NOS Injection

steel rat

New Member
Mar 20, 2008
I have not even got bike up and running yet but I have an idea that may work. You may have seen the tire inflating kits that use a small CO2 cyliners that are the same for shooting BB guns. I use one with a small tip to blow out an unfired charge in black powder guns when we have a misfire. Well you can buy nitous oxide cyliners for whipped creme makers that are the same size. This little rig is very small and has a thumb operated lever. What if you attach one to your handle bars with a air line going to your air cleaner on your bike motor. Push the lever and have up to 30 seconds of nitous injection. The inflater lever is spring loaded so it is on or off until the gas is gone. The end unscrews to put a new cyliner in and only takes seconds to do and the cyliners are cheap, less than 5 buck for a box of 20 or so. This may blow the little motors up I don't know if they can handle it. It may be the answer for a few of the speed freaks out there trying to set the land speed records. Its just an idea that cost less than 25 bucks. Thanks


Active Member
Dec 28, 2007
Sunshine State
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

I have a Nitrous set-up on my stretch. I installed it more for looks than function. I does work and adds some boost to the motor. I haven't shot all of it at once....just in spurts. As I'm riding I can reach down and press the button and instantly hear and feel the rpm's jump.


Easy Rider

Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Jan 15, 2008
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

I have a wet nitrous kit that I used on one of my karts and I took it off after blowing an expensive reed cage,3 rings, a couple of pistons and 2 cylinders. The only scary part was after you depress the button, there's a 3 second delay meaning the kart kept pulling like a freight train after you let off the button. To me that was pretty scary especially going into a turn and the sucker keeps pulling. I evenually learned to use it wisely but it was a costly collecting dust!



Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

You know if we all had nitrous any time we got pulled over by the police we could let out a little bit of that gas and get the police to laughing and who knows they might even want to ride the bike...................

Easy Rider

Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Jan 15, 2008
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

I have a Nitrous set-up on my stretch. I installed it more for looks than function. I does work and adds some boost to the motor. I haven't shot all of it at once....just in spurts. As I'm riding I can reach down and press the button and instantly hear and feel the rpm's jump.
Red, How many shots do you think you get out of one cartridge?


Active Member
Dec 28, 2007
Sunshine State
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

Red, How many shots do you think you get out of one cartridge?
I haven't really used it to it fullest capability. I mainly wanted it on there for looks. I have shot small bursts, probably 5-6 shots per cartridge. The cartridges are the same as whip-its, our local "Head Shop" (ie:tobacco shop) carries the cartridges 24 to a box for $9.99 (much cheaper than Ebay). Don't ask for may ask to leave the store!! Tell them you are making "Home-Made Whip Cream".
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LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

You were all talking about letting out a shot of nitrous when stoped by the cops. Heck I let out a different type of gas when stopped. Maybe why the police don't bother me too much.:confused:rotfl


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

Norman is the only person I know that can pass gas on demand. Ya'll probably think I'm making this up but I'm not, it's true, I've heard him do it lots of times. We had a friend that had one them little machines that makes those kinds of noises. He had it in his pocket and told us to pardon him because he was having serious stomach problems and he would push the button. Norman told him that was alright and lifted his leg and ripped one. Just to make Fred feel better. Now thats a friend. A friend with "special" talent.............................rotflrotfl

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

Norman is the only person I know that can pass gas on demand. Ya'll probably think I'm making this up but I'm not, it's true, I've heard him do it lots of times. We had a friend that had one them little machines that makes those kinds of noises. He had it in his pocket and told us to pardon him because he was having serious stomach problems and he would push the button. Norman told him that was alright and lifted his leg and ripped one. Just to make Fred feel better. Now thats a friend. A friend with "special" talent.............................rotflrotfl
That's for another thread-


steel rat

New Member
Mar 20, 2008
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

Hey Tinkerer Cool kit on ebay Thanks now I know how make the parts for mine to work which is a bike tire inflater JC whitney sells in their bike catalog for 15.95 The nitrous cartridges sell 25 for 12 to 14 bucks on line thru many sources and Target carrlies them.

Easy Rider

Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Jan 15, 2008
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

Norman is the only person I know that can pass gas on demand.
Now that's an art form that takes talent! There's only a few chosen ones that can perform such a task! Sensei Norm please teach this grasshopper your secrets! :D


LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

onions, beans, cabbage, beer. **** just breath deep, water will do it for me. Grasshopper
Don't light a match or you'll leave a flaming trail!

Mini hog

New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Milbank SD
Re: Nitous Oxide Injection

OK, I understand that nos gives a good boost, but do I need to add some extra fuel so it dosent lean out and burn a piston?? If I could swap out a bigger jet but then it would run rich all the time while not using nos. Or can I just shoot the nos in and not have to worry?