New from Wyoming


Doug in Wyoming
Hello from the base of the Big Horn Mountains. I am pretty excited to have found this forum. This past winter I completed my first attempt in building a motorized bike. I started with a Dyno Cruiser and really enjoyed the process and end result. Am anxious to do it again, but with a little more flair this time. I would appreciate any information on non traditional gas tank ideas as well as non typical springer front forks.
welcome to the forum. i am at work so cannot look right now but i am sure i saw a post on making a springer front end and we have some people that make awesome gas tanks. glad to have you with us
Thanks for the reply. Being new I am enjoying looking at all the pictures and seeing what others have done. I started like many I imagine with a search on ebay for motorized bicycle and was taken with the fun of building my own.

Only wish that I had found this site earlier.
Welcome to the forum, lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. I'm about to start my 3rd bike. It's addictive.......................:D
Hello, I am in cody and i have 2 dax motors the first one is on my shcwinn spoiler my second one is on my wallyworld Moondog. The moondog also has a wilderness energy hub motor along with the Dax 70cc talk about the ultimate in lazy. I never have to pedal the bike. when i figure out how to post pic's i'll be sure to show them.(c)
Welcome to the forum I lived for 20 years in Wyoming 14 in Linch and 6 in Gillette I miss the nice summer days but not the cold ass winters. You live in Buffalo or Sheridan?
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