Old Guys Simplex moto-peddle bike

Rick, I just saw on eBay that Harken are soon to release eBikes sporting either v-twin or single faux engines. Current 'best offer' eBay listings are for some of the development prototypes. Pics attached.
harken v-twin.jpg
harken single.jpg
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Pete mags nailed the display motors source and pricing. He's shown various frames for sale with model V-twins mounted for awhile now and normally denotes motors shown as not included in the price. I wish them good luck if they bring an e-motor in a twin case to market. Though I'd think it would look quite different from the art models shown for sale. I can't see these as being used as very effective prototypes except perhaps for sizing a real prototype effort. No mater, they or someone else will bring e-powered classic style motor cases to market at some point and I'd think it sooner than later. Pat actually has the lead in this vintage electric-V twin specialty niche and it will take some real effort to match his quality and attention to detail, but others will try to do it on low ball pricing, but I've doubt this group will be successful their low quality and high price of their frames and tanks don't exactly inspire much confidence.

Oh yeah I think the models are cool.

I'm building for the joy of it, not to profit from it, so I'll let others make all the money and I'll settle for personal satisfaction...it's a hobby for goodness sake, but I'm thankful for credible vendors that help us make our designs come to life.

Rick C.
I've been thinking about adding some horsepower to my fake V-twin by installing a much larger faux Schleber racing carb on it and perhaps using the smaller carb on a single cylinder E-motor. It's something I can work on when I'm not working on something else.

Rick C.
Thanks Tony I'm nothing if not confusing, lol. Perhaps I'll provoke some to dig in and do some home work on the subject of electrics like I'm still doing. When I first started reading posts where you, Bikenut and others were talking Greek, I was lost also, but it inspired me to dig a lot deeper...though the 'engineers" on some forums speak geek Greek and I've kinda' given up on the double E speak about the topic.

What I have discovered is that actually using the things is fun and so is putting them together, once one figures out what the broad parameters are of each major component part. Motor, controllers and battery.

Rick C.
Battery tank on order, other things on order and little stuff getting done. Marketing plans for the bike are on hold as is marketing in general these days for oil companies so I'm under no pressure to complete the E-V-twin. I'm good with all that & will just proceed at my normal pace, slow, while I figure things out to the finish.

I've plans to alter the girder forks to allow using twin handle bar risers rather than the current low ahead stem. Doing this allows the bars to ride an inch or two lower still. It will also not appear so much an Indian style truss fork setup. Always pros and cons with design elements so we'll see. In looking at originals there were so many variations bike to bike even in the same makes and especially among the race bikes.

Rick C.
Since the agreement was canceled with the marketing firm they sent me a nice check to offset my expenses and I'm back to building exactly as I want to, rather than to temporarily fill requirements. The main change I see coming is a set of billet hubs laced up with sealed bearings and integral sprocket, running disk brakes front and rear. Same hub as I used on my hybrid if I can still get them. I'll show the bike this Fall with no front brake and coaster rear, but daily ride it with brakes that stop and hubs that roll. Running brakes will definitely change the look on the street but there is no good option with safety. Rigging for two shows this Fall won't be a problem, they may well be cancelled if the virus is a continuing public health issue then.

No urgency to get it completed and hauled this Spring. I look at the cancellation as a blessing that has paid for most of the build already.

Have any of you guys seen some of the recent electric power options being sold by actual companies. The wildest offering I noted was a 300 amp 52v. controller with matching BMS system on the 23 amp hr. li-ion pack, with 72v. option . That's 15.6 KW (20.75hp @ 52v.) pushing 300 amps for a few moments edit. (15 seconds per factory info) through a 4 KW rated motor. oh yeah the 72v. version @ 300 amp = +28.72hp in a factory built pedal bike that, could be, limited to 750 watts & legal speeds!!!! Think about that geared as a 150 lb. stop light Harley spanker, just insane. There's got to be a rather quick shut down circuit to prevent actual melt down, shut down.

Rick C.
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".... I look at the cancellation as a blessing that has paid for most of the build already..."

Heck yeah! Pressure's off, wallet's topped up. Win win in anybody's language.

One caveat Pete they still have the option to lease within the calendar year within the terms of the original agreement, but as built, no changes. I'd be happy to do that and even make some reasonable changes at a price. They've treated me well currently and in the past so I'd feel obligated to make it work for them, within reason.

Right now I'm stocking my cabinets with thirty days of necessities. Though our local stores are really well stocked as of this morning. I've only spent maybe $200. extra to do this so I'm not hoarding just doing a full months shopping in a couple of trips.

No positive test results recorded at the local or area hospitals for Corona virus.

Rick C.
Income tax obligation is signed and posted and that rat's been fed for another year. I hate putting bad stuff off so just get it done and my mood's better already, but most of the day spent on it and what a glorious day, 82 degrees and light wind, to deal with paper work. I'll get up on two for an hour before dark on my e-mountain bike, so not a total loss.


Rick C.
92 degrees here in Indian Territory yesterday a hundred plus year record, beautiful day! I'm Setting the motor case up with the 2K motor and controller with 48 V. pack first, because I've got all the stuff to do it and it will be interesting to see how it performs in contrast to the 72 v. setup that I have yet to start on. I'm sorting out some chain clearance issues today, but I'm waiting on half links to arrive. I'm about half way through the final list of details to complete the motor case for a test ride under power.

Rick C.
That 72v. 21 amp pack just got a big boost towards getting built today. The 3500 mah LG 1865 cells came in stock and I snagged 120 of them & that was their entire remaining stock. These are popular cells. My tech guy told me I should have bought a larger controller! I have a 100 amp continuous controller and it's huge, any bigger and I'd need a trailer to mount the controller on. Pat's tank is large enough, but not by much, even with a bit of creative cell stacking. I'll not go into the geek of things, but flowing high amps requires some good stuff pure nickel and large copper wiring etc.

I've got most everything disassembled again, but will post some photos when it makes some sense again. I need the motor case back in the frame to line the drive chain & determine the position of idler and tensioner, which wouldn't be necessary if I'd just mounted the reduction drive on the pedal bracket rather than in the motor case. Where would the fun be in that?

Rick C.
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Tony gave me a good piece of advice on the battery pack and my tech guy backed him up so I'm doing a battery swap with my builder and using Samsung cells that he has in stock and he needs the LG's for another project. Samsung has lower capacity but double the amps, both good cells just different.

My builder can get started on mypack this week instead of waiting for the LG's to arrive.

Rick C.
Here’s about 11 amps off a Sony vtc6 3000mah 30a for ya just playing around in foam with a 26 gauge sst form tool. That mod is supposed to go to 75w but it couldn’t push that wire past 55w or around 15a. Also at the The vtc6s I have are just old. Also have two 3500s but the mod alarms out with them at lower state of charge than about 60%. they are only good for flashlight or power bank duties.


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Tony that's a rather cool tool electric knife for foam.

I'm sure you've probably aware of the great variances of factory ratings vs. independent ratings for continuous amp output of lithium based batteries. Seems every factory varies in testing parameters...no standards the same and I was surprised that some actually greatly under rate continuous amps of their products as a result. That would seem to be a hindrance to sales dollars. While others use much higher numbers achieved under "ideal" conditions during testing. Temp tested at is critical and result in amp numbers 10 to 15 amps per cell higher.

It's confusing to select and easy to lose track of what results are studied. In the end,this time around, I went with the guy who's guaranteeing my pack to suit my requirements; while I learn more.

I again thank you for alerting me to the low amp per cell continuous discharge of the LG cell. Though it has great capacity it would not suit me for this build. Though I'd love to base a 48 v. pack using the LG's for my mountain bike for really long rides.

This out of the way I need to get back to finishing the E-V twin and getting it mounted to test with the 48v. 2kw motor before painting.

Rick C.
We're basically shut down to the grocery, pharmacy, Drs. office & hospital at this point. Bank drive in only and no dental or elective surgery. Postal is up and running close to normal.To & from these destinations only for the elderly (me) & neighborhood exercise for walking or biking. Effective first round through April, but extension is inevitable I'm thinking as our first positive test in county was confirmed yesterday so we're well behind the curve on outbreak though I'd say we've enacted preventative action rather well.

Take care of each other as best you can.

Rick C.
That pretty much describes life here in Alnwick, UK too Rick. I only ever venture out to go stock up with groceries every two weeks. Supermarket queues shown on TV are not something I've yet encountered in Alnwick - but such towns in Northumberland are not like cities and therefore hardly news-worthy. I walked to the nearest supermarket on Thursday and waltzed straight in without having to queue. Wheeled the shopping home in a borrowed trolley. If and when queues do become a thing here, I'll have to bail from going shopping 'cause I can't leave Jen alone in the house for long. 45 minutes to an hour is all I dare risk being away from her when she's napping. I've already signed up with the local council who have added me to their list of customers for home delivery of an emergency box of groceries if the store queue thing ever becomes a reality here.
Had a visit yesterday from a local gas fitter - a Harley owner - who came to do the annual central heating boiler inspection and certify it for another year (legal requirement for landlords). We stayed the recommended 2m apart and spent the entire time chatting about bikes after he saw my Blue Bamboo build underway in the living room.
Other than that, so long as parts for my latest bike build keep arriving via the mail, life's daily routine goes on as normal for Jen and I.