Ya its the same engine there ALL the same.
Chinese 2-strokes for motorized bicycles are all the same basic design but they are not all made the same way with the same metal mix, casts, or in the same factory.
The simple fact is ANY 2-stroke kit you buy in the US that DOESN'T say Grubee Skyhawk on it was made years ago and has been sitting on-shore in the US for at least 3 years.
The ONLY Chinese 2-stroke motor kits in this class allowed in since 2010 are Skyhawks, period, and the JiangYan YuanDong gas engine factory makes them and improves their kits every year it seems.
All those pre-2010 kits still have the NT carb and 1/2 gallon tank, that's how I spot them, and that 415 chain and sprockets, urrgghh, that is miserable stuff to work with and complete overkill for an motorized bicycle.
The stock 410 is usually fine but if it's a performance build I'll throw some HD Z chain on it.
I have been building motorized bicycles for a living for 3 years now and built 70 some odd 2-strokers and all I have ever used is SKyhawks because I simply don't have time to waste a day going through the motor, heck my last 2 motor kits were made just 7 months ago.
I pop the head to rotate it forward and check the cylinder and torque it right back on at 20# and install the motor and simply don't have any problems.
$149 DELIVERED and they have a 2.5L 2/3 gallon gas tank and just the bigger gas tank is worth the extra ~$25 more than the 1/2 gallon junk all other kits have but there is so many other reasons like 410 chain and sprockets and better tensioner.
I am different than most of you here as I simply don't build and keep a bike as a hobby to play with all the time forever, I build myself something new and fun to ride for awhile and let it go to try something else.
Most of my time is building bikes for customers and with paid help they need to go together right and run right off the bat, I get that with my building techniques and Skyhawk kits.
Just my first hand experience guys, take it or leave it for what kit you buy because unlike the post quote these kits for sale in the US are not ALL the same, there is one that isn't and that includes DAX, he starts with a Skyhawk base.