New CDI and coil combo for racing available!

Ok, now. The real question is. The price, the jag and yours are both about the same. I don't disagree that one is better than the other. Quality wise, advancement, retardation. ect but being the same price gives a choice between the two. I'm cheap, if you lowered the price even by 10 you'd get more buyers and guarantee people would buy yours. I know money is needed and time, development. Ect but hey. Just my 2¢
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Ok, now. The real question is. The price, the jag and yours are both about the same. I don't disagree that one is better than the other. Quality wise, advancement, retardation. ect but being the same price gives a choice between the two. I'm cheap, if you lowered the price even by 10 you'd get more buyers and guarantee people would buy yours. I know money is needed and time, development. Ect but hey. Just my 2¢

I've owned my business for 17 years, my ex business partner always thought to whore out our price before standing tall and showing that our product is worth the cost and backed with a great warranty. I bought him out 16 years ago, he started his own shop and was out of business in another year.

I have a lighting Cdi in my possession and its a quality product made by someone that is available to talk with you before and after purchase and is only interested in making a superior product. It's my opinion this void in the Cdi market has finally been filled by building a made in the USA Cdi capable of either retard or advanced timing and is worth every penny that's asked for one.

However, that does leave the market open for a Cdi built with less quality parts and the maker would never even need to answer his phone. Would that be worth $10.00 or $20.00 dollars less? Not for me.

I concur Dan man. Its true I do talk a lot to my customers and here's the real kicker!!!
JNMOTORS is OUT OF STOCK and I sent him a offer just today to become one of my
retailers. He did reply.
And that is how you play kick the CAT.
What is weird to me is that the maker of the HD offers no real info on the product other than to say the timing is more advanced and then to take his word that its "better".
The truth is that "better" is totally dependant on what engine it is to match. Professional tuners strive to get the engine dangerously close to detonation for the best power but they have all the pro gauges necessary. Too advanced causes detonation as well as too much compression. Detonation causes erosion of the piston and head until it finally makes a hole in the piston top. Click on the photo below to enlarge it.


  • detonation.jpg
    100.5 KB · Views: 195
Ok, now. The real question is. The price, the jag and yours are both about the same. I don't disagree that one is better than the other. Quality wise, advancement, retardation. ect but being the same price gives a choice between the two. I'm cheap, if you lowered the price even by 10 you'd get more buyers and guarantee people would buy yours. I know money is needed and time, development. Ect but hey. Just my 2¢

I don't know if price is really a guarantee to get more buyers. For example, you see two TVs in the store, both priced the same, but one is a Sony brand and the other is a Bonsonic brand.

Which one do you (or would you) buy?

If the Bonsonic brand is $10 cheaper, would that change your purchasing opinion?

EDIT: after reading my post, I guess it might make a difference to some people, that's why WalMart is in business.
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I don't know if price is really a guarantee to get more buyers. For example, you see two TVs in the store, both priced the same, but one is a Sony brand and the other is a Bonsonic brand.

Which one do you (or would you) buy?

If the Bonsonic brand is $10 cheaper, would that change your purchasing opinion?

EDIT: after reading my post, I guess it might make a difference to some people, that's why WalMart is in business.

Id buy Sony, aka the jag, more information about it, been around longer. But besides the obvious. if huffy, and or Fred provided some test results between the stock cdi the jag and the lightning. I wouldn't think twice about what I'd buy. I'd like to buy the lightning but lack of information about it keeps me at bay. Is it tunable? Can it be made waterproof? Pictures of the inside? Vibration resistant?
I concur Dan man. Its true I do talk a lot to my customers and here's the real kicker!!!
JNMOTORS is OUT OF STOCK and I sent him a offer just today to become one of my
retailers. He did reply.
And that is how you play kick the CAT.


Go get-em HuffyD..... we gotcha back brother......!

Id buy Sony, aka the jag, more information about it, been around longer. But besides the obvious. if huffy, and or Fred provided some test results between the stock cdi the jag and the lightning. I wouldn't think twice about what I'd buy. I'd like to buy the lightning but lack of information about it keeps me at bay. Is it tunable? Can it be made waterproof? Pictures of the inside? Vibration resistant?

I've run the jag desighn with the timing retarded and I have the Huffy Davidson Lightening CDI, with the Jag and timing retarded I seen simullar low to mid range power and response, but where the HD's Lightening shines is on the top end, I saw a 5-6MPH top speed increase with no other mods when I switched from the Jag design to the HD's Lightening CDI, HuffyD aint just blowing smoke up peoples back sides here, I have tested them both with solid GPS speed readings and honest seat of the pants experienced difference in performance, dont expect any CDI to smooth out a badly balanced engien with a crap crankshaft that limits engine RPM due to severe vibrations, and dont expect to run 50MPH with a stock china girl with a junky restrictive kit exhaust pipe with no mods to it and no port work or carb tuning to the engine, it wont happen for ya.

But.......! if you have a good running engine that has the correct mods done to it such as well tuned carb and especially if you have one of the better balanced engines from Neil aka ( motorbicycleracing ) or from Duane at thatsdax with a free flowing exhaust and correct gearing you will see nice upper end improvements over a jag design ignition, bottom line is that the HD's Lightening is an excellent product and I am confident that once the dyno test is done between the two the results will show in numbers what I already know to be true and that is that the HD's Lightening is a better performing CDI plain and simple, getting one isnt a gamble it a wise investment in better performance for your bike and the some will enjoy that like myself an others will just sit back and doubt and criticize not having a clue what they are talking about and will miss out on an excellent product made here in the USA by an excellent and straight up fella known here as HuffyDavidson........ I'm shooting straight from the hip here guys and gals, I aint no paid spokesman but for those of you who are doubting the statements from me and others here concerning the CDI I say quit flopping around and trying to state facts or fiction you read somewhere or digging up things that apply to other engines and so forth, these china girls aint the average 2 smoker and believe it or not somethings dont apply to these china HT's it looks good and sound good but isnt effective in practice, these engines are crude but several people have found great performance with them through trial and error so throw down the high end tuning manuals and just follow the lead of others here that have found solutions and products that really do make a nice difference, no need to reinvent the wheel here.

Buy the HD's Lightening with confidence people, it is a great product that does what is claimed, its a solid runner and is an improvement over the Jag.. period.

This forum is way too opinionated. Bunch of old stubborn people. I'll buy the Damn lightning when sbp gets it. That Sony comparison was between the jag and your lightning just for the record. remember your cdi is still fairly new. NOT including development.
This forum is way too opinionated. Bunch of old stubborn people...

erm... well... I might be old n'stubborn but the entire forum isn't and they've mostly not posted in this thread lol

Remember, it'd be jus' the folks with an opinion that would bother to state it & I'm pretty sure that's part of what a forum is for ;)
erm... well... I might be old n'stubborn but the entire forum isn't and they've mostly not posted in this thread lol

Remember, it'd be jus' the folks with an opinion that would bother to state it & I'm pretty sure that's part of what a forum is for ;)

Lol, point well taken :) now back on topic!!! Haha
This forum is way too opinionated. Bunch of old stubborn people. I'll buy the Damn lightning when sbp gets it. That Sony comparison was between the jag and your lightning just for the record. remember your cdi is still fairly new. NOT including development.

You wont regret getting the HD's Lightening CDI, its a well made product, if it wasn't I would not sing its praises.

Opinions are like b... holes, everyone has one.....LOL! and that is one of the purposes of this great forum, here we can express many opinions and experiences with thing we buy, things we make and things we use which are covered by the first two examples.

On the stubborn subject....... If you walked outside, looked up and seen a bright blue sky and then walked back inside and made mention of how beautiful of a day it was because of that bright blue sky, and if someone challenged you on whether there was actually a bright blue sky out or not, would you consider it an unproven "stubborn" opinion that the sky was bright blue as you had said or would you say that what you had spoken of was actually a fact?

Myths and fiction die pretty quick around here and the ones of us that have the HD's Lightening CDI's have nothing but excellent things to say about them and because we are using them, our statements aren't just opinion, facts are facts and the truth is that the HD's Lightening CDI is a nice well made product, that does what it is claimed to do, its not magic and wont turn a turd motor into a high RPM screaming Beast, but if you have a good engine that is RPM restricted because of timing retard issues, this CDI will improve your performance.

Ok. But the question I asked earlier, can it be made water proof? I'm gonna buy it either way but I'd like to know. I'm sure it can. Can anyone post pictures of the openings in the box where the wires come out? Oh and even though it says for racing. Would this be alright for regular cruising?
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It's already WATERPROOF .
How you ask?
The enter components are put in the box and then theres is magical thing I do a poor black epoxy inside the box just like the stock CDI this way no one can steal my design and its weatherproof.
It was a simplistic idea by the Chinese we couldn't get into theirs you're not getting into mine.
I almost order red and green dye for holidays.