Question About Getting Pulled Over in B.C,CA


From personal experience and past frustrations I can say that fasteddy is like a bad cop that without fail continuously tries to shoe horn our bikes into one of the ready built categories or definitions that exist. Sadly no matter how many federal and provincial legal facts and writings you put before him he will argue that you are wrong.

Cheers and seasons greetings :)
Hello orge power my dad keeps showing me this^^^^ whenever i bring up the argument hes reading this off the icbc page but maybe i should take him to the rcmp station and see what they say?also please tell me that the above doesnt apply to my bike thanks again orge power you have been a huge help-keith

Sorry for your situation Chris, your dad is wrong. A bicycle that has been modified with the addition of an engine kit, shopping basket, sissy bar, wings, sails, micro nuclear power plant or whatever is still a bicycle. Maybe ask your dad if he'd be willing to get a BC traffic lawyer involved to confirm that so as to ease his mind.
Merry Christmas Rockenstein.
Glad to see your still here. Thought something had happened to you. Happily I was wrong.

Sorry for the delayed response guys got delayed with other issues but I managed to swing by the RCMP station today and they said that bikes with these engines are straight up illegal like what fasteddy said.However they also said that as long as the engine is off and im pedaling it is not illegal <-----this applys for city property.If im on private property or on any trails then its legal to have the engine running.Hearing all of this was a real let down guys.

From personal experience and past frustrations I can say that fasteddy is like a bad cop that without fail continuously tries to shoe horn our bikes into one of the ready built categories or definitions that exist. Sadly no matter how many federal and provincial legal facts and writings you put before him he will argue that you are wrong.

Cheers and seasons greetings :)


I can,t see why YOU are shooting down Fasteddy when he is RIGHT on all the laws.

Maybe YOU should go have a reread on the laws.

Bring your bike over here and take it for a ride.

Give it a kiss and take a picture because thats the LAST time

you will see it after a cop spots you.

Pull out your CASH.....I,ts going to hurt like HURT!!!! like fasteddy said!!!

Even the young dude proved you WRONG with the RCMP!!!!

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I got the women at the front desks opinion I was not shown any definitions or anything in the motor vehicle act.I have yet to get an updated copy of those.

Why didn't you just ask to see it in writing? She would have printed you a copy I'm sure.

Then again I would be inclined to take her word as law simply because every time I walk into an R.C.M.P. station they are all wearing uniforms. Then again a simple look at the I.C.B.C. web site will tell you or anyone what is and isn't legal in B.C. as far as motorized bicycles are concerned or just stop in to an I.C.B.C. office and they will inform you and give you a print out of the laws.


why didn't you just ask to see it in writing? She would have printed you a copy i'm sure.

Then again i would be inclined to take her word as law simply because every time i walk into an r.c.m.p. Station they are all wearing uniforms. Then again a simple look at the i.c.b.c. Web site will tell you or anyone what is and isn't legal in b.c. As far as motorized bicycles are concerned or just stop in to an i.c.b.c. Office and they will inform you and give you a print out of the laws.


+ 1

I can,t see why YOU are shooting down Fasteddy when he is RIGHT on all the laws.

Maybe YOU should go have a reread on the laws.

POPS I have been reading, studying and interacting with "the law" very much for the last 33 years and I often do some brushing up when new ones are introduced, old ones are amended or repealed and so on. I do think it's fasteddy that needs to do some reading and understanding. If he did, or had have, I can assure you I would not be left feeling like I do about his posts on the topic of Canadian law! Most specifically his rant about bicycles that have been modified or equipped with an engine kit being contrary to some federal law that trumps any and all provincial laws really gets under my skin because it really does a dis-service to the Canadian hobbyist's that come on here looking for legal information. I don't know what is worse, being misinformed or uninformed (?)

Even the young dude proved you WRONG with the RCMP

If I read right he was offered a verbal interpretation of the law by a woman at the front desk so all he got was an off the cuff answer to his questions and even he states that nothing factual or in writing was offered. Here's a link to your Motor Vehicle Act out there in British Columbia, after a quick read thru it I don't see what you all are looking over your shoulder for out there. Honestly I don't.
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ICBC | Electric bikes

Here is our provicial government web site for motorized bicycles supplied by our official government insurance company.
I would call attention to the first lines at the top of the page. If more information is needed I will do my best to supply it over the next few days but I'm on some heavy medicine and will have to wait until I'm finished with it.

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Mr. Rockenstein,

After two detailed look throughs of the site that you supplied I couldn't find where it listed anything about what qualified as a motorized bicycle, limited speed motorcycle or motorcycle.

Would you please be so kind as to supply the numbers that link to this information that are on the list you supplied.

POPS I have been reading, studying and interacting with "the law" very much for the last 33 years and I often do some brushing up when new ones are introduced, old ones are amended or repealed and so on. I do think it's fasteddy that needs to do some reading and understanding. If he did, or had have, I can assure you I would not be left feeling like I do about his posts on the topic of Canadian law! Most specifically his rant about bicycles that have been modified or equipped with an engine kit being contrary to some federal law that trumps any and all provincial laws really gets under my skin because it really does a dis-service to the Canadian hobbyist's that come on here looking for legal information. I don't know what is worse, being misinformed or uninformed (?)

If I read right he was offered a verbal interpretation of the law by a woman at the front desk so all he got was an off the cuff answer to his questions and even he states that nothing factual or in writing was offered. Here's a link to your Motor Vehicle Act out there in British Columbia, after a quick read thru it I don't see what you all are looking over your shoulder for out there. Honestly I don't.


Look at fasteddys link for the ICBC rules on bicycles.
Your link is only for Motor Vehicle act.
It has no info. on bicycles.
Fasteddys link is clearly black and white on ICBC rules for bikes.
Take note on the link, second line down where it says
I can,t see how you can argue with that.

Facts are facts and there it is!

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Kids if your in doubt that the motor vehicle act of BC is what you need to be reading call a local lawyer. An initial consultation asking that simple question would likely be free.
A free consultation from a lawyer is only to see if you have a lawsuit that the lawyer can assist you with such as a car accident. If you want information that they need to look up and clarify somthing then a fee is charged.

This came from my nephews father in law the $650 an hour corporate lawyer. So kids call away if you feel like it and have them send Mr Rockenstein the bill.

I was at the office at the wrong time I'd say when I talked to the women she seemed like it was a long day and wanted to go home.She seemed very annoyed when I asked about this subject and it was around 4:30 at the time,about a half hour before the office closes.-Keith
I also reviewed the ICBC electric bike page and that definition does not meet my build.It may so no gas motors but it doesnt say on a BICYCLE.I also didnt see the words "engine kit".Not trying to be an ******* or anything im just saying.-Keith
Chriscraft, i havent read your laws, i dont have time so i dont expect to be an expert. But in Australia it seems we have the same law. It seems we have the same law, just worded a little differently....... our law in QLD Australia clearly state "internal combustion engines are illegals".

Am i right that your law says "a motorized bike must be electric"?........ If so sounds pretty clear then me.

So rather then you providing reasons why we SHOULDNT listen to Fasteddy, can you please supply us with SPECIFIC info like Fasteddy said, and not just a website.
"Not trying to be an ******* or anything im just saying.-Keith"........... a little late for that isnt it?............... What are you saying? You seem to be saying they are legal yet not provide any supporting info