
The official term is Creative Staring. You have already mastered the art. :) The interesting part is that if you ask most everyone here on the forum, you will find that when they start on a new project they can see it finished in their minds. They even move Heaven and Earth to make it happen, overcoming any problems that get in their way.
The people that tell you that you can't do it are the ones who don't have that ability.

As my old English grandmother used to tell me when I was trying to do something that seemed impossible when I was young. "There are two types of people in this world Stephen. Them as can do it and them as tell those as can, that they can't".

The old dear was ever so right.

ok thinking about a sidecar biggest question, to you guys have some sort of articulating unit where the car attaches to the bike? if so am interested in ideas and or pics,thanks frank

Your doing a neat start on your side car, they are cool. Be glad when the saw mills are built are done, need to get my stretch done for visiting FE & SB this Summer.

Later guy`s, Ron
She also said that if I hung around with the kid up the street that I'd be in jail before long. She was wrong. I could run a lot faster than he could which proved another of her favorite saying's. "The Devil will catch the hindmost" but I visited him often . :p

fast"quick silver"eddy
Hi again to everyone who are following my sidecar build. I have been thinking again and I want to just say I am trying to build the lightest sidecar. So it will be a very simple design.

Fasteddy, You may not have been able to make out the sign on my tank, it is something that someone posted on this site, A man who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt a man doing it.

I have a neighbor who delights in pointing out my mistakes, my answer to him is, A man who never made a mistake never made anything new.

Freewheelingfrank, on the forum Adventure rider, sub forum Hacks. There is some really good reading regarding articulated joints and fixed joints, positioning of the sidecar wheel etc. It is easier to build a rigidly fixed sidecar, so that is the way I am going.

That is not to say a articulated sidecar won't work but it needs a lot more work to get it right.

Here is a link to Adventure rider forum, Hacks, some good reading.

Here is some more pictures, these are of the axle mount. I love pictures and hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy taking them.



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You mean a tilting bike and sidecar? It's easy to do. Now having said that how heavy is your sidcar going to be with a load?
If your going to carry a light load such as a child , dog, groceries or a few cases of your favorite beverage you can use this type of a set up that I'll post below. It attaches to your chain stay and if your putting a large sidecar on it to haul your buddies around remember the strain is on the chain stay only.

This is what I came up with to remove Silverbears sidecar quickly. You will need to turn the tubing sideways to have it work for what you want. One as far forward as you can and one as far back as you can on the chain rail.
What ever you use for the sidecar frame I would weld a plate on the end with a piece of tubing that fits tight against the mounts on the bike. You don't want it sliding back and forth at all. Slide a length of solid bar inside the tubing so that it goes through both the mounts so that the load is spread evenly and you will be ready to go.

I'll post a photo of my first attempt at doing this which worked but with my bad sense of balance it didn't to work for me. It will give you a better Idea of what I mean.


This is from my Photobucket build file so if you want to look back and forth on it please do but this will cut out the searching.
The threaded rod was to make the toe in and out of the side car ajustable. If it's not just right it will push the sidecar against the bike or pull it away from it. In the end when I rebuilt it as a solid mount sidecar I built in about 2% toe in and that worked out quite well for me.

As DaveM said you may not want to make it so it tilts. The reason I mentioned that you need to watch the sidecar weight is because you will be constantly trying to keep the bike upright as the weight of the sidecar pulls down.

Hope this helps.


More pictures for anyone following my sidecar build.



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Same again.



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And again!

Things aren't moving fast enough for Nell.



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Thanks Steve.

Nelly is a funny dog, but not much patience. She is not happy because we were inside and there was no ball throwing going on. When are we going outside she is thinking and just to make sure you know she's not happy she puts her head on the floor and bum up in the air.

Thank you. Closest I'll ever get to the Chris Craft I always wanted. The finish is the result of over 50 years of restoring antique furniture.

I was thinking that she wants the sidecar done so she can cruise the neighbourhood and show the the other dogs how a friend treats his friends.

She has had another big day today, first in the morning an hours walk at the beach, lots of ball chasing, she loves going in the water to retrieve the ball, then later for lunch, some nice doggy biscuits.

I then went and did some shopping and brought her home a doggy chew toy, so a couple of hours trying to destroy her new toy, it's always better with bits chewed off. She will then come and see what I'm up to, o.k Dave's busy so more toy chewing.

Then about 4 o'clock a half hour nap with me, followed by dinner and then some of my barbecued pork chop just to top things off, then another nap followed by a half hour walk in about an hours time, 7.30 p.m.

Then we will be ready to call it a day!

So you're right Steve the sidecar will be another way I can spoil her.

Your sidecar is coming along nicely. Thanks for the photos which always tell so much. I'm especially looking forward to the ones with Nel in her spiffy new ride. I guarantee that you'll get lots of looks and no matter how nice the bike and sidecar, it will be the dog who gets most of the smiles. It is a child's fantasy come true as an adult, taking your four legged buddy along for the bike ride. Woohoo! Once she understands what it is all about she'll be asking for rides. What fun!