The Epic an electric tri car.

I use Motor Cross boots as I don't have pedals. Mud also is what is keeping my bike together. I do mean to finish the Fish Mobile Cover and paint the frame. Bike being sound to ride..., I always check the tires. If pressure is low I know that a flat or blow out may happen internally initiated. Some places I have lived have workers leaving nails and other sharp discarded items on ground. With that last item said, how much greater percentage cost is it to have workers clean up after themselves. I found old carpet, 3 huge rolls of it and scrap wood in the back third of a garage of a rental place I lived at. Then the management company takes 3 months to clear it out. I ought to get the cop from Alice's Restaurant, but thing are good now. Lucky to be retired though!
Hey Tom,
Thanks for posting the DGR link.
There's probably not a better way for me to spend a wet, overcast Sunday than re-watching all the many Distinguished Gentleman's (and Ladies) Rides from around the globe on YouTube. Definitely a great atmosphere at these gigs.
There's even one held in Newcastle not far from here. Would love to participate some day.
Hi, Mr. B,
Glad you made it. Working on the crankcase and it's slowly getting done. We have a stretch of sunny weather coming and I hope to have it finished by the end of the week. Going to see if I can get the electric motor mounted in it to line everything up.

Hi, Rick,
I certainly will. Usually it's ten day to two weeks before everything clears the customs and gets here. That said, I just received a set of brass horn clamps that I ordered from Australia March 17th.

They are here and what I wanted which is the main thing. Time to order the rest of it now, from the U.S.

I have a good start on the crankcase that will house the electric motor powering the tri car. I hope to have it finished in a couple of days and I'll post photos then.

I've ordered some 1" frame clamps that Rick {Indian22} is using on his Harley-Davidson build. These will be used as engine mounts.

They look beefy the clamps. For some of my dual jackshaft bracket stability I use the seat post clamps on my bike. They have the issue that you use them other than for where seat is removed, for other parts of bikes tubes you have to spread apart then presses steel parts back and that weakens it. I felt install once and you have lost some of the strength after flexing back an forth. These aside from shiny are thick metal.
Hi, M.T.
I had thought about using some seat post clamps as well but as you said they weaken when spread apart and the one I tried years ago broke in two pieces as I spread it open.

Well worth the money. They have different sizes as well.

I messed the first one I tried using and the second one is still in place. I actually though I did probably over tightened some threaded 1/4-20 rod as part of the bracket, or just that and vibration is why I saw it cracked last time I rode. But it is held on in 6 places, an only 1 is broken. I rode it and no problem back in April. It has held something like 7 years. The solid iron pipe tailpipe also holding, with use of union fittings, elbow, but not the kitchen sink.
I welded some tubing across the crankcase body and threaded some all thread rod though each one so the side plates can be held on to the crank case.

I moulded the tubing to the crankcase today with short hair body filler that contained Kevlar. Trying to match the cast look the early motors had when they did the same thing to hold the two halves of the crankcase together.

I'll go over this body filler with some regular filler just to smooth it out and fill any voids.

Then I have to center the electric motor shaft in the side plate of the crankcase and cut it out so I can make the motor mount.



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I made a saddle for the rear motor to sit in. The motor mounts to the side plate of the crank case but the motor is heavy for it's size and I thought that it would move as power is applied and released.

This way I hope to minimize any movement. I bent the plate around the motor and cut it to size and then made the legs to mount it to the bottom of the crankcase. The motor mount will be bolted in place in case there is any need to remove it.



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