Something new and kinda sorta 100 years old looking

Nice! Man, I haven't dragged a set of lines since I owned my old '76 Camaro. I couldn't resist just a bit of decoration on the old beast. It's too easy to go overboard with pinstripes, though. They're like booze, you gotta know when to say when.

I take that back, I was wrong: I got out the old brush when I decorated my first MB, the original Tempus. Red stripes up the fenders and around the edges of the battery covers, on a jet black bike. Now how could I have forgotten that?
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Nice! Man, I haven't dragged a set of lines since I owned my old '76 Camaro. I couldn't resist just a bit of decoration on the old beast. It's too easy to go overboard with pinstripes, though. They're like booze, you gotta know when to say when.

I take that back, I was wrong: I got out the old brush when I decorated my first MB, the original Tempus. Red stripes up the fenders and around the edges of the battery covers, on a jet black bike. Now how could I have forgotten that?

Thanks! Sounds like you're probably a much better pinstriper than I am. I marvel at the guys at street rod events pulling perfect double lines down the sides of cars. It's been a while since I've done any pinstriping. I was surprised I could even find the brush! But once I pinstriped my grandson's pedal car I had to at least do something else. I'm not planning on any other line work on this bike (well, maybe something on the tank), just wanted to do something on the flywheel to make the motor look more antique. It's a traditional wagon wheel pattern. Yeah, I've seen some really overdone pinstripe jobs - things got way out of hand in the 70's!
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Well, my stuff just got selected for a steampunk exhibition at the end of March. I better get my butt in gear and get this thing together! Deadlines help.
I'm in FL for a week of vacation so it will be the middle of next week until I can actually accomplish something on the bike. I ordered new seals for the motor and new rings since I broke one taking the motor apart - duh. First order of business is to finish welding stuff on the frame - headlight mount, "luggage" mounts (boxes to hide gas bottle, water pump and battery). Decided to paint the frame gray and the fenders black ... kinda like it is now. I've grown accustomed to seeing it this way. The forks and handlebars will be gray, too, so all the non-brass shiny stuff will go away. I guess I need to paint the crank set, too. By the time I get home, a new water feed solenoid (bought the wrong one first time - another duh) should have arrived plus a time delay relay for the water feed system. I really shouldn't need anything else besides a battery and a switch and some antique looking pedals. Haven't found those yet. Anybody have a suggestion what will work on my Micargi crank set?
I personally like the brass lighting idea because I have done this myself...
Now ain't that cool ... you've got me inspired. That really looks great. If mine tuns out half as nice as yours I'll be happy. The Coca-Cola theme really works. Maybe I should paint the name of a plumbing company on the side of mine!

I'm running my computer on battery so I can't make out all the details, but is that a throttle or clutch lever? My throttle lever will be on the right and I'll have a lever on the left actuating a tensioner for the belt drive.
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fishguts- shame you leaving florida so soon the big VW show is the weekend of the 24th in daytona

Oh wow, I would have liked to have been there for that! Saw a cool topless mint green VW Bug in Delray Beach. It fit right in with the Lamborghini's and Ferrari's.

Got back today and this afternoon tore into the bike project. I needed to get the seat finished because its location determines the fitment of several other components. I cut the guts out of a worn out old seat I had and adapted them to a new saddle I got off FleaBay. It's not a top quality saddle, but I do like the copper rivets. I wanted a vintage undercarriage with the tan and copper topside. Some cutting, welding and grinding and here's how it went (oh yeah, I beat on it with a hammer, too):



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Have you ever tried Belt Dressing on a belt drive system? It is a spray product that makes the belts a little tackier and slows wear.

The reason the so called "Hoot" gear box is getting a bad rap is the chains(dual) inside are substandard and will stretch or break. I took mine apart immediately and replaced the chains with heavy duty ones. They are the #25 chains. They will stretch over time, but either replace them or get a half link. Keep them lube'd and sealed and it will be fine. I like them cause of the torque, the G4 belt just doesn't pull hard enough for my large frame(me not the bike). I had a lot of experience with these on pocket bikes, etc. So it was easy for me to deal with, others might not be so hip to deal with these small problems, but then again, any gear box will have its problems. Here's a link to an electric scooter company that has chains including links that are heavy duty.
Electric Scooter Chain -
Have you ever tried Belt Dressing on a belt drive system? It is a spray product that makes the belts a little tackier and slows wear.

This is my first belt driven bike, but I did use belt dressing on the flat belt we used between our Frick sawmill and Case steam engine. It was applied with a wood paddle if I remember right. I guess the spray on dressing is the same idea. I may have to pick some up.
Something else that works very well is Clorox, just wipe it on using a generous amount and you good to go, it's amazing what it does.
Does the clorox work on V-belts also? what a awesome tip thanks.

Keep waiting and watching, For the finish. Just Awesome.........Curt
It works really well on V belts, as a kid I had a Doodle Bug scooter that had a V belt drive and I don't know HOW many times I got it going again after the belt started slipping.
Got the steam engine finished. I still need to make some mounts, but here it is positioned close to where it will end up. The chainsaw carburetor should make some people scratch their heads.


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Is the carburetor for looks or oil distribution, or just a place to mount a filter for air? I don't understand, yes I'm scratching my head.

What kind of carb is it, and could it work on a gas 50cc happytime?