
speaking of hawks, we now have urban hawks. These hawks are not people shy. My next door neighbor was walking his rat dog on a leash when this hawk comes around the corner and grabs the puppo. It got to the end of the leash and let it go. Dog wasn't hurt too bad but it is terrified of the yard now.
This is a pic of my squirrel flipper.
They use the house wires as their superhighway
I love it relatively harmless and very effective too! While entertaining. Have any of you folks considered a form electric fence wire like for dogs or cattle?
speaking of hawks
I have seen this in action on someones Taco Bell dog while we were standing in the yard going to our cars late one night not pretty! While darkly Amusing to some? This was not at all for the dog or for the owner. I felt bad very for them seeing it happen first hand. I truly love my dogs and they are a intricate part of the family they are as dear to me as kids or relatives.
i like the little buggers there fuzzy dont make this the motor bike and how to kill a sqwearl fourm i feel bad when my bike scares the bejesus out of them
i like the little buggers there fuzzy dont make this the motor bike and how to kill a sqwearl fourm i feel bad when my bike scares the bejesus out of them

Hey bro, the "little buggers" are both varmints and game, we eat them down here. Interesting signature???????
If anyone wants to condemn me for what I am doing...go for it. I won't loose any sleep over it. But before you condemn me how about paying the $500.00 to the AC repairman the next time he is called, and the next time etc.


You got off cheap
I just did a squirrel exclusion today that cost the homeowner $1700 for me plus the cost of reducting her entire AC system. The wring going into the house showed signs of squirrel gnawing, which could very well have started a fire that kills the entire family
I found pine cones laced with suet hanging in the neighbors trees and took pictures so the homeowner could take it to the HOA board and possibly sue the neighbor

The house had been replumbed a few years ago using PVC pipes through the attic, they had also been gnawed on. If the pipes had been pierced before we got there the damage would have been tremendous
I did a house three years ago where the entire living room ceiling collapsed because the tree rats had chewed through the same pipe set up
That was a $3000 job for me plus the cost to repair the damage
her neighbor also liked to feed the cute little disease ridden beasts

Ant bait no longer contains arsenic, it's boric acid now
But, not for nothin, Decon rat bait also works on squirrels because they are rodents
Mixed in with some birdseed it would be irresistible
Trouble with poisons is you don't exactly know when and where the critter is going to fall. Should fluffy the cat or rosco the chihuahua snack on a poisoned carcass that was overlooked they could get very sick or worse. I had coons in my attic a couple winters ago, borrowed a trap and moved them to a new home...think it was the mayors house I dropped them off at :)
Not a problem
Rat poison has ipecac added to induce vomiting in non rodent mammals
plus the antidote for coumadin based rodenticides is vitamin K which is loaded in all dog food
Add that to the fact that all pesticide dosages are formulated on a milligram of active ingredient per killigram of target pest body weight you get a very very very , almost nonexistant, chance of secondary poisoning
Dogs are 40 times more resistant to rodenticides and cats 80 times
You got off cheap
I just did a squirrel exclusion today that cost the homeowner $1700 for me plus the cost of reducting her entire AC system. The wring going into the house showed signs of squirrel gnawing, which could very well have started a fire that kills the entire family
I found pine cones laced with suet hanging in the neighbors trees and took pictures so the homeowner could take it to the HOA board and possibly sue the neighbor

The house had been replumbed a few years ago using PVC pipes through the attic, they had also been gnawed on. If the pipes had been pierced before we got there the damage would have been tremendous
I did a house three years ago where the entire living room ceiling collapsed because the tree rats had chewed through the same pipe set up
That was a $3000 job for me plus the cost to repair the damage
her neighbor also liked to feed the cute little disease ridden beasts

Ant bait no longer contains arsenic, it's boric acid now
But, not for nothin, Decon rat bait also works on squirrels because they are rodents
Mixed in with some birdseed it would be irresistible

Why is it that some people have no problem with squirrels, for years my Dad and now I feed them and watch them really kind of like them,.. but I nor my Dad have never had a squirrel related problem, ever,...?
Where I live in northern Minnesota we don't have gray squirrels, just the little red ground squirrels which give Aaniimoosh the Wonder Dog fits and are the main characters in her chase dreams. I call the dirty little commies "Little Johnny Pissoff" and she knows them by that name. They like to cuss at her in squirrel talk and she does her best to outrun them, so far with little success. I think they would be a waste of time to eat, being just slightly larger than Chippermonkeys. I have an Indian friend whose little boy used to shift the blame to the red squirrel whenever he had done something wrong. When asked what happened to the cookies he would report very seriously that they were taken by Ajiidamoo (the Ojibwa name for Little Johnny Pissoff). I have a friend who has a restored Chris Craft wooden motorboat... very classy until a family of red squirrels took up residence one winter and destroyed the electrical wiring and upholstery. If you know where squirrels are getting in to an attic you can stuff into the hole steel wool or even rags which have been doused in peppermint oil. All rodents hate it. No more problems with red squirrels in the Chris Craft.
I've had the little rats eat all the leaves off the wifes hibiscus tree, we had on the deck. Last summer, I planted tomatoes on the deck in planters and they got after them. Thought about shooting them but hated to use the neighbors house as a berm. Shame, the 17 HMR would be a ball around here.
Thans for the tip on the peppermint oil SB.
Actually, have been thinking of a live trap and then making it into a covered wagon attached to my cars' tailpipe. Most painless and quiet demise I can think of for them. They were eating the fruit on my trees last summer. I didn't mind them until I saw my little apples and peaches disappear.