
draft email to the Bud lite advertising company. Do I come off to formal? lol

"Hello Ms. *****,

I hope this finds you well and in good spirits. Was goofing around with a few buddies and we tried to come up with a "Real Men of Genius" version for our hobby of taking perfectly good bicycles and bolting small engines to them. Then seeing if we survive the first ride. (so far, so good, snork)

Any way, after a few bud lites, Came up with this;

"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and you can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"

Needs work and is politically incorrect but was good for a laugh.

Dan "Skippy" Right

(Not only am I Mr. Right, i'm dan skippy)
Absolutely Kip. would really enjoy seeing it work! I mean that. That thread was so old, I forgot about it. Would be a great service to the community. Never got to see Jim's but knowing his work must be great.

Come for the spring ride in CT next yr, hehe, I was buying lunch any way. nananana. If ya loose, gotta bring beer!


And wow, you went back and read this entire thread?
Just got an order confirmation email from Northern Tool. Header; "There's nothing like that new tool smell" Cracked me up. So, so true
Absolutely Kip. would really enjoy seeing it work! I mean that. That thread was so old, I forgot about it. Would be a great service to the community. Never got to see Jim's but knowing his work must be great.

Come for the spring ride in CT next yr, hehe, I was buying lunch any way. nananana. If ya loose, gotta bring beer!


And wow, you went back and read this entire thread?
Hi,Dan.I just stumbled onto it.I've spent some time on a proto-type.
I have it built but haven't had a chance to try it out yet.I also have talked with someone that will help me with a finished to the market product! I want a nice fat juicey cheese burger and fries!
Save your pennies!Kip.
[email protected]
draft email to the Bud lite advertising company. Do I come off to formal? lol

"Hello Ms. *****,

I hope this finds you well and in good spirits. Was goofing around with a few buddies and we tried to come up with a "Real Men of Genius" version for our hobby of taking perfectly good bicycles and bolting small engines to them. Then seeing if we survive the first ride. (so far, so good, snork)

Any way, after a few bud lites, Came up with this;

"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and you can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"

Needs work and is politically incorrect but was good for a laugh.

Dan "Skippy" Right

(Not only am I Mr. Right, i'm dan skippy)

Oh lawdy! I'm dyin', I'm dyin'. That's just too funny.
TEN Houses to avoid on Holloween

10. Any house that seems to be imploding into a hole in the ground.

9. Any house made of food.

8. Any house that has ornamental lawn hyenas.

7. Any house whose only entrance goes to the basement.

6. Any house where high-tension power lines seem to stop.

5. Any house that keeps growling, "Get out"

4. Any house where the furniture seems to be walking around the living room.

3. Any house that looks more like a giant, pulsating orb floating 3 feet above the ground than a house.

2. Any house with a yard full of statues of people in odd running poses.

And the number 1 house to avoid...

1. Any house that wasn't there a couple of seconds ago.
A tale of two villages

1 village in need of more water to arrogate their rice patties
asked a village to the south on the same river if a dam could be
placed on their lands. The village elders tasked a man named 'Sendd to
travel south with their request. As tribute, the messenger brought
gifts of 3 goats and a wagon of rice to request permission to build
the dam. (That would be 12 oxen, 11 wagons of rice and a goat in
today's economy)

The war lord of the south became angry at the audacity of the
request and struck 'Sendd when he proposed foreigners not only set foot
on the Warlords lands, but also build on them. A great battle ensued
and the northern village decimated the warlord's forces. After so much
devastation to both peoples, there was no funding or materials to
build the dam.

The monsoons came. The worst any could remember or had ever heard
of in tales of old. The valley soon flooded and completely washed away
the southern village leaving what survivors there were with out homes
or livelihoods.

The moral of the story; when dealing with folks, give a dam and
never hit 'Send in anger.
Okay Dan, my turn:
A missionary in Africa had been trying for some time to win over a tribe to "the word of the Lord" but without too much success. Each day became more frustrating than the last. Finally, one day, he offered to drive them into the nearest town to have breakfast with him. At the local donut shop he bought them all a round of coffee and assorted pastries, and then proceeded to tell them just what he thought of their "heathen" gods.
The villagers didn't get upset, they just laughed at him and threw donuts and eclairs at him until he was downright sticky.

The missionary snapped. He ran out to his landrover, leaving the villagers at the donut shop, and drove back to their village. And he burned down each and every hut.

The moral of the story: people who live in grass houses should not throw scones.
over heard at Harbor Freight;

Cashier; "When "guys" find out I work here, they always ask me out"

Random customer; "It is 2 cup sizes and a shot of good scotch"
(2 cups. 'cause who wants to enjoy fine scotch alone, snork)
over heard at Harbor Freight;

Cashier; "When "guys" find out I work here, they always ask me out"

Random customer; "It is 2 cup sizes and a shot of good scotch"
(2 cups. 'cause who wants to enjoy fine scotch alone, snork)

Some go for the cups, some go for the "jugs". (heheh)
AWESOME DAVE!!!!!! We gotta do a montage vid thing with that one. Get pics of "just for now builds" dunno but that is to funny.
AWESOME DAVE!!!!!! We gotta do a montage vid thing with that one. Get pics of "just for now builds" dunno but that is to funny.

lol I have already been thinking about that since I first heard it. Just have not had the time to come up with anything yet.
Montage of failed bikes, taco-ed wheels and human battle scars? Post a thread and get enough pics in about 2 an' a half days. Could be really funny.

Dunno, rushing off to work and just shot off the thought
re: rides a moped hahahhahahhah.