Old Guys Simplex moto-peddle bike

The vibration is harmonic & actually starts a 37mph then demonstrates to 44mph under power, on level running, then gradually smooths out above 44mph. When running down a hill briefly with motor & drive train engaged, as if engine braking, absolutely no vibration at the same 37 to 44mph speed down the steep decline. No vibration felt up to 50mph running on level road.

The lithium pack or the rear rack/exhaust (they touch slightly) are my first thoughts as resonating surfaces, and though the old tires were fairly aggressive tread the Maxxi tread is quite different & may be the initiator. I mentioned in an earlier post that I haven't attached the rack to a forward brace point (fender brace tube on the seat stays) and I'll do that first. Engine and all other components are tight and seem to function perfectly till I hit that narrow speed range.

Side note is the bike tracks really nice at these higher speeds and feels much more stable with the frame extension drop outs. I'm seriously calling that mod a success!

Rick C.
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USPS notice of out for delivery today on the lithium pack, so should have it charged & tested by early evening. Things seem to be progressing to a harmonious outcome it would appear, but past experience suggests I shouldn't count on facts not actually in evidence. I'd best make sure I have the necessary gauge hookup wire on hand I seem to recall having black but think I'm out of red and green.

Tractor Supply needs my monetary support for some other items as well.

Rick C.
hybrid custom battery pack.jpg

Battery is on the charger and the fit is perfect for installing as a fake oil tank between seat stay and seat post. 7.5" x 5" x 3" so the drop out extension scores another win. I love it when a plan comes together!

Hope this pack takes a good charge. I'll mount it on the rear rack to test/use until I get a box built for it.

Rick C.
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Battery took charge, about 4 hours, which seems typical for first charges after shipping. I'll try to get a bit of battery testing on the hybrid today.

I ordered a set of small leather side bags 9"x6"x3.5" to mount on the rear rack of the hybrid, big enough for two more of these battery packs if needed and the bags are small enough to easily clear my expansion pipes heat by a couple of inches. Top of the rack will be clear for another bag as well. I can swap the bags between e-bikes for added battery capacity.

Top order of the day is sort my brake lines and widen the stance and support of my hybrids drive off stand to prevent the from tipping over on soft ground and in high winds. I've used what I call duck feet for stand pads in the past for offroad bikes and they work great on uneven and soft surfaces...better than a crushed beer can to support a Harley on side stand.

Plus I've got a motorcycle to look into purchasing...

Rick C.
Hybrid drive off stand.jpg Battery fit.jpg

Brake lines are on, drive off stand fabricated and stable. Battery fits the allocated space and I've an additional 1.5" of safe axle adjustment if required for the fake oil can battery holder.

I've yet to wire up the plugs for the secondary battery to motor controller cable, but that just a 'round to-it thing.

Rick C
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I made up a 3' battery cable with plugs that match up to all my 36v. e-bike controllers and lithium batteries, and wired a matching plug on the custom battery pack for my hybrid as well. This way I can easily carry extra batteries for my hybrid or the mountain e-bike in saddle bags for longer excursions. I have four 36 volt packs I can swap around depending on which bike I take out for long rides.

New battery I bungeed to the hybrid's rack and tried it out for a short ride and it seems fine.

More riding and battery performs well. I'm quite pleased.

Rick C.

battery and plygs.jpg
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Trying to organize a "5 old guys, extended ride" is a trying task and subject to all manner of "insurmountable" excuses, it seems. Postponing until Spring was decided by others. I being the sole contrarian will bike on...solo with bare minimal tools and repair essentials aboard. No tag along support. 500 miles no worries, I'm mapping an altered route to utilize perhaps 25% state highways and the rest county maintained secondary roads, primarily asphalt but with graveled sections here and there. Daylight riding only and decent motel rest in the evening. Meals and rest stops along the way for social time. It seems a little more of an adventure solo, but tempered with convenient amenities here and there.

I've a really good 7 day forecast starting this Saturday cool with moderate winds & zero chance of rain and that's about as good as it gets all year here it Indian Territory and who knows I may use all seven days, if not more, but thinking at least four for the trip. Five hundred miles was just a "group" suggested number not a prohibitive ordinance, especially now!

I'll not be pressed for time or speed riding alone and hope to take many photos along the way. Riding solo has a way of clearing the mind and enriching ones soul, especially in the Fall of year.

Rick C.
That sound's about par for the course Rick. Everyone is in then the herd thins out. Over the years I've learned to say that I'm going for a ride and does anyone want to join me because in the end there will be only me going.

There is of course the Devilish pleasure of showing them the photos and telling what they missed.

500 miles with no sag wagon? You are a better man than me Rick. Having never been in Indian Territory I eagerly await your photos.

Tom I.T. has some nice countryside that's best seen off the interstates and it's good biking powered or not. I will take photos for sure. I'd like to head out tomorrow, but looks like a cold front is pushing 36 hours of rain through the entire state, we need it. It looks like I'll be held to 4 days with low temps after that dropping into the twenties for a couple of days & highs only reaching 40's.

I rode some rough gravel yesterday about twenty miles of rough, deep stuff and was glad I bought the Maxxis. Fifteen mph was reasonable speed through most of it. I'll not encounter worse on the upcoming ride. I used the e-hub on some level sections and it worked well, but not good for climbing steep inclines, just not able to keep enough weight forward to hook up. I was concerned that the 38 tooth was to high to pull the steep gravel hills without pedaling in the gravel at those low speeds, but I needn't have been just kept the revs up & it pulled. Cleanup wasn't that bad on return for ride or rider.

Seems getting my kit together and lubing the chain is all I lack before heading out.

Rick C.
That sound's about par for the course Rick. Everyone is in then the herd thins out. Over the years I've learned to say that I'm going for a ride and does anyone want to join me because in the end there will be only me going.

There is of course the Devilish pleasure of showing them the photos and telling what they missed.


Steve it's like trying to herd cats from horseback. Even poker runs for charity, with entry fees and prize money are hard to keep together so planned informal group rides are certainly iffy.

Daylight Saturday I'm outa here & looking forward to cool morning starts and mild temps as highs, with moderate winds. Should roll back in Tuesday late afternoon or early evening. I do have lights...just in case.

They will miss it, but they know when I'm planning to leave and are welcome of course. I expect there won't be a parade on this ride though. Three battery packs & 2 chargers & 15oz. of oil and a stop here and there for photos, conversations, sleep, food and gas. That's my itinerary through about a dozen small towns and a lot of country roads covering a somewhat oblong route, not at all an out and back ride. Fresh roads & different sights everyday.

Rick C.
Go Power Sports has the 212cc hemi Honda clone in a 10 hp version labeled "Tillotson" with fuel injection and electric start...starting at $269. I like the Predator hemi but hate pulls starts (bad shoulders) so the extra power and electric start interests me. For the extra 4.5 hp and electric start it seems well priced. The Tillotson injection features electronically tunable power curve. Does anyone know anything about this setup? It looks like it could run vertically and a nice billet flywheel is available as is a kart style header. I don't think it's a great stretch to think cams, springs and internals for the Predator could fit? Or, if not, that performance parts of all types will be available. Off road cart guys will jump all over the electric start feature and extra power. I'd think a custom bike frame might be necessary though I think I recall Pat or his brother did an electric start in one of their frames awhile back.

In my thinking this motor has potential for a bike build! A starter with 10 hp stock base power is a game changer in the 212cc motor size at $269. plus battery.

Rick C.
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Steve it's like trying to herd cats from horseback.
Rick, you have entered a level of complexity into herding cats I was unfamiliar with. Cats a notoriously obstinate. Now herding chickens even from horse back I think I could do if the horse could knee rein and leave my hands free.
Tom I've had cutting horses that could do just that if the chicken stayed on the ground, the riders just on board for the exercise. Fun stuff roping goats while mounted is a next level exercise on equestrian skills, but for cats even Austrlian Shephard's, real '"healers", would give up the effort & head for a pint at the pub to lick their....this stuff is real in this part of Indian Territory! I had coffee yesterday with two old ropers that spent their lives catching what couldn't be caught.

Rick C.
Rick, I always heard it as "Backing a cat down a drain pipe." As a boyhood friend of mine and I learned from first hand experience if a cat can't turn around and run it will come at you and it's decidedly not wise to have your face close to the end of the pipe looking to see what the cat's doing.

Of course with our luck we picked a veteran tom cat who'd lived on their farm for years. One of the dogs chased the cat into a small drainage pipe and curiosity got the better of us. Some mistakes even the dumbest person never repeats twice and it proved the old saying correct.

Another favourite I used to hear was, "Nasty as a cornered cat." Put a check mark in that box at the same time.

Cars and Cameras.com is on YouTube and Go Power Sports sponsors their builds. They use Tillotsons a lot as well as Predators and they may have information on one of their videos.

For that money the motor would be a go to with a strong frame.

Steve I'm liking what I see from YouTube etc. on the Tillotson, but still gathering perf parts info. It appears they are offering a great performance bump over the Predator 212 in an electric start package. I'd want to run it vertical and add the lightweight billet flywheel, $100., but that's still an affordable and good looking performance package with electric.

I'd probably want to custom build a duplex frame for extra rigidity and a distinct style.

Rick C.
Rick, keeping my fingers crossed for good riding weather for your solo jaunt.
Actually 'jaunt' doesn't do justice to your undertaking. Here's to your pioneering spirit. I'm betting your Grubee is more than up to the job. Enjoy!

Thanks for the concern Pete it's raining at the moment and just 70 miles N. of us it snowed 10.5" and it's still coming down. I'll not head in that direction nor had I planned to. I've got decent weather forecast for the following 4 days, light wind mid thirties in the a.m. low to mid 60's during the bulk of daylight hours though. It looks that 150 miles a day will set me up for the last leg on Tuesday which will be the coldest high of 45 degrees f. if all goes as planned (??) that last leg will be about 100 miles...so 550 total. I'm really looking forward to it. Secondary road conditions due to rain may find me on the highways more than I've expected, so the pace a little quicker. I really want to stay on the back roads as much as possible and a 20 to 25 mph average pace, so you can readily calculate my daily distance goals are quite modest on back roads. If I spend much time on the state maintained roads six hours minimum) in the saddle will take me far if I just loaf along at 30 to 35 mph.

I'm not fixated on distance, but the 4 day window of opportunity, is in mind considering the forecast for Wednesday.

Getting the kit together, pretty Spartan, 2 tubes, CO2 cartridges, basic road tools, fuel oil, 72 amp hrs. of battery power, 2-chargers 1 for 36v. and one for 48v. etc. One back pack and one clip on rack bag so the rack bag just lifts off at stops. 30 lbs. of gear split 10 in back pack 20 on the rack, like I said Spartan.

Rick C.
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