Possibly the best looking production eBike ever made

Something I've noticed about my Stealth, which is the undisputed greatest production eBike in history, is Stealth's have a lot of haters. The only other eBike with as many or more haters is the Storm, another great eBike. What's that tell you?
Something I've noticed about my Stealth, which is the undisputed greatest production eBike in history, is Stealth's have a lot of haters. The only other eBike with as many or more haters is the Storm, another great eBike. What's that tell you?

Who hates them? People who see you riding or other forums??
Who hates them? People who see you riding or other forums??

Actually it seems like both. Surprisingly there's a lot of Stealth haters on es, and ebr too, but they seem a little different in nature.

On es I guess it's elitist builders that resent people being able to buy a bike that's probably more capable than the one they slaved away making for weeks, and after careful planning, still comes up short of a $10,000 bike, that they only spent $4000 making anyway.

On ebr it a totally different story. There you have a lot of guys riding what they consider to be legal low power eBikes. Bikes that struggle to do 30 mph like my Storm. They think a 50 mph Stealth is a future menace to their right to ride legally on the street.

I have 5500 miles of street riding on my Stealth and have never been pulled over on street or trail.

Meeting up with a chance eBiker at large can be even worse. They not only think you're going to ruin it for all of eBikerdom, but usually if a Stealth is within 10 feet the their bike, it instantly morphs into a steaming pile of heap until one of the bikes leaves the area. Riding the Stealth is kind of a solo endeavor, unless your son owns one so you can ride with him. :)

That's one reason I like to joyride the Storm in the city. The Storm does take a lot of flack on forums, but in real life everyone that sees it in person is either indifferent, of they love it to death, and instantly want to know where to buy one.

Now I mostly commute on the Stealth, and joyride on the Storm.
Interesting input. I really appreciate it. The ebike market is so very different than gas bikes. We saw a lot of different angles at the Interbike show, but didn't really see a lot of hate for one brand or another in particular. But sure there is the old visceral divide from un(der)powered bikes :)
BTW Pablo, recently I met a guy riding a eBike here in Dallas riding a bike made with one of your mid drive kits. He was very happy with it. He's a high school teacher.
Not surprising, we sell to people in all professions and all economic strata. A LOT of people have bikes to convert. As with any e-bike, the question is: "The battery?"
Not surprising, we sell to people in all professions and all economic strata. A LOT of people have bikes to convert. As with any e-bike, the question is: "The battery?"
Ah yes, the battery quandary.
It all comes down to the quality of many cells in pack, and BMS that regulates how each cell in a group charges.
Something I've noticed about my Stealth, which is the undisputed greatest production eBike in history, is Stealth's have a lot of haters. The only other eBike with as many or more haters is the Storm, another great eBike. What's that tell you?

I don't think anybody really hates an inanimate object, they hate the viral marketing approach taken by people who advertise the bike in inappropriate sections of multiple web forums under the guise of "show and tell". Don't be surprised if eyebrows are raised if you spend a ton of your valuable time advertising a product on forums for "free". Crowdfunding and viral marketing strategies are disliked by legitimate business people who have followed guidelines put in place to protect a level business playing field, protect consumers, and prevent unwanted advertisement of products showing up in non-commercial venues such as public informational forums. I think many share my sentiment when they smell something fishy. Instead of interpreting this as a personal attack, perhaps some introspection is in order to identify the true root cause of the unpleasant responses which you have received regarding plastering the Internet with your bike. Fools take pride for what they have no hand in, and if you're wasting this much time extolling the virtues of these things to everybody, I sincerely hope that you are collecting a cut from Sondors for your own sake. To do otherwise would certainly be a foolish endeavor.
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I don't think anybody really hates an inanimate object, they hate the viral marketing approach taken by people who advertise the bike in inappropriate sections of multiple web forums under the guise of "show and tell". Don't be surprised if eyebrows are raised if you spend a ton of your valuable time advertising a product on forums for "free". Crowdfunding and viral marketing strategies are disliked by legitimate business people who have followed guidelines put in place to protect a level business playing field, protect consumers, and prevent unwanted advertisement of products showing up in non-commercial venues such as public informational forums. I think many share my sentiment when they smell something fishy. Instead of interpreting this as a personal attack, perhaps some introspection is in order to identify the true root cause of the unpleasant responses which you have received regarding plastering the Internet with your bike. Fools take pride for what they have no hand in, and if you're wasting this much time extolling the virtues of these things to everybody, I sincerely hope that you are collecting a cut from Sondors for your own sake. To do otherwise would certainly be a foolish endeavor.

Well said and Thanks!
I don't think anybody really hates an inanimate object, they hate the viral marketing approach taken by people who advertise the bike in inappropriate sections of multiple web forums under the guise of "show and tell". Don't be surprised if eyebrows are raised if you spend a ton of your valuable time advertising a product on forums for "free". Crowdfunding and viral marketing strategies are disliked by legitimate business people who have followed guidelines put in place to protect a level business playing field, protect consumers, and prevent unwanted advertisement of products showing up in non-commercial venues such as public informational forums. I think many share my sentiment when they smell something fishy. Instead of interpreting this as a personal attack, perhaps some introspection is in order to identify the true root cause of the unpleasant responses which you have received regarding plastering the Internet with your bike. Fools take pride for what they have no hand in, and if you're wasting this much time extolling the virtues of these things to everybody, I sincerely hope that you are collecting a cut from Sondors for your own sake. To do otherwise would certainly be a foolish endeavor.

Agreed, and very well stated. Thanks for posting.
I don't think anybody really hates an inanimate object, they hate the viral marketing approach taken by people who advertise the bike in inappropriate sections of multiple web forums under the guise of "show and tell". Don't be surprised if eyebrows are raised if you spend a ton of your valuable time advertising a product on forums for "free". Crowdfunding and viral marketing strategies are disliked by legitimate business people who have followed guidelines put in place to protect a level business playing field, protect consumers, and prevent unwanted advertisement of products showing up in non-commercial venues such as public informational forums. I think many share my sentiment when they smell something fishy. Instead of interpreting this as a personal attack, perhaps some introspection is in order to identify the true root cause of the unpleasant responses which you have received regarding plastering the Internet with your bike. Fools take pride for what they have no hand in, and if you're wasting this much time extolling the virtues of these things to everybody, I sincerely hope that you are collecting a cut from Sondors for your own sake. To do otherwise would certainly be a foolish endeavor.

I don't know what to tell you. You seem to have some kind of hard on for the Storm, and the way it's marketed. That's fine with me, but whatever you're trying to imply here about me is totally incorrect, and the truth can be found in my post history. I always post about whatever bike I happen to be digging on at the time. That's been a lot of different bikes. This bike is my personal bike.

I do consider this an unjustified personal attack on me, and I wish you would stop, unless you can provide one shred of evidence to prove what you're trying to say about me.
The best evidence is you keep calling it the "Storm"

Not even the manufacturer calls it the storm. It's the "Sonders"

It says so right on the bike. But you keep calling it the storm.

And it the the "best looking ebike ever made" and it's the "e-china girl" and it's the bike everyone is looking for. You just keep on selling.

The best evidence is you keep calling it the "Storm"

Not even the manufacturer calls it the storm. It's the "Sonders"

It says so right on the bike. But you keep calling it the storm.

And it the the "best looking ebike ever made" and it's the "e-china girl" and it's the bike everyone is looking for. You just keep on selling.


Many owners like myself refer to our bikes as a Storm because that's what we paid for. The name was changed later to Sondors eBike in response to Prodeco whining about having a parented model named a Storm.

We don't care about that, Storm had already sold more Storm's than Prodeco has, and we can call our own bikes whatever we want. You can call yours anything you want to. One of my china girls was a Cadillac, but no one accused me of trying to sell Cadillac's lol.

I personally love this bike because it's a very loveable bike, especially after I customized it. I guess I'm not alone either since it is the best selling eBike in America.
I'll tell you the truth, if me telling to world how great this bike is helps sell a million of them, I would love that. I'd like nothing better than for more people to ride eBikes. But no matter what anyone thinks, this is just my hobby, I'm actually an air conditioning contractor for the last 31 years, but a life long rider.
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I'm not trying to sell anything either. But heres another fat tire ebike somebody else is trying to sell. I think it looks pretty cool is why I'm posting a link here. I know biknut likes cool looking bikes. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Heyman-Blac...614398a25c1558649b1d1f&pid=100505&rk=1&rkt=1&

I think it's interesting looking. Some might say it good looking, and others ugly. Full suspension is nice, but as low power as it is, not really needed.

$2000 for 500w though. That's kind of a turn off.
I added some nicer brakes to my bike. These cost $100 shipped, and the power cut offs have the correct plugs for a Storm. That's the power of high volume.
