Running REALLY rich.....which way...

OK, I'm working on a new bike and having the same problem as Pablo. My bike is flooding, so if I'm understanding what has been said here, I need to move the clip up a notch, right now it is in the stock 2nd from top position. I had a heck of a time starting the bike and when it did it was blowing smoke like I have never seen these bikes blow in the past. I'm looking forward to getting this one running good and putting a few miles on it before it goes away. Please let me know if I'm getting this right or not, thanks...Kelly
That is right, move clip up. That way the pin is pushed in more therefore less gas. Get it? I know it is kind of confuseing in the heat of battle. Anytime my bike acts up I freak!
You shouldnt have to go to the top position. I wonder if there isn't a different problem. Needle size or float stuck something like that but someone else will have to help you there. Im not that smart.
Yeah my original problem was in Jan 08 - my needle was barely tapered - but the above problem happened when I was foolish enough to follow the Chinaredlightgirl instructions.....bottom line: go back to the basics before messing with clip position.
Well I took it apart and the clip was in fact in the third position and I moved it up to the second. This made starting much easier but when I turned the choke off it would run for about 30 seconds and seemingly runs out of gas. I did this three times. So far I've built up seven bikes I think and never had one give me fits like this one. I'm sure its somthing simple that I'm missing but right now I'm feeling like a FNG...Kelly

PS The taper looks fine, its about 45 degrees all the way around the point. Thanks everyone for the help.
you may have an air leak. check and rule that out pronto !! Air leak is certain death for any 2 stroke. Enjoy the ride..
It is also the most common problem with the little devil. The choke thing is a dead give away. The choke cuts out the air making it the right mix when you turn off the choke you are getting too much air. that means a leak probably at the carburetor manifold connection. Make sure you have a good seal there.
Thanks guys, I will seal up the manifold and check for other leaks. I won't be able to get to it until next week...Kelly