Stuck at a red light

i dont have any.
thats life in a small town.
i can imagine how frustrating it can be.i hate sitting at any lights when i go to the city,i end up there every couple weeks.
the sensors are usually sensitive enough to pick even a set of keys.
our park traffic counters pick up vehicles 30 feet away.
problem is,computers are involved,so all the protocals need to be met before a ligt will change.
Check your local laws as some have a redlight law in effect for bicyles and motorcycles.
tho for some states it is only for left hand turn lights you can legaly run after coming to a complete stop
in wisconsin motorcycles, mopeds and motor bicycles can cross a red light after waiting for a period of time no less than 45 seconds.
Thanks moonerdizzle, I was going to mention that actually! Wisconsin acknowledges this problem. You may want to check your own state laws to see if they have this same sort of exception to red lights:

Wisconsin statute 346.37(1)(c)(4)

1., a motorcycle, moped, motor bicycle, or bicycle facing a red signal at an intersection may, after stopping as required under subd. 1. for not less than 45 seconds, proceed cautiously through the intersection before the signal turns green if no other vehicles are present at the intersection to actuate the signal and the operator of the motorcycle, moped, motor bicycle, or bicycle reasonably believes the signal is vehicle actuated. The operator of a motorcycle, moped, motor bicycle, or bicycle proceeding through a red signal under this subdivision shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicular traffic, pedestrian, bicyclist, or rider of an electric personal assistive mobility device proceeding through a green signal at the intersection or lawfully within a crosswalk or using the intersection. This subdivision does not affect any authorization for a bicyclist under subd. 2.