sneak peak of acme V twin

On the flat twin you have seen for the RC planes and the like, what you need to know is that a two stroke uses the crankcase to move air and fuel. that being said with a V configuration you will need separate crankcases or you just end up with a bunch of air that is just pushed around by the apposing piston. On the flat twin RC it is actually just a single with two pistons. Both pistons fire at the same time, it just saves space and has a better balance. Both pistons go out at the same time and thus is able to pull fuel in and move it up through scavenging ports as the pistons pull together. There were V6' outboards and each had its own crankcase, just pairs of V's stacked up, very complex. Have fun, Dave

I have a related question, mostly for anybody out there who would know or for anybody who dabbles in RC: I have already seen numerous 50cc twin cylinder RC aircraft engines with opposed cylinders BUT has anybody seen a 50cc V-twin??? If so - WHERE??? (Inquiring minds want to know.)
I know - they're largly diesel, but maybe conversion would be possible with a custom head or some such, and I suppose one would need to find a way to add a flywheel and clutch.
I have a related question, mostly for anybody out there who would know or for anybody who dabbles in RC: I have already seen numerous 50cc twin cylinder RC aircraft engines with opposed cylinders BUT has anybody seen a 50cc V-twin??? If so - WHERE??? (Inquiring minds want to know.)
I know - they're largly diesel, but maybe conversion would be possible with a custom head or some such, and I suppose one would need to find a way to add a flywheel and clutch.

AW, maybe you have seen the functional mini singles & V-twins posted in youtube video's!

Here's the Link:

Please post their information here: Who they are, Where they are, What style or type of Mini V-Twin they build or have built, and any pictures or video Links to there Functional Mini V-Twins that you have found.

I'll post the first Video Link it's Acme Motor Bikes Mini V-Twin video on YouTube, here's the Link:
YouTube - Acme Labs V Twin

Here's a few more video's of functional mini v-twin engines:
YouTube - Mini V-twin engine-1st run

This one is the Harley Panhead it's a functional Mini V-Twin:
YouTube - 1/3 scale Harley

Here's another Looks like 1914 Harley V-Twin:
YouTube - vtwin again

Another V-Twin:
YouTube - Early Run of My V-Twin model Engine by Terry Mayhugh

YouTube - Vintage V-Twin

C'mon let's find more builders of Mini V-Twin Engines for our Vintage Style Motor Bicycles.

Start posting more information if you can, I'd very much appreciate your Participation or Leads regarding Mini Singles & V-Twin Engines who builds and sell's them.

Peace Crazy Horse.

P.S. Click on the Link and at bottom of Post #1 is where you'll see the Links for all these mini single & v-twins that are functional engines.
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as of now our patterns are at the draftsmans having blueprints made. we will have this but i can't put a release date on it. after the draftsman we need to go to the foundry and then to a machinist,
19 pages of updates and responses.
Over 27,000 page views.

Interest is obvious.

One year and four months since the first post.
And no blueprints yet?

Likelihood of production not so obvious.

Putting a custom designed engine into production would be no small feat. Casting and machining will send the costs through the roof. If this ever happens it runs the risk of going well beyond what makes sense for a motor powered bicycle. The cc's will put it into the motorcycle registration category just about everywhere anyhow. Would it maybe make more sense to aim for the motorcycle ($$) market instead?
AW, maybe you have seen the functional mini singles & V-twins posted in youtube video's!

Here's the Link:

Please post their information here: Who they are, Where they are, What style or type of Mini V-Twin they build or have built, and any pictures or video Links to there Functional Mini V-Twins that you have found.

I'll post the first Video Link it's Acme Motor Bikes Mini V-Twin video on YouTube, here's the Link:
YouTube - Acme Labs V Twin

Here's a few more video's of functional mini v-twin engines:
YouTube - Mini V-twin engine-1st run

This one is the Harley Panhead it's a functional Mini V-Twin:
YouTube - 1/3 scale Harley

Here's another Looks like 1914 Harley V-Twin:
YouTube - vtwin again

Another V-Twin:
YouTube - Early Run of My V-Twin model Engine by Terry Mayhugh

YouTube - Vintage V-Twin

C'mon let's find more builders of Mini V-Twin Engines for our Vintage Style Motor Bicycles.

Start posting more information if you can, I'd very much appreciate your Participation or Leads regarding Mini Singles & V-Twin Engines who builds and sell's them.

Peace Crazy Horse.

P.S. Click on the Link and at bottom of Post #1 is where you'll see the Links for all these mini single & v-twins that are functional engines.


Here's one for all those interested in seeing these engines built how bout this to rule out any and all tire kickers, browsers, hey I want one of those reply's to this thread maybe camlifter could take orders for those truly interested in a mini v-twin and put the deposits into an escrow account.

Then the engines will have bonifide buyers, and the naysayers could hold their opinions to themselves, where's the engines man 27,000 views and still no engines blah blah blah.

I say if we wanna see some action then we all need to put up our $$$ deposits and know that with that these engines can become a reality!!!

If we want a v-twin engine we can pm camlifter, and make it happen.

Lets show him a little respect & support his endeavor by following thru with a bonifide deposit for an order on this mini v-twin.

Camlifter, thanks for your ingenuity and continued support of motorized bicycling.

Peace Crazy Horse.
yep im in ohio were geting ready to unleash the furry of costom parts for your bikes. of corse the vtwin,custom pipes, fined clutch and mag cover, hi compresion heads, custom fiber glass and steal gas tanks. hopefuly all will be ready for winter projects.

read your thread on the clutch upgrade...want to buy the do i order it?...the one where its a heavy duty clutch that works like a regular motorcycle clutch....can't seem to find the thread now:-||

Lets show him a little respect & support his endeavor by following thru with a bonifide deposit for an order on this mini v-twin.

No disrespect intended, just an honest dose of skepticism. It is reasonable to expect something to be beyond the blueprint stage after this amount of time. That progress has been slow doesn't mean it won't ever happen, but indicates the process has been encumbered by something, that necessary resources (money, time, knowledge, whatever) have come up short. This makes the possibility of something like this making its way through prototyping to testing to manufacturing to marketing questionable. That's just common sense.

The suggestion that people should put money down to speed development assumes the biggest hurdle to bringing this product to market is funding. This might be true and this might be a reasonable risk/investment, but we don't know this. To send deposits would be pure speculation and perhaps some folks with money looking for a place to go may want to do that.
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wow thats awsome i was stairing at my engine the other day thinking about how it would be possible to make it a v twin of course i dont have the skills to do anything like that im only 15 but probs on the biuld cant wait to see it finished
new member is gathering info to do a btr replica kit line that will blow minds. Top secret, This wont go down till the end of 2011, thats all im sayin 4 now shhhhhhh
new member is gathering info to do a btr replica kit line that will blow minds. Top secret, This wont go down till the end of 2011, thats all im sayin 4 now shhhhhhh
heh.......a year from now.....just another tease.......smoke and mirrors.....

new member is gathering info to do a btr replica kit line that will blow minds. Top secret, This wont go down till the end of 2011, thats all im sayin 4 now shhhhhhh

Hey,kingstar.Welcome! But you just let the cat out of the bag!
Now everybody knows there's a new member gathering onfo to do a btr replica kit that is going to blow minds."Sorry mine's already scrambled!" and that it's Top secret,and that it's going to take at least a year!
Don't worry my lips are sealed.(hummm I wonder who it could be????)Kip.
[email protected]
this whole thread is boring, here is what will happen.

The guy will make his "unique" engine but it will be priced way more than most people will want to pay for a bicycle engine.

another FAIL in my book ,or he will have a one of a kind bike ? LOL

hurricane,Why so negative? Instead of trying to discourage anyone out there looking to push the envelope you should be applauding them for their innovations.
In the end he might only have a one of a kind bike! In my mind that's not a failure that's a win! In my book! Kip.
[email protected]
to keep in the legal bicycle realm they maybe could offer a smaller displacement engine maybe like 25cc per cylinder