New Member
@Toad - I have that exact engine but haven't mounted it yet. When you get it mounted please give a review because I'd like to hear it from a reputable source.
They gave me the same line: "this china engine love you long time, other type will crap out so sorry no refund"
Of course, I am going to do a few things to it, the stuff I mentioned previously and sanding the head and upper cylinder gasket surfaces of which I forgot to mention.
Notching piston skirt.
Match ports.
Smooth exhaust port
grind off transfer port casting burrs.
trim gaskets.
Those are the major ones right off.
And perhaps I will also give the thing a good swish of varsol (or old gas mix, with caution!) inside the crank case, and work the piston crank pin bearing in the varsol bath while the head is off to wash away any filings.
Annnd I also sealed off my RT carbs choke lever slot, grit was getting in through there, which may or may not have led to my bearing failure.
I will let you know how it works.