Mount bet


Jim hath thrown down the gauntlet! (bad enough I speak with a lisp, now I am typing with one)

Over the last year or so and countless threads Jim and I have differed on the best way to mount a chinagurl. Jim states that he has a soft mount that reduces vibrations and I contend that a solid mount with lead works better. The bet is for lunch, bragging rights and the all time championship of life, the universe and every thing.

Jim, Here is what I propose, at the May 2nd, CT. get together, all in attendance build a MB. I will supply the bike and kit. Then every one takes a ride with the same bike built with Your mount, then with lead and then with nothing but the engine mounts. Same kit, bike and riders. Also hold a glass of water on the top tube at idle to half throttle. Video the whole process and I will also broadcast the rally live on yahoo IM for those who can't make it.

"If you get a soft mount to work, I can not wait to see and will buy lunch! Would be cool."

Pizza will be fine...The place is called Grande...(727) 530-4703



I challenge ye!!! (I would have said Thee, but the whole lisp thing, lol)

Post script, this is all meant in fun and no MBers will be harmed in the process. Well, not in an irrevocable manner.

Excellent idea...may I suggest the Schwinn Jaguar as the test vehicle. I'll supply one of my kits. The evaluation will be a double whammy for me. Motor mounts and many other improvements are going to be included in the kit. Therefore all aspects of the kit can be evaluated, not just the mounts.

My motor mounts totally eliminate the high frequency vibration that is not only annoying at the handle bars and seat, but also detrimental to the bike in general.

Cool! Will be fun

I don't have any Schwinn Jaguars on hand. Have a Giant (bad choice, is too big for a MB) A green Kulana Moon Dog Cruiser and my choice, a small Haro MTB with diamond frame. Reinforced steel frame with great brakes.
Carol confiscates all the cool vintage bikes I bring home.

jacliny!! Howdy Sir. How goes the new biz? Getting rich yet? .cptr.
Dan, all goes well here! Did you say rich? SNORK! LOL, Sounds like we'll be building over the weekend! I have to say my money's on you! I've been using lead and a single wrap of inner tube and no problems so far. Been thinking about a long recumbent lately though. A little rich for my blood but maybe a little more time with a tubing bender and the torches? Chrissy would love it!
I'll take you up on that free bike and kit offer. Send me one, soon.

Quote from your starting thread:Jim, Here is what I propose, at the May 2nd, CT. get together, all in attendance build a MB. I will supply the bike and kit. :)
Dan, all goes well here! Did you say rich? SNORK! LOL, Sounds like we'll be building over the weekend! I have to say my money's on you! I've been using lead and a single wrap of inner tube and no problems so far. Been thinking about a long recumbent lately though. A little rich for my blood but maybe a little more time with a tubing bender and the torches? Chrissy would love it!

Is great to see ya! Been a while. Was just about put your pic on a milk carton.
I search CList every day hoping for a deal on a recumbent. would be sweet with a 4 stroke! Dax built a killer one.

I'll take you up on that free bike and kit offer. Send me one, soon.

Quote from your starting thread:Jim, Here is what I propose, at the May 2nd, CT. get together, all in attendance build a MB. I will supply the bike and kit. :)

Dang 2Door! "a" collectively! LOL, sad part is that could be argued successfully in a court in your favor....:-||
LOL!!!! the best way to mount a chinagurl!!! I saw a German bike that represented this quite well called "the ***** cruiser" just google it - you'll laugh your guts out!!! I thought it was too provocative to post a picture here, so [mature people] enjoy. :D Kinda puts the leg lamp to shame!!!
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LOL, Down South, that BC bike is some thing. ( Looks like a really cool bike under the "model") I want one. Has to be an exhaust joke in there but I digress. Great find.

Trying hard not to make a mount the BC joke.......
LOL!!! I wonder how they would market something like that? I can just imagine the radio ads..."...The BC Bike, when you're tired of your wife or girlfriend riding you all day!..." definitely a rare bike and I'm sure there are some headlight puns in there too!!! LOL!!!
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Know this is an old thread but Kip has been working on it and think it is a great idea. A vibe free (or less then they run now) would be an awesome thing. The high rev/vibes of the 2 smokes are really and truly the only hard spot I have with them. They are the best looking engines (IMHO) out there for our thing and would love to see the vibe thing concured. Light, cheap the 2 smokes rock. Just the dang sound and vibes at high RPM. The sound is not hard to alter and some folks like em for that.

I am still betting on solid mounts. Share the oscillation threw out and dispatch some threw the air and rubber of the tires. I believe that the concept of allowing the power plant to move only makes for a paint shaker effect at any then the other RPM a "soft" mount can rectify. Absolutely can be done but (again just MHO) only with a hydro method. I am saying a spring, rubber or any static mounting method can not counter the vibrations threw the idle/high RPM range.

But could just lock it down for high, snork.

But again the ancient gauntlet has been thrown down! (wrench)We will meet on the field of battle! (parking lot) and have our mortal combat (race bicycles with motors and hold glasses of water on them to see how bad the vibrations are) Because there can only be one! (or several thousands. Give or take)
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Post script, I really want to see this succeed and will happily eat crow as I watch others enjoy lunch. Won't be the first time I have enjoyed dark bird, snork.
Dan-O, you have nothing to fear. There is, never has been, nor will there ever be a, subsitute for a solidly mounted China Girl...oh, wait...Chinese 2 stroke engine. There that should clear up any misunderstanding.
The theory, and that's all it is, that you can eliminate vibration by soft mounting the engine needs to be squelched here and now. The true source of the vibes are produced by the single cylinder, 2 stroke power plant for reasons that I will not even try to address here. Please don't tell me it is because of cheap Chinese design. I've used some of the most expensive German engineered model airplane engines available, balanced the propellers and spinners, and we still had to wrap the critical electronics, recievers and battery packs, in foam rubber to protect them from the vibrations from the engine.
Pretending that you have eliminated the vibrations by soft mounting an engine will come back to bite you in the form of failed mounting hardware. Also don't give me the tired old argument that motorcycles and cars soft mount their engines. Yes, but the rubber mounts are two sided affairs where the engine vibes are not transmitted to the mounting fasteners. Not just my opinion, folks, but fact backed up by years of experience and other's experimentation.
Two stroke, single cylinder engines vibrate...either learn to live with it or go to a four stroke...which by the way also can shake your dentures if not mounted correctly.
Throw away the rubber, leather, lead and epoxy and solid mount the engine to the'll be miles ahead of the game if you do.

Excellent idea...may I suggest the Schwinn Jaguar as the test vehicle. I'll supply one of my kits. The evaluation will be a double whammy for me. Motor mounts and many other improvements are going to be included in the kit. Therefore all aspects of the kit can be evaluated, not just the mounts.

My motor mounts totally eliminate the high frequency vibration that is not only annoying at the handle bars and seat, but also detrimental to the bike in general.


This thread lookth like thomething I've been curiouth about for a while. I think I'll follow along too.
i'll put my solid mounted Colson up against ANY mush-mounted bike. seriously. i'll video a glass of water mounted to my handlebars if you want....
Since we are all so far flung, (and half a bubble off plumb) I propose that be the test. A proper shot glass on the top tube behind the tank. Half filled with water. (For now 'cause these things never end well and you will want a drink)
Exactly one half once. No more and no less. Gentleman's honor. Or in our case, insert joke here.

Idle to full revs! Gentleman, submit your vids!

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