an amazing find!!! They have a word for people like you...............................................................................................................Lucky!
these engines are so simple according to Norman it shouldn't be too much trouble.
If you have spark and (enough) compression, all you then need is some 36/1 mix and doublecheck all the manifold/exhaust/head bolts/nuts.
If nothing else a bike motor for parts would be a great find. I'm always amazed how much of a junk bike I use before I throw the skeleton away. I would keep even the frames if I had room. Usually a wheel that isn't perfect gets tossed as well as the frame. But honest to god I can't buy a tire as cheap as a junk store bike.