
most fast food places use the same oil to fry everything, and sometimes after they fry a chicken breast (like Arby's) the fries will taste like chicken...:)
I figure he will throw me off the bike. Giving up his life so that his friends can attack me.
Well if'n a guy needs to exterminate them I would pick a winter harvest season and eat good! Fire up the rotisserie or bust out some corn meal . Now I am hungry..
When I was a kid I ate the critters. Problem for me is the darn bones, lots and lots of bone.
I was raised around the logic of waste not want not. So I have a lot of respect for what nature provides and the food it gives, but this pict is funny sorry could not resist. lol.


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Have eaten many a squirrel in my life. The brains are very sweet. An old Cajun trick was to nail rat traps to trees and bait with a nut tied to the bait peddle. I wouldn't do that The companies that make fishing flies buy the tails I used to get $3 a tail through the mail. They may pay more now.
When I'm at home for the summers, I feed the squirrels as well as the birds. All we have there are those small red squirrels but if I could I'd plant some of those big gray squirrels if I could. The problem we have is that there isn't a lot of them because the outdoor cats keep the population down.

But if I had the problems like Fulltimer has in Florida, I think I'd be at war with them too. They will chew their way into all kinds of places. I think I'd start with poisoning the corn or something.

All I can say is Good Luck with your killing fields and make it fun!
Sorry, Scuba, I just couldn't resist. They have done a lot of damage around my house. They are very destructive, eating/chewing on things like woodwork on my house, limbs and bark on my trees and they drive my Golden Retriever crazy.

no worries,...
good one,...!
Trouble with poisons is you don't exactly know when and where the critter is going to fall. Should fluffy the cat or rosco the chihuahua snack on a poisoned carcass that was overlooked they could get very sick or worse. I had coons in my attic a couple winters ago, borrowed a trap and moved them to a new home...think it was the mayors house I dropped them off at :)
if you still have access to the mayors attic where you left your coons ,I think I still have at least a couple in my attic that need new friends and living quarters
You want to get rid of squirrels, skunks or any small critter, find a way to attract a family of owls. A good hawk will work wonders too.
Mississippi Squirrel Revival, Tasty little buggers :) Just like Rabbit.
Knock there little butt out of a tree with a high powered sling shot. I have a Benjamin 324 pump Pellet rifle I zap the little darling's with.
No sound, no problem (c)
I didn't get a chance to explain to a friend of mine, Tim, why it requires forthought to hunt squirrels with a bow. He went and shot one, nailed it too, about ten or twelve feet up a tree that had no branches any lower. I told him "Great shot, Tim, now how're you gonna get him down? Wanna drive back to the house and ask your dad for the ladder?" He knew his dad would ask what we wanted the ladder for and that would mean explaining the dumb incident. We threw a few rocks but that didn't work. Somewhere on the outskirts of Mansfield there may still be a squirrel skeleton transfixed by an arrow up on the trunk of a tree.
I can see it now.........
Alfred Hitchcock's The Squirrels
Reminds me of a Monty Python skit about 'Groundhog Day'.
A television news reporter was waiting for the groundhog to emerge from his den. When it did, it was a seven foot tall monster groundhog that attacked the reporter...funny stuff.
This is a pic of my squirrel flipper.
They use the house wires as their superhighway and this has helped discouraged them.
Kind of hard to see with all the snow, but I cut a legnth of that black corrougated plactic wire loom stuff into 3 sections and slid it onto the wire going to my house. I did keep away from the wire as I put them on, even though the wire is insulated multi strand. The "rollers" are very light.

The wind and the sag of the wire keeps them together.

When an intruder scampers on the first roller- his hop to the next roller sends him down into the bushes.
Delightful to watch your concoction operate too.


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