I totally havent read all 106 pages in this texas riding blog, and there may be a better place for this, but I was just reading about Electric bicycle laws in texas.... and apparently they cant be over 100LBS?!
what malarkie is this? thats like my batteries, back seat, and motor alone maybe :S
Is this just something Ive overlooked in my brief brush with the texas laws, or is it something relatively new?
Sec. 541.201. Vehicles.
(24) "Electric bicycle" means a bicycle that:
(A) is designed to be propelled by an electric motor, exclusively or in combination with the application of human power;
(B) cannot attain a speed of more than 20 miles per hour without the application of human power; and
(C) does not exceed a weight of 100 pounds.
I dont expect to be stopped by the cops, and if I do Honestly I really only expect them to be curious. I especially would be caught off gaurd by a cop with a scale XD