Starting bicycle engine on center stand


New Member
Hey I am just a new motorbiker and would like to know if there is a kickstand I can put on my bike that would allow me to start it while stationary? Also do you guys bail out when you see traffic approching in your rearview mirror?
Re: Starting on center stand

i am not sure of a stand that you could start it on. as far as cars i stay in my lane and not worry about them. of course i watch them but have never had a problem with them
Re: Starting on center stand

Cars? Unless they are police cars I ignore them....come to think of it, the cops have never hassled me, only waved.

Can't help with the center stand.
Re: Starting on center stand

Bail out when you see a car?.....Add a tuned pipe and gear up and you can leave the
cars in the dust (or at least a cloud of blue 2 stroke)!....Well at least in a residential zone... HA

Be safe tho...


P.S. - Never saw a center stand made for a bike that was heavy duty enough to start
the engine with....Maybe you could custom fab one up or modify one off a moped
or scooter?
Re: Starting on center stand

Whizzer stands let me start a 138cc 4-stroke, AND let you remove either front or rear wheel for servicing, and yes they fit cruiser bikes.

Not cheap, all steel, well made, and they work.

Re: Starting on center stand

I can let out the clutch hold the bikes rear tire in the air by holding on to the seat, and with a swift downward stroke on the bikes pedal kick start it but you can't let the rear tire touch the ground .As it starts I then pull in and lock the clutch and if needed take off the choke.
Just like kick starting the old Hog.(?)
Re: Starting on center stand

Mike will that stand fit on a rockhopper and whats it called on your web site. Norman thanks I thought of that but my bike is not quite broken in yet but I hope I can do that when its broke in,its an 80 cc chinese 2 stroke.

Re: Starting on center stand

I can let out the clutch hold the bikes rear tire in the air by holding on to the seat, and with a swift downward stroke on the bikes pedal kick start it but you can't let the rear tire touch the ground .As it starts I then pull in and lock the clutch and if needed take off the choke.
Just like kick starting the old Hog.(?)

that works pretty good norman. was 10 degrees out and took a few tries but got it to run. i like to start my motorized bicycle a few times during the long winter and that was alot better then riding in the cold
Re: Starting on center stand

If your asking for a stand to use for maintnance, I use a training/exerciser stand for starting bikes in my garage. You probably don't want to run your engine for very long because they will get hot with no air to cool them...Kelly

Frankinbike, built for a customer that didn't want to spend much money, he suplied the frame.
Someone please tell me if I'm crazy here:

While trying to trouble shoot why my bike wouldn't start, I figured it had to be either it wasn't getting fuel or it wasn't getting spark.

On a car, one backyard mechanic way to check is to take out a spark plug, lay it on top of the engine with the plug wire attached, and at night time, have someone crank the car over while you look to see if spark plug was sparking.

So one thing I thought of doing, in my troubleshooting was to take the gear drive cover off, put a socket on an a ratchet extension, put that in a cordless drill, and use the cordless drill to turn the motor over while I checked for spark.

Has anyone ever tried this?
Someone please tell me if I'm crazy here:

While trying to trouble shoot why my bike wouldn't start, I figured it had to be either it wasn't getting fuel or it wasn't getting spark.

On a car, one backyard mechanic way to check is to take out a spark plug, lay it on top of the engine with the plug wire attached, and at night time, have someone crank the car over while you look to see if spark plug was sparking.

So one thing I thought of doing, in my troubleshooting was to take the gear drive cover off, put a socket on an a ratchet extension, put that in a cordless drill, and use the cordless drill to turn the motor over while I checked for spark.

Has anyone ever tried this?

You don't hafta go that far. With the plug out you can simply turn the rear wheel by hand and check for spark.