Police call for ban on sale of motorised kits for bikes

I dont know the laws for other countries, but, in th U.S. Most states anyway, you gotta be 16 to ride a motorized on the street. SO, he was14 years old, riding without a helmet or lights, AND didnt stop for the cops. This kind of stupidity cant be blamed on the bike. I'm just sorry he took himself out of the gene pool on a MB. Call me hard hearted, but this kid was lookin real hard for a way to kill himself, The ones I really feel sorry for are his parents. Your children should not die before you. Was he even legal on the bike? I think 16 is the bare minumum age to ride a MB. I'm pretty sure, even in aussieland, helmets and lights are required. I'm POSITIVE stopping for cops is required
This is the reason MOST sites that sell engines have a disclaimer. I give one to every build customer.
Texas baffles me here in Arizona.
If you want to tote guns and not pay Federal taxes or follow Federal law (rednecks) you are welcome.

If you are female or want to get around cheap you are screwed, it's pick-up's gun racks country that want barefoot and pregnant.
Texas baffles me here in Arizona.
If you want to tote guns and not pay Federal taxes or follow Federal law (rednecks) you are welcome.

If you are female or want to get around cheap you are screwed, it's pick-up's gun racks country that want barefoot and pregnant.

I can't even begin to imagine what you think of California then. Don't really care either!

Ride sucker, ride...... brnot
The quotes speak for themselves.
Let's give the 'responding' officers full benefit of the doubt.
What we're left with is a kid who screwed up. That's timeless.

Now go back and add currently accepted police practice, coupled with pop-media coverage and the average persons' fear of most anything, and voila...
Obviously what the cops want, and what they get are two different things. OZ seems like everywhere else, where corporate interests win the day, because after all this they're still selling motor kits in Australia.

As a matter of fact it seems like gas bikes have more lenient laws then electric bikes. I think they're only allowed 250w. Aren't the gas bikes allowed 750?
This is the same old game that has been played since the invention of people. There are three choices for the police and the governent and they are, control it with laws, tax it so no one but the wealthy can do it if they want or ban it all together with severe penalties so the problem goes away.

As usual they picked number 3. The police come up with a plausible reason that voting public can understand and not complain about it and they are free of the problem.

Hate to be so cold, but the kid did have it comin. No lights, no helmet, panicking on a motor vehicle that he had very little knowledge of. I will be building a 212 pred on a beach Cruiser with aux tanks. It will have lights, and I will dress for the crash, not just the ride. DOT approved helmet, armored jacket and chaps, and mid calf riding boots with ankle support. After many non-motorized crashes on bikes, I quickly dedicated tucking my chin and rolling onto my back to muscle memory. I recommend doing the same, but in a grassy area with a spotter. Simulate real to life events that may happen due to your own mistakes, and some that aren't yours, but that you an control.
After many non-motorized crashes on bikes, I quickly dedicated tucking my chin and rolling onto my back to muscle memory. I recommend doing the same, but in a grassy area with a spotter. Simulate real to life events that may happen due to your own mistakes, and some that aren't yours, but that you an control.
The best training for the street is the race track!

Sat April 1st at Grange Motor Circuit, Apple Valley. CA.