Still want to argue about rubber mounting?

I've had a tank or two wind up riding sideways from vibration and pouring fuel before I noticed. Yer tank would have to be REAL LOOSE to move out of the way fast enough to save the sack. It would only move a few inches anyway and not far enough to do much good. If yer gonna Smack the sack there's not much you can do about it except grit yer teeth REAL HARD and cuss a lot, LOL.:-||
Ha, ha, I think you might be underestimating how much good it could be. If I'm traveling at 25mph in the bike lane and a car pulls in front of me to turn and I slam into the side of the car and my sack slams into the gas tank then any movement on the tanks part is a HUGE thing, haha. I took an old inner tube and cut it in half and layed it around the frame under the tank. Even loosly mounted the rubber really helps it stick to the frame so that vibration will not move the tank a bit. I have been riding for over a year like this with no tank movement at all, however, if I hit it with my hand with any force the tank moves slightly. Like I said, any movement is better than hitting something that doesn't move and it makes more of a difference than you might think.
Yeah, Yeah. I still think yer gonna be gritting yer teeth, Holding yerself while useing words you wouldn't use in church. In this case a little bit aint near enough. If you could make a tank from a nerf ball you might stand a chance.
IT'S YOUR BIKE, BUILD IT YOUR WAY. Is what I always say.
Tyler, if your concept was valid don't you think motorcycle makers would opt for break-away fuel tanks? Even if the tank moves you still have that stem and handlebars to worry about.
Just don't 'T' bone a car. :)

Tyler, if your concept was valid don't you think motorcycle makers would opt for break-away fuel tanks? Even if the tank moves you still have that stem and handlebars to worry about.
Just don't 'T' bone a car. :)


I think this is where the saying "an once of prevention...blah blah blah....." comes into play

if you hit your finger with a hammer and it hurt, pay closer attention and dont do it

Yeah I know doesn't exactly apply, but sorta does and like Tom said dont freaking T-Bone a car.
Just tie a big fluffy pillow to yer tank, Then hitting the tank may even be enjoyable.LOL.

Ha ha, okay, I didn't really want to tell you guys exactly how I came up with this idea but to make a long story short, lucky for me I almost hit the breaks in time and the speed at impact was minimum. I avoided going over the handlebars but got a slight gash on my left thigh when it hit the welded seam on the side of the gas tank. It's the only accident I have ever had on my bike and my bike came out of it with only a broken tail light when my shoe hit it. The jewels were undamaged, thank God, but I started wondering what if the gas tank had a little give? Ha!

Anyhow, I'm currently developing an air bag equipped athletic supporter style cup but it's still in testing...I will keep you posted

Ha ha, okay, I didn't really want to tell you guys exactly how I came up with this idea but to make a long story short, lucky for me I almost hit the breaks in time and the speed at impact was minimum. I avoided going over the handlebars but got a slight gash on my left thigh when it hit the welded seam on the side of the gas tank. It's the only accident I have ever had on my bike and my bike came out of it with only a broken tail light when my shoe hit it. The jewels were undamaged, thank God, but I started wondering what if the gas tank had a little give? Ha!

Anyhow, I'm currently developing an air bag equipped athletic supporter style cup but it's still in testing...I will keep you posted


oh yeah great idea.... when it goes off it will be like getting hit with a sledge hammer and all your problems will be solved for the rest of hour life since you will not have anything left to ever get hurt again.........LOL.....laff
Not so sure about teh airbag thing... watch this vid and you can get a better idea of how they deploy and what kind of tea bag impact you're gonna have to deal with if it deploys in a crash... I'm sure this concept would work to some extent because I'm sure that would take your mind off that broken arm or leg after a wreck...
this is the proper way to do this. take your time and be logical and things wont break the guy obviously tightened the piss out of that u bolt till it cracked the frame then when he rode it for 6 months it sawed its way thru


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this is the proper way to do this. take your time and be logical and things wont break the guy obviously tightened the piss out of that u bolt till it cracked the frame then when he rode it for 6 months it sawed its way thru

The vibrations from the motor causes it to slowly eat through the rubber making more and more space between the motor and the frame and causes it to vibrate around on the frame fatiguing the metal and pick axing it slowly. No reason to use rubber anyways if you do a couple simple mods you can do away with most vibration you get anyways.
this is the proper way to do this. take your time and be logical and things wont break the guy obviously tightened the piss out of that u bolt till it cracked the frame then when he rode it for 6 months it sawed its way thru
We won't argue with you. You'll need to find out for yourself why your concept doesn't work. All we ask is that you come back and tell us when the engine mount fasteners fail, and they will fail eventually. They'll fail because the vibrations, which the rubber amplifies, is now being transferred to them. Good luck.

Some people simply will not listen and will mount the engine with a chunk of rubber between the frame and whatever.
These people are known as "accident victims" and are seldom happy.
Some people WILL listen and will SOLIDLY MOUNT the engine.
These people are known as "happy motorized bicycle riders"

I know which I prefer.....