You got off cheap
I just did a squirrel exclusion today that cost the homeowner $1700 for me plus the cost of reducting her entire AC system. The wring going into the house showed signs of squirrel gnawing, which could very well have started a fire that kills the entire family
I found pine cones laced with suet hanging in the neighbors trees and took pictures so the homeowner could take it to the HOA board and possibly sue the neighbor
The house had been replumbed a few years ago using PVC pipes through the attic, they had also been gnawed on. If the pipes had been pierced before we got there the damage would have been tremendous
I did a house three years ago where the entire living room ceiling collapsed because the tree rats had chewed through the same pipe set up
That was a $3000 job for me plus the cost to repair the damage
her neighbor also liked to feed the cute little disease ridden beasts
Ant bait no longer contains arsenic, it's boric acid now
But, not for nothin, Decon rat bait also works on squirrels because they are rodents
Mixed in with some birdseed it would be irresistible