Due to the out of order system here I had better specify I am speaking of the Schwinn clone pictured at the top of this thread
Texas, I'm really interested in your front disc set-up. Does the front mountainTracfodder is correct about these being cheap, I check mine before every ride and would not want anyone hurt because I said these were quality forks, I would not want to hit a large pot hole with them. But I like the ride and I take the risk. I welded the mounting bracket to the fork-tacked it in place while everything was aligned. Gator Disk brake=$19.00
Man, That drum brake set-up is just right for a springer. It will slide
Thanks Dave,Looks good! watch the bolts for awhile, I did not want to over tork mine and under torked them and it wabbles if they get loose, I alos put a locking nut on the main spring so it would never back out. But I love mine, thats for sure.
Thanks Tyr,The monark forks are nice but mine took several hours to get right. There is no lower crown race, the steering tube is too long for my frame and not threaded far enough to cut it down, they were not straight i.e. needed tuning and pivots needed reconfiguration. All and all not a bolt on replacement.
The Sturmey-Archer hub is really nice and will mount right up to the girder. A bit more finiky w/ the springer though. The Sturmey-Archer hubs are my favorite front brake because they are very linear, they stop you fast w/o ever locking up. I stock those hubs and can hand build you a wheel w/ 11 gauge spokes and match your rim or use your existing front rim and save you some duckets.