
Odd as it may seem, the smoking room wasn't as dangerous as you would think - not only was the room airlocked & pressurized, but it was located at the bottom of the ship. As hydrogen rises the risk was almost nonexistent: Hindenburg Smoking Room

Barely, you make a very good point. I had forgotten my basic science. I do admit, though, that if I had been there at that time, seeing a smoking lounge would have taken me aback. But you are right, it would have been far safer than it would initially seem.

And it is a shame that they fell out of favor as they did. They would make one H**L of a luxury cruise ship. Forget ocean liners, that'd be a cool way to travel (using helium of course).
We've sort of high-jacked Dan's 'Snork' thread but...there was a pretty good old movie made back in the late 70s called, 'The Hindenburg'. George C. Scott was in it and it was a conspiratorial look at what happened; suggesting sabotage. Nevertheless, they had a couple of scenes that depicted the 'smoking lounge'. If I recall each person held a length of tubing that had a small funnel attached that smoke and ashes were directed into. That could have been a Hollywood invention, but it sounds right.

LOL, Today, they don't even have a smoking lounge in most airport terminals, let alone allowing anyone to light up while flying. :) 'Snork'
LOL Tom. Has to be a hijacked blimp joke in there some where. We haven't even got to dogs or cartoons yet.

Think I said this before on the flying MB thread, but always wanted to be a blimp pilot. When I got out of the Merchant Marine, called every US company. There being so few and jobs hard to come by, no one would talk to me. Then a woman who flew for Goodyear was nothing short of great. Her Dad had sailed all his life including WW2. (Not a fun time to be on a merchant ship in the Atlantic) Any way, she advised me you pretty much volunteer for a year catching ropes like a longshoreman. You need a commercial pilots licence. Not all that hard but the only place I could find to Volunteer was Ohio. I love the midwest but just made a promise to my self and others I wouldn't go off on any more odd adventures that took months or yrs.

Blimps are just my speed. Slow and dirigible.
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Har, has been discussed! (another thread) Am at a constant discussion with my self on that. Hot air, gyro or hang-glider wing. This morning, hot air was winning.

Been gonna do it for 3 yrs. Gets back burnered with simpler projects over and over. Gotta buckle down and just do it
Dunno how he got a patent for that? Don't get me wrong, all the more power to him but the gyrocopter has been around for long time. One was used in one of the Bond films.

According to "Autogyro" From Wikipedia, 9 January 1923. Autogyro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Really cool thunk though.

Maybe due to his folding rotors? In researching them, found they had an inordinate amount of crashes. Autogyro Safety Interesting read.

YouTube - Goped meets Autogyro

This is another option. YouTube - BRio Flying Boat in Brazil - Part 1 I want it to be road and water worthy.

..and of cource, the airship version, lol. YouTube - Top Gear -Flying Caravan, with a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 550-2 Valentino Balboni -Part 2

When I first got this insane thought, the good Mr. Hiker made this; .fly
This incident has the possibility of winding up in the "Snork" thread. I made a cardboard template of the interior space of my Higgins frame, and took it with me to K-mart to purchase the correct size of softball bat. (See the "Bat Tank" thread.) When I got there, they had either moved them or I was remembering incorrectly. It was time to ask somebody.

Me (to young male clerk): "Excuse me, where are your softball bats?"

Clerk: "I can show you," *starts walking* "Are you looking for a full-size, or a youth bat, a tee-ball bat...?"

Me (showing template): "Well, it has to fit in this space."

- brief pause -

Clerk: "Okay...why?"

Me: "Because I'm making a fuel tank out of it and putting it in a space this size."

- another brief pause -

Clerk: Okay...well, they're right here, and I can't help you more with that." *makes himself scarce*

I would have loved to tell him more about our kind of hobby, but I think I may have given him the impression that I'm too strange to linger with. (Might be true.)

re: blimps
(RC blimp shaped like full size eco car, sure to freak out some bystanders, esp out of earshot)

YouTube - Flying Car
That is just cool! Really impressed with how detailed they did that.

LOL, could you imagine the reaction if did some thing like a dragon fly or Santa's sled. A gargoyle! Lift off when some poor tourist is admiring a building!!! Man, that would be funny!
I've always wanted to build a radio controlled shark fin that I could take to where there are a bunch of guys fishing in belly boats...:)
There is a pond in town that a small portion of is in our back yard. On the other end is a small dam where folks park to feed the ducks, geese and to meet up with other people's spouses. I want to build a pirate ship. Solar powered and anchored. Have it set up so it sinks and rises. Say, up at noon, then sinks at 2 or some thing. Or at sun down and put the solar panel near by and connect it via cable. (hmm, could just hardwire it all) Make it work like a submarine only with tattered sails. Do it like Big Foot, urban legend thing and blame global warming.

LOL Tom. Always wanted to make a shark fin dog harness. throw the stick in the water and as the dog swims, alls you see is her/his head and a shark fin. Think we talked about it or I even posted it. (A mind is a terrible thing to baste yet I still miss beer, snork)