Pedals are locked up


New Member
Apr 9, 2017
Tucson, Arizona
I bought a motorized bike recently and its been great, my friends and i love to ride them around due to our town having a lot of bike lanes. I've run into a problem with my chain/sprocket. When i try to turn my pedals the wheels and chain refuse to make a full turn. I've read through some other posts and it seems like i might have a problem with the sprocket being loose or unaligned. Was looking for some advice on how i should troubleshoot , what tools i would need, etc. I know the man who sold me the bike can repair it, but I'd likek to try my hand at repairing this first, all help is greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2012
when it stops, look for where it has no slack - at the point between slack & no slack is where it is stuck


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
Could be your engine and/or clutch.
I'm guessing it's a China Girl/Happy Time setup
Raise the rear tire off the ground.
Turn the pedals.

Still jammed?
Loose your rear wheel brake cable. If that loosens the rear wheel, that's your problem to fix.

Still jammed?
Remove the bicycle chain.

Still jammed?
Squeeze the clutch cable as tight as you can, and spin the left pedal with your right hand. If that loosens your rear wheel, your clutch cable/adjustment is the problem to fix.

Still jammed?
With a wrench or your strong hand, push that tough clutch lever inward and spin the left pedal with the other hand. If that loosens your rear wheel, your clutch/cable adjustment is the problem to fix.

Still jammed?
Find the master link on the left-side engine chain and disconnect it.
Spin the foot pedal.

Do the pedals spin freely?
Then the trouble lies in the bearings between the foot pedals.

Do the pedals spin freely?
If yes, spin the rear tire. If it won't spin, check to see if there's a 2 by 4 lodged between wheel and frame.

J/K. If nothing's visible, maybe your rear wheel bearings are shot?

If the rear tire spins freely, your engine or engine sprocket is to blame. Check to see if there's a 2 by 4 lodged between engine sprocket and engine case.

J/K about the 2 by 4, but there MIGHT be something jamming the engine sprocket.

If the rear wheel spins freely, reinstall the bicycle chain, but leave the engine chain off. Pedal the bike to the man who sold you the bike.

Rejoice in the fact that you tried to fix your bike, and you learned more about MB's and bicycles in general.

Good luck.