Jim hath thrown down the gauntlet! (bad enough I speak with a lisp, now I am typing with one)
Over the last year or so and countless threads Jim and I have differed on the best way to mount a chinagurl. Jim states that he has a soft mount that reduces vibrations and I contend that a solid mount with lead works better. The bet is for lunch, bragging rights and the all time championship of life, the universe and every thing.
Jim, Here is what I propose, at the May 2nd, CT. get together, all in attendance build a MB. I will supply the bike and kit. Then every one takes a ride with the same bike built with Your mount, then with lead and then with nothing but the engine mounts. Same kit, bike and riders. Also hold a glass of water on the top tube at idle to half throttle. Video the whole process and I will also broadcast the rally live on yahoo IM for those who can't make it.
"If you get a soft mount to work, I can not wait to see and will buy lunch! Would be cool."
Pizza will be fine...The place is called Grande...(727) 530-4703
I challenge ye!!! (I would have said Thee, but the whole lisp thing, lol)
Post script, this is all meant in fun and no MBers will be harmed in the process. Well, not in an irrevocable manner.

Over the last year or so and countless threads Jim and I have differed on the best way to mount a chinagurl. Jim states that he has a soft mount that reduces vibrations and I contend that a solid mount with lead works better. The bet is for lunch, bragging rights and the all time championship of life, the universe and every thing.
Jim, Here is what I propose, at the May 2nd, CT. get together, all in attendance build a MB. I will supply the bike and kit. Then every one takes a ride with the same bike built with Your mount, then with lead and then with nothing but the engine mounts. Same kit, bike and riders. Also hold a glass of water on the top tube at idle to half throttle. Video the whole process and I will also broadcast the rally live on yahoo IM for those who can't make it.
"If you get a soft mount to work, I can not wait to see and will buy lunch! Would be cool."
Pizza will be fine...The place is called Grande...(727) 530-4703
I challenge ye!!! (I would have said Thee, but the whole lisp thing, lol)
Post script, this is all meant in fun and no MBers will be harmed in the process. Well, not in an irrevocable manner.