The Epic an electric tri car.

The weather will be good for the next few days or so they say so I'm back building the Epic. Today it was up to 82F by noon. Summer temperatures here.

The frame for the tri car section has the welds smoothed out and ready for a light coat of body fill. The power file-1/2' belt sander work wonderfully well. I did see a video on YouTube showing an Eastwood power file and it looked really good. May be worth a look if your planning on buying one.

Have to get the mounts for the seat and delivery box springs made next. There will be both of them simply because if the plague ever ends I would like to take both of them to a car or motorcycle show and ride around for a while and then go back and swap them out to make people wonder just how many I own. It just takes 8 bolts to undo it.

Mind you Steve, I have imbibed a bit. so take it from a tuned up nonperformer.
where the bloody hill is the Tadpole. Not like my Flyer doesn't stay in continuous operation.
But you last year promised comely nieces modeling the Tadpole. Having got to the lamentable age of 70 in March of this year myself. Why do I not see comely Lasses? The alternative being your smiling goob on the saddle and a RCMP in the wicker seat.
And now for something completely different Steve.
Sage Flower Jelly Recipe | SparkRecipes ( My sage is blooming.
I crushed some blossoms into a lager beer. Wow!
Only 70 eh'.............kid? It's a sidecar and the game is being held up for parts. It seems that fenders for 12" wheels are a very scarce commodity. There is hope that some may be available soon.

When the junior tyke graduates from the little bikes the bike are still in good shape and 12" fenders are not in high demand.

There has been a strong request from the sidecar owner that no dolls be decapitated due to the great uncles negligence. Fenders are required.

No sage in the garden. I will inquire of the head gardener is some can be planted in the near future.

Am I your only curmudgeon respondent Steve?
Mona has a bleeding from the nether regions. Not alot, but did you ever get to look up your wifes old address?
First time for Doc Tom was in 1987 when she had a abscess in a most inconvenient place. Lancing and squeezing out the puss. I think Mona may have forgotten the event. If not, it's why she took me on.
If you have a Head Gardener? Well, I know i have not managed well but I have gardening tools, and a flame thrower where gardening tools fail repeatedly.
74 years young in a couple of weeks puts me in the curmudgeon mix I'd think, yet health at the moment is quite good praise God! Hope your wife returns to good health quickly.

Steve I think the mounts allowing a rapid character swap of the Epic electric a splendid plan. I love the car but I do have a great fondness for delivery box designs. There were a few still in actual service here when I was in the grades, during the fifties.

Rick C.
I turn 66 in two months time and yet I fondly recall DRAGONE's, the local Italian family-run ice cream parlour, used to have a small eclectic fleet of superbly liveried 'vehicles' which did the rounds selling their delicious wares. I remember my mum would never allow me to purchase a sugar cone '99' from their pony-hauled trap - on account of the flavour-enhancing pony by-products. But I used to regularly chase after the Drangone's motorised tri-car that sported a beautifully sign-written ice box. Dragone's fleet also included a pedal-powered tri-car and a hand-pushed cart - neither of which's operator I envied given that the Dragone's ice cream parlour was right at the very top of Felling High Street which was a very steep incline its entire length. As an early teen, I had an after-school job as a delivery boy for Walter Wilson's grocery store located midway up the High Street. The thrill of rollicking downhill aboard a fully laden vintage delivery bike - properly liveried in WW green/black/gold - was hard to beat. Not so, pushing it back uphill to base...
Well Rick, Mona turned 74 last November. All I can do is keep her happy at this stage.
Visit to a OB/GYN in Port Washington Friday is in the mix. Something is amiss.
Could be the "maintenance chemo".

Pete, in those times of our youth, the mid twentieth century there lasted the people of that time.
The knife and scissor grinder barrow coming through the neighborhood was an event. I was four. In 1955.
One wonders, if I could push a sharpening barrow today, and profit by the endeavor.
Well Rick, Mona turned 74 last November. All I can do is keep her happy at this stage.
Visit to a OB/GYN in Port Washington Friday is in the mix. Something is amiss.
Could be the "maintenance chemo".

Pete, in those times of our youth, the mid twentieth century there lasted the people of that time.
The knife and scissor grinder barrow coming through the neighborhood was an event. I was four. In 1955.
One wonders, if I could push a sharpening barrow today, and profit by the endeavor.
Best of luck to you and Ramona, Tom
Hoping and wishing for you and Mona this Friday, Tom.
Brother-in-law Keith had his latest post-op appointment with his Oncologist yesterday. All is well - but the stop/start bouts of pre-op chemo, aggravated due to Covid delays, didn't do Keith's extremities any good. His feet and hands have suffered. Managing chemo must be a fine art.
My best to you both Tom and to you and your wife Pete. Take good care of yourself for them.

On scissor sharpening we had a tinkerer who passed through the country once a month and one service was knife and scissor sharpening. My Mom made all the family clothing except for work denim items sharp scissors were a must. He had a foot treadle stone and a razor strop to complete the edge. This guy had all manner of household items for sale. I remember vanilla extract was one thing Mom bought from him for baked goods. His van was packed with all manner of wonders.

Rick C.
I have a batter holder set up coming from Vruzend. The cells go in plastic holders and snap together and the buss bars bolt on so you don't need to spot weld them. The problem is getting batteries at a sensible cost. The flash light and E cigarette people have them but way over priced.

This kit is for heavy power draw. They have a lighter duty one.

There is what is supposed to be a reliable source in China that I'm looking at but they want to sell 100 at a time. Price is good but that's a lot of batteries.


Battery building kit came and the hunt for batteries is on. Found some sellers but didn't get on the battery wagon fast enough and they sold out.

The wild thing going on now is the temperature. Usually it averages 72F at this time of year. The temperature when the sun hit the deck in the afternoon was a 110F and a 104F most of the day when the sun wasn't on the deck.

This will carry on for another while here and parts of the North West U.S. and Canada until next week although we will cool down in a few days.

Air conditioning in homes is rare here because we may need it for a week at most. It's not so bad when you know it isn't going to last long. How ever 3-5 months isn't nice at all.

Battery building kit came and the hunt for batteries is on. Found some sellers but didn't get on the battery wagon fast enough and they sold out.

The wild thing going on now is the temperature. Usually it averages 72F at this time of year. The temperature when the sun hit the deck in the afternoon was a 110F and a 104F most of the day when the sun wasn't on the deck.

This will carry on for another while here and parts of the North West U.S. and Canada until next week although we will cool down in a few days.

Air conditioning in homes is rare here because we may need it for a week at most. It's not so bad when you know it isn't going to last long. How ever 3-5 months isn't nice at all.

Steve I hit "like" but that was about the Vruzend stuff arriving, not battery unavailability or heat. It's raining here just a nice slow & beautiful rain. High 70's so way cool for Indian Territory in late June & it's been this way for several days with a forecast for the next week remaining the same. I feel for you guys in the N.W. without air conditioning, hundred plus we well know, but most here have air.

Rick C.
Hi, Tom,
It's 4pm and 105F. It will get better and we'll move on. To add to the joy gas prices are $1.72 a litre Canadian or $5.28 U.S. a gallon. Supposed to come down but as usual never as fast as they go up. Usual story about a refinery in Ferndale WA. just south of us having trouble.

There are dire threats about a shortage of fuel but when the price goes up 50 cents a litre there isn't a shortage.

Hoping that the border opens so I can get some parts from the little companies in the U.S. who are terrified to send parts over the border to Canada. The latest one detailed how they would ship world wide then said they didn't ship to Canada.
They are in Pennsylvania so they should have an idea what direction Canada is in.
