Number 5

The exhaust cut-out, I guess you have to have a fire-proof glove and can steer with one hand on the handle bars without losing balance!

Then where is the switch to route to mix in laughing gas N2O, with the filtered air at the carburetor intake!

Maybe you should have a little back pressure though.... make an after burner if anything is left un-burned!

I suppose maybe the the exhaust cut-out could be used to just diagnose a clogged muffler, but how boring would that be?

The exhaust cut-out, I guess you have to have a fire-proof glove and can steer with one hand on the handle bars without losing balance!

Then where is the switch to route to mix in laughing gas N2O, with the filtered air at the carburetor intake!

Maybe you should have a little back pressure though.... make an after burner if anything is left un-burned!

I suppose maybe the the exhaust cut-out could be used to just diagnose a clogged muffler, but how boring would that be?

I need to get back to work on this build ! The exhaust cutout will be cable operated from a hand brake lever. When opened it will exhaust straight down.
I also fired it up and checked the drive and exhaust cut out before going to the extra work of building a way to control it. It really wasn’t a noticeable difference in noise levels between muffler and cut out, so I simplified it and removed the cut out.. I also moved the brass pump to the seat tube.
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I just noticed my avatar pic. I’m going to have to take a new one and post it, the beard is gone ! Not my choice, but rather my own stupidity or rather lack of safety ! I was doing some torch work in my shop and had a flash back ! It took the whole left side of my beard and mustache clear down almost to the skin! My beard was actually a couple inches longer than the avatar pic! Starting all over, I sure I miss it.
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Well I completely disassembled the bike, stripped, sanded and cleaned all the pieces. Sent everything out for powder coating and just getting ready for final assembly. First thing I need to do is pin stripe the fenders, tool box and gas tank, which might be a little while as I’m waiting for new paint to arrive. I did get the frame and fork reassembled though.