I voted fair weather, BA.
Today I was reading about DAX engines on other threads, pro and con, etc.
I ordered a 50cc to keep things mellow. Since there was some criticism of DAX I decided to check my head torque, it was about 15/16 ft lbs. Took off the head and measured the bore and stroke.. My engine has a 48mm bore and a 38mm stroke. I'm the owner of a 68.76 cc ht. I guess they thought I was making a bad choice going for the 50 because I'm a big dude, or maybe the 50's are not easily found anymore, after all, most people will automatically go for the 'bigger' engine. There is no head gasket, but the surfaces look good enough not to really need one, also the head has a lip that fits into the cylinder by maybe .8 mm or so.
I guess I'll reinstall the head, torque it to about 12 ft lbs and enjoy the displacement. I kinda wanted a 50, though.
One other thing, the cylinder wall hasn't been crosshatched. It's chromed.
No wonder it takes 3 tanks of gas to seat the rings.