The Epic an electric tri car.

Tom, as I was told too many years ago, The definition of tact is the rare ability to tell some one to go to Hades is such a manner they can't wait to get home to pack for the trip.

This chap took the book out from under the counter twice and slammed it on the counter and glared at me like he couldn't be bothered dealing with someone who didn't have the paint code ready. He was bent when I told him I wanted a pint of paint and it wasn't the expensive paint at that.

The third time should be the charm if he is still there.

Pete, I keep going back to that colour. Perfect for the era with pinstripe. Then some Son of Satin caused the RAL colour chart to pop up and I looked at it and I was a Pilgrim in the Valley of Shiny Things.

I have a list of numbers that is truly impressive as are the paint colours. Sherwin Williams can match them it seems although I call to make sure. Looking like RAL 1027 with a black pinstripe is the leader.

Steve I just read 2 pages of missed posts on this thread. For some reason I've not received an activity notice of new posts on your Epic thread. This also happens on a couple of Tom's threads. I will go manual & check more often.

Heat domes of plus thirty days are common here and not fun even though most have air conditioning. I do feel for you guys. Both last year and this have been abnormally beautiful here in western Indian Territory weather wise.

I'm looking forward to seeing the electric' s progress.

Rick C.
What Tom said & you know Steve, yet the one off's are so rewarding once completed. I'm hoping the vendor provides a solution that satisfies your requirements.

I enjoy the challenges which are presented and at times it's a bit daunting to find the answers necessary to continue some projects yet that's the requirement and I'm not posting this for you Steve, but for those who are not as far into building as you are at building period and not just motorized bicycles. I often cringe when new threads are started by forum newbies designing some grand build. I'm happy to support them in the work and be nothing but positive in their efforts: some succeed others fail. Why this is? I believe isn't a simple thing which can be described in a few pages of detail let alone one word or phrase. True one offs are not the ideal jumping on point for new enthusiasts, though we've seen it done beautifully in the past.

You are deep into this one and I'm confident of it's great success Steve! This is but one of many challenges you face before completion.

Rick C.
I did hear from the company selling the wheels and they just need a photo of the one I want and they will send one out and arrange for the one I don't want to be sent back.

This is a pattern these days. I bought a blind bearing puller that was on Amazon. Arrived Sunday and I opened it yesterday and it looked like a bunch of the boxes fell off where ever they were and the parts were thrown back into the box haphazardly and the lid closed. Some parts were missing and other parts obviously didn't belong to the kit. Box it and ship it so the factory in China could send the problem on.

My nephew ordered a radiator for his SUV. Opened the box to install it and the top and bottom were crushed. The box it was in was pristine so it had obviously been shipped that way. The manufacturer in China didn't take the hit.

The best one is, I ordered parts from Stanton Inc. on 05-12-21. Still haven't received the parts and many emails later to Stanton Inc.there hasn't been a reply. I can't help but wonder when Pay Pal emails them if they will ignore them.

Mistakes happen indeed, Rick but the general "Don'tgiveashyteism" that is running around the world on all levels is truly something to behold if your not effected by the undercurrent.

That describes me to a T, Rick. I have a very bad tendency to start at the professional level and figure my way out of the problems. The Indian Tri Car is a prime example. Unfortunately that project has been hampered by my poor health and the fact I have a bad habit of improving thing as I go along and new methods appear and it never gets finished to the point it's complete.

Continuing on towards the bright light at the end of the tunnel and hope and pray it isn't the 7:20 fast freight out of Chicago.

Good to hear there is progress being made with your supplier Steve. Your point well made on don't care and just deal with it attitude. From the top down it seems that few today are willing to take the blame instead someone or something else is targeted to take the hit. At some point commerce and society will be cornered into stalemate and stagnation. I still have hope though not much time to see the tide recede.

Your Tri car is already a work of art so I see changes made are justified. Ever think what beauty was painted over, the canvas repurposed my the masters? Change is a part of the project and I've said this before none of my builds are ever completed and none are safe from re design while I own them. You and I seem solid in this respect.

Rick C.
"Mistakes happen indeed, but the general "Don'tgiveashyteism" that is running around the world on all levels is truly something to behold if your not effected by the undercurrent."

Just did my first ever Chinese vendor purchase. Ten African porcupine quills to be used a fishing floats.
Arriving in August.
Speaking of August Steve, maybe you can cross the border. We will see. The Delta pox is upon us.
Our CDC is smoking it's wheels in a back track
Don't pack a suit case yet, Lambda out of Peru. Is on the march.
You have made no mention, about getting inoculated.
Mona and I, completed Phizer double stick in February.
A fellow, like yourself traveling by road. Is nothing compared to intercontinental jet travel.
Bit of politics for sure.

Footnote so to speak. I got the pox in the first wave, back in 3/20. Headaches? Never ever had em. I did then.
I couldn't get out of my own bloody way. Lung trouble I avoided having a pneumonia vax the preceding Fall.
i being so close to Mona, it did not touch her. The chemo she is taking may be the reason. On that account, history will tell.

The Chinese first and then the Persians.
"May you live in interesting times"
Well yeah, what's next?

Double Pfizer myself. I'm most likely going to wait until next year and hope for the best. With a lack of lung capacity it would be a death wish if it gets me.

Great to hear you came out of it well. Friend of my nephews is a respiratory therapist in a large Vancouver hospital. When he has time to call he fills my nephew in on what it's like. I'll take the precautions needed.

It is progress, Rick. Agonizingly slow progress but moving forward none the less. I just have to make the fender for my grand nieces sidecar and that is done. It took a bit to get out to the wood workshop and cut down the form that I used to make a couple of wheel covers for the sidecar on the electric bike and sidecar that is stashed in the trailer.

I plan to get the sidecar and bike together for her this week end. When I was in the hospital with my swollen leg problems the doctor suggested I get some compression socks and they have worked a treat. I'm able to get around better and without pain so I'm getting a lot more active.

Once it's done I'll see if I can get her dad to figure out what is wrong with my computer that it won't let me get into my photos.

I have been working at the Epic periodically. This time of year is pickles and canning around here and due to my former culinary training I'm a part of the preparation. I then hand it off to my sister in law who does the rest.

We can make the 36 quarts of dill pickle disappear between Halloween when they are ready and the following Thanksgiving which for Canada is in late October. Not to mention the salsa and many other types of pickles and relishes. They are winding down now with the apples finishing it off in about 3 weeks. Frozen for pies and the rest made into cider. Usually about ten gallons.

I'll be trying to get it going again next week. The company I purchased the wheels from are sending me one to replace the wrong one they sent me. I ordered some brake rotors as well. Once the frame is finished I'll get the paint for it.
