Sat April 13th 2013 is the Next SoCal Motor Bicycle Racing Event

wow! thats too nice to race!
I hope that this isn't too nice to race.
Who is piloting Little Red on the track in the Unlimited Class?

If you need a rider I am volunteering. :)

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I'm going to bring another racer to race an air cooled 5.8 Boxer in the mid class.
He's a 120 lb kid that races BMX. I need to start putting my bike back together.
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I'm going to bring another racer to race an air cooled 5.8 Boxer in the mid class.
He's a 120 lb kid that races BMX. I need to start putting my bike back together.
Cool, I guess you got the time off work.
Is Dean coming?

Is the kid under 18?
I just got your email about his Dad being there to sign the waiver.

Just need to pick a race number for the bike.
Not too many double digit #'s left but most 3 digit #'s from 300 to 998 are.
999 is taken by Meano Larry.
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Cool, I guess you got the time off work.
Is Dean coming?

Is the kid under 18?
I just got your email about his Dad being there to sign the waiver.

Just need to pick a race number for the bike.
Not too many double digit #'s left but most 3 digit #'s from 300 to 998 are.
999 is taken by Meano Larry.

Yes Neil,
Jacob is under 18. Can you save him the lowest Double digit number for him?
I'm pretty sure Dean will be coming along for the road trip.
i'm gonna try to get piston bikes kevin to race it for me. he's a take no prisoners racer that impresses me very much with his aggressive style and will to win.
i'm gonna try to get piston bikes kevin to race it for me. he's a take no prisoners racer that impresses me very much with his aggressive style and will to win.
Kevin`# 57 is racing an Arrow Motorized Cycles case reeded race motor for Piston Bikes
in the 2 stroke Pro Class.

He will have some tough competition in the Unlimited Class from scotto,
Easy Rider, Roland of BigBoyCycles, Meano Larry, Chris of Tomahawk
tuning and maybe Ryan the dyno man if he has a bike.

Rob of is sponsoring the 2 Stroke Amateur class with
one of the Grubee aluminum frames with the built in gas tank. Your choice
of getting the one that has a built in mount or not so you can build a 2 or a 4 stroke.



SkyHawk Aluminum Bike Frame GT2-A for 48cc / 66cc


Built-in 2.4L gas tank
Pedestal front mount allows fitting of all 2 cycle bike engines with either 40 or 50mm front mount stud spacing
26" frame made especially heavy duty for gas engine applications
Available with 135mm rear frame width for either single speed or multi-speed bikes
38mm diameter downtube 70 degrees angle V frame
Material: Aluminum - No gas tank rusting
No other bike frame in the world is especially made for motorization
Seat post angle allows for level carburetor
Big bottom hole for 1 piece pedal crank
Net weight 6.5 lbs; Gross weight 10.50 lbs; Dimension (box) 43.70 in x 6.50 in x 22.24 in

SkyHawk Aluminum Alloy Bike Frame GT2A-S for 48cc / 66cc 2 Cycle and 4 Cycle

No pedestal mount

Built-in 2.4L gas tank
Designed for the late style 2-cycle engines with 50mm wide front mount stud spacing, and also accepts 4-cyle engines
26" frame made especially heavy duty for gas engine applications
Available with 135mm rear frame width for either single speed or multi-speed bikes
38mm diameter downtube 70 degrees angle V frame
The GT2S-A frame is made for the new 203 brg engines with the 50mm wide front mount stud spacing for big downtubes. This frame is not to be used with older 2 cycle engines with 40mm wide stud spacing at front mount No other bike frame in the world is especially made for motorization
Seat post angle allows for level carburetor
Big bottom hole for 1 piece pedal crank
Material: Aluminum - No gas tank rusting
Net weight 6.5 lbs; Gross weight 10.50 lbs; Dimension (box) 43.70 in x 6.50 in x 22.24 in
Straight rear drop outs for easy chain tightening.
Cable eyelets for securing all cables.
50mm OD x 43mm ID stem
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The first page of the thread has been updated with race info.

Gate opens at 6.00am Saturday for registration;
Sign waiver, get a wrist band and to pay entry fee.

Spectators / Pit Crew: $10
Kids 12 and under no charge.
Race track riding & Racing: $35
2nd Race Class: $10
3rd Race Class: no charge.

and to register for the race: [email protected]

Sunrise: 5:37am
Sunset: 7:57pm

12 hours track time 7am to 7pm

Practice from 7am to 9.40am
Heats start at 10.15am

Free camping Friday night and Saturday night included with track entry or
as a spectator.


Grangé Motor Circuit
20455 Central Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
Neil, i must say that the price's to race are very affordable, and its plain to see your not in it for the money, rather the sport of it. thank you and i'll see you at the track. dennis
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neil i must say that the price's to race are very affordable, and its plan to see your not in it for the money, rather the sport of it. thank you and i'll see you at the track. dennis
Thanks Dennis, if anyone is really broke but still wants to come send
me an email so we can work something out.

This race is going to be one helluva show that shouldn't be missed! :D
have the classes changed? I didn't know there was a 'pro' class. what does pro class mean?
I said 2 stroke Pro Class :)

We are splitting the 2 Stroke 66 cc class into Pro & Amateur.

All the fast guys like you will be in the 2 Stroke Pro Class and Dave Rust
is putting up $200 in purse money from

Also SoCal Motor Bicycle Racing is kicking in $5 per rider racing in the Pro Class
into the purse.
I think we have at least one other company putting up money, the idea is
to pay out to all the racers in the class, not just the first 3 places.

Any companies wanting to promote themselves are welcome to get involved,
please send me an email.

The 2 Stroke 66 cc Amateur Class is for fairly stock bikes and new racers.
As I just posted is putting up a very cool prize of a
Grubee aluminum bike frame with the built in gas tank.

Here is the chance for some new blood to be competitive on the track and
have fun without spending a lot on their race bike.
Heck, bring your street commuter and give it a shot! :D
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that sounds great, and a positive motivator for the competition. are we going to race the track clockwise?
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that sounds great, and a positive motivator for the competition. are we going to race the track clockwise?
We are going Counter Clockwise on April 13th.

We have only run the track once clockwise.
We will race it clockwise again on June 1st 2013.

Saturday April 13th 2013 CCW

Saturday June 1st 2013 CW

Saturday October 19th 2013 ??

Track Specifications: 3400' elevation.

14 turns
8/10 mile
950' straight away
Elevation Changes
25' to 30' wide asphalt
Concrete Curbs on inside turn radius
Concrete Rumple Strips at run-off areas
25' minimum run off

We are running the track Counter Clockwise.

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For the pro class, anything goes but you have to use a bottom end of a HT motor?

I think being 2-stroke Pro Class, a Morini bottom end would be just fine Ken. I'm sure I'll be corrected if i'm wrong. Not bikini bottom end tho :D

I think being 2-stroke Pro Class, a Morini bottom end would be just fine Ken. I'm sure I'll be corrected if i'm wrong.
Scott, the 2-stroke Pro Class is just a new name for the Chinese bicycle engine
class which is being split into Pro and Amateur.

You can not use a Morini or any other make of bottom end.
That would not be allowed in the 66 cc / "80" 2 Stroke Pro Class .

If you want to compete with the fast guys in the 2 Stroke Pro Class Dave Rust
of Arrow Motorized Cycles has a deal for you.

9.5 HP Reed Case Racing Engine

These engines were engineered strictly for racing for the Arrow Motorized
Cycles Race Team.
After research and development, they are now available for purchase
for your motorized race bike.

If you are a MotorizedBicycleRacer with a designated racing number who
rides the circuit, special racers discounts will apply with support programs.

For ordering information, contact Dave Rust at (562) 640-1244

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