I don't want to get too deep into this argument, but I do agree that it sucks not knowing the results, unless one of the racers posts something, and they obviously don't keep track of everyone.
It's one thing if you're there and see the races, but if you didn't, or couldn't, show up, the lack of coverage just makes it seem like it was a boring, uneventful race with a handful of guys goofing off at the track.
There's no way of knowing who was the fastest, who's getting faster, and who the guys to beat are.
There's a lot of people who haven't been to a race yet, who may be building bikes, who might be turned off by the seemingly lack of interest in it all.
The races are heavily promoted on the forum, well in advance, with pretty much weekly reminders of the event, times, safety requirements, etc, but then after the checkered flag drops, it's on to the next one. Maybe a "thanks for coming," if you're lucky, but no details unless the racers themselves post highlights.
Personally, I'm not as gung ho as I used to be about racing. I like to show up and hang out, get some track time, break my bikes, and party in the pits. But with less and less people showing up (arrow, piston bikes, jake, magrider, and all the others who gave it up,) I just don't have the enthusiasm for it that I used to.
The events are smaller, less competitive, and more of an excuse to get drunk and hang out then to actually race.
I've built all my bikes on a less-than-shoestring budget, with the goal of beating the fastest guys, mainly the arrow team. We may have had personal differences, but when the green flag dropped, the only thing on my mind was winning.
I used to spend weeks getting my bike ready, figuring out how to go faster and stay together, now I just wipe the dust off, pump up the tires, grab the cooler and show up. If I show up. If my friends are having a bbq, or there's a good party going on, I'd rather save my time and money and stay home.
All it takes is a little more attention to race results at the track on neil (or his "staff's") part, a half hour the next day posting it here on the race thread, and all this negativity would go away.
All the statements made by arrow, fred, and everyone else with a soapbox are valid, and it doesn't seem to hard to come up with a compromise, a solution, and a way to get everyone "back on track." Literally and figuratively.
You can take my opinions negatively if you want, but they're not meant to be.